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package smr.plugin;
import nsc.Global
import nsc.Phase
import nsc.plugins.Plugin
import nsc.plugins.PluginComponent
import nsc.transform._
import nsc.symtab.Flags._
class SerOverride(val global: Global) extends Plugin {
private[hadoop] def runMapReduce[K1,V1,K2,V2,K3,V3](paths : Array[Path],
m: Mapper[K1,V1,K2,V2],
r: Reduce[K2,V2,K3,V3])
(implicit mk2:Manifest[K2], mv2:Manifest[V2],
mk3:Manifest[K3], mv3:Manifest[V3]) = {
implicit val jobConf = new JobConf(conf, m.getFunClass);
val outputPath = genDir;
private[hadoop] def runMapReduce[K1,V1,K2,V2,K3,V3](paths : Array[Path],
m: Mapper[K1,V1,K2,V2],
r: Reduce[K2,V2,K3,V3])
(implicit mk2:Manifest[K2], mv2:Manifest[V2],
mk3:Manifest[K3], mv3:Manifest[V3]) = {
implicit val jobConf = new JobConf(conf, m.getFunClass);
val outputPath = genDir;
A gnostic was seated before a grammarian. The grammarian
said, ‘A word must be one of three things: either it is a noun, a
verb, or a particle.’ The gnostic tore his robe and cried, “Alas!
Twenty years of my life and striving and seeking have gone to the
winds, for I laboured greatly in the hope that there was another
word outside of this. Now you have destroyed my hope.’ Though
the gnostic had already attained the word which was his purpose,
he spoke thus in order to arouse the grammarian.
-- Rumi, trans. A.J. Arberry
implicit class RichString(s: String) extends RandomAccessSeq[Char] {
def apply(x: Int) = s.charAt(x);
// whatever
var foo = 3;
def twiddle = { foo += 1; foo }
implicit class RichString(s: String) extends RandomAccessSeq[Char] {
def apply(x: Int) = s.charAt(x);
// whatever
var foo = 3;
def twiddle = { foo += 1; foo }
def producerToIterator[L](prod : =>L):Iterator[L] = new Iterator[L] {
private var current: Option[L] = None
def hasNext = current != None || {
current = prod match {
case null => None
case x => Some(x);
current != None;
def improve(image: Image, desc: String) = for {
page = generateImprovementPage(image,desc);
improvement <- runHits(page)
} yield improvement;
def vote(improvement: Improvement) = for {
page = generateVotingPage(improvement);
v <- runHits(page);
} yield v;
>>I am getting stuck in interpreting joint and conditional probabilities while trying to understand some
>>language modeling stuff. Given w (the words in a corpus of documents), and z (the topics), and T (the number
>>of topics), how would you interpret the following: (1) P(*w*|T), (2) P(*w*|*z*, T) and (3) P(*z*|*w*, T)?
First, bayes rule:
p(z|w,t) = p(w|z,t)p(z|t)/p(w|t)
"the posterior probability is proportional to the prior probability (p(z|T)) times conditional likelihood (p(w|z,T))" The other term makes it normalize.
package implicitfuck;
import metascala.Nats._;
import metascala.TLists._;
object ImplicitFuck {
type < = _0 // Left
type > = _1 // Right
type |# = _2 // while
type #| = _3 // end while
type + = _4 // inc