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Created September 16, 2010 17:54
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Test files for sbcl-win32-threads
;(sb-alien:define-alien-routine ("odprint" odprint) sb-alien:void (msg sb-alien:c-string))
(defun cons-lot (stream char)
;(odprint (format nil "in cons-lot, char is ~A" char))
(sleep 2)
(loop repeat 1
for ar = (make-array (* 1024 1024 1) :initial-element 0)
do (loop for i from 0 below (length ar) do (setf (aref ar i) 123)))
(format stream "~A" char)
(finish-output stream)
(sleep 0.1)
(defun non-consing-loop (stream char)
(loop repeat (expt 10 8))
(format stream "~A" char)
(finish-output stream)
(sleep 0.1)))
(defun threaded-cons-lot (n)
with stream = *standard-output*
repeat n
for i from 0
for c = (code-char (+ i (char-code #\A)))
;do (odprint "creating thread")
do (let ((c c)) (sb-thread:make-thread (lambda () (cons-lot stream c))))
;do (odprint "created thread")
(with-open-file (f "diasm.txt" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
(let ((*standard-output* f))
(disassemble 'cons-lot)))
(defconstant +n+ 3)
(sleep 1)
(let ((output *standard-output*))
(sb-thread:make-thread (lambda () (non-consing-loop output #\+))))
(threaded-cons-lot (1- +n+))
;(odprint "threads started, now cons myself")
(cons-lot *standard-output* (code-char (+ (1- +n+) (char-code #\A))))
(use-package :sb-thread)
(declaim (optimize (debug 3)) (notinline mm ml ct mct noisefn))
(defun mm ()
(cons t t))
(defun ml (mom-mark)
(list (make-array 24 :initial-element mom-mark)))
(defun ct (semaphore parent kid-mark)
(wait-on-semaphore semaphore)
(let ((old (symbol-value-in-thread 'this-is-new parent)))
(setf (symbol-value-in-thread 'this-is-new parent)
(make-array 24 :initial-element kid-mark))
(defun mct (semaphore parent kid-mark)
(lambda () (ct semaphore parent kid-mark)))
(defvar *running* nil)
(defun noisefn ()
(loop while t
do (setf * (make-array 1024))
;; Busy-wait a bit so we don't TOTALLY flood the
;; system with GCs: a GC occurring in the middle of
;; S-V-I-T causes it to start over -- we want that
;; to occur occasionally, but not _all_ the time.
(loop repeat (random 128)
do (setf ** *))))
;(disassemble 'noisefn)
(defun run ()
(let* ((parent *current-thread*)
(semaphore (make-semaphore))
(*running* t)
(noise nil))
(setf noise (make-thread 'noisefn))
(write-string "; ")
(dotimes (i 600000)
(when (zerop (mod i 20))
(write-char #\.)
(let* ((mom-mark (mm))
(kid-mark (mm))
(child (make-thread (mct semaphore parent kid-mark))))
(progv '(this-is-new) (ml mom-mark)
(signal-semaphore semaphore)
(assert (eq mom-mark (aref (join-thread child) 0)))
(assert (eq kid-mark (aref (symbol-value 'this-is-new) 0))))))
(setf *running* nil)
(join-thread noise)))
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