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Last active July 21, 2016 16:30
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Suggest next move for Blackjack - Coder Radio Challenge for Episode #214
#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
-- Coder Radio Challenge for Episode #214
-- To run make this file executable and run ./blackjask.hs
-- runhaskell and ghci are required
-- This program considers a players hand which can be more one or more cards
-- containing one ore more Aces.
-- Only the first shown dealer card is considered.
-- Situtations where the dealer takes a hit are not calculated but the initial
-- dealer card could be changed to determine the next play.
-- Hard hand totals are totals without an Ace in hand.
-- Soft hand totals are totals with one or more Aces in hand.
-- Ace is equal to 11 in calculating soft totals.
-- For String to Card parsing
import Text.Read
-- For better getLine input
import System.IO
-- To keep it simple, the Card can either be a number value or an Ace
data Card = C Int | Ace deriving (Show, Read)
-- A Hand is a list of cards
data Hand = H [Card] deriving (Show, Read)
-- The play can be the following Hit, Stand, Double or Split
data Play = Hit | Stand | Double | Split deriving Show
-- Totals can be Soft or Hard
data Total = Soft Int | Hard Int deriving Show
-- Monoid typeclass used for finding Hand total
instance Monoid Total where
mempty = Hard 0
mappend (Hard i1) (Hard i2) = Hard (i1 + i2)
mappend (Hard i1) (Soft i2) = Soft (i1 + i2)
mappend (Soft i1) (Hard i2) = Soft (i1 + i2)
mappend (Soft i1) (Soft i2) = Soft (i1 + i2)
nextPlay :: Hand -- ^ Players hand
-> Card -- ^ Dealers shown card
-> Play
nextPlay (H (x:y:[])) = nextPlayForOpeningHand (x,y) -- Opening hand
nextPlay h = nextPlayForTotal $ (totalHand h) -- Use total to determine Play
-- Determine the next play given a total
nextPlayForTotal :: Total -> Card -> Play
nextPlayForTotal (Hard p) (C d) -- No Aces
| p <= 8 = Hit
| p == 9 && (d == 2 || d > 6) = Hit
| p == 9 && (d > 2 || d < 7) = Double
| p == 10 && d < 10 = Double
| p == 10 && d == 10 = Hit
| p == 11 = Double
| p == 12 && (d < 4 || d > 6) = Hit
| p == 12 && (d > 3 || d < 7) = Stand
| (p >= 13 && p <= 16) && d < 7 = Stand
| (p >= 13 && p <= 16) && d > 6 = Hit
| p >= 17 = Stand
nextPlayForTotal (Hard p) Ace -- Dealer shows Ace
| p < 11 = Hit
| p == 11 = Double
| p > 11 && p < 17 = Hit
| p >= 17 = Stand
-- If an Ace is involved then we need to consider "Soft" totals.
-- Consider Ace as an 11 for Soft totals
nextPlayForTotal (Soft p) (C d) -- Dealer not showing ace
| p > 21 = nextPlayForTotal (Soft (p `mod` 21)) (C d) -- Greater than 21
| p < 13 = Hit -- Small Soft total
| (p == 13 || p == 14) && (d < 5 || d > 6) = Hit -- A,2 and A,3
| (p == 13 || p == 14) && (d == 5 || d == 6) = Double -- A,2 and A,3
| (p == 15 || p == 16) && (d < 4 || d > 6) = Hit -- A,4 and A,5
| (p == 15 || p == 16) && (d > 3 || d < 7) = Double -- A,4 and A,5
| p == 17 && (d == 2 || d > 6) = Hit -- A,6
| p == 17 && (d > 2 || d < 7) = Double -- A,6
| p == 18 && d > 8 = Hit -- A,7
| p == 18 && (d < 7 && d > 2) = Double -- A,7
| p == 18 && (d == 2 || d == 7 || d == 8) = Stand -- A,7
| p >= 19 = Stand -- A,8 and A,9
nextPlayForTotal (Soft p) Ace = -- Dealer shows Ace
nextPlayForTotal (Soft p) (C 10) -- Same results as if the Dealer had a 10
-- Determine the next play given an opening hand
nextPlayForOpeningHand :: (Card,Card) -> Card -> Play
nextPlayForOpeningHand (Ace,Ace) _ = Split -- Dealt two Aces. You lucky duck!
nextPlayForOpeningHand (c, Ace) d = -- Dealt Ace as second card,
nextPlayForOpeningHand (Ace,c) d -- same as getting Ace as the first card
nextPlayForOpeningHand (C p1, C p2) (C d) -- Not dealt ace
| p1 /= p2 = -- Only consider pairs as special opening hands
nextPlayForTotal (totalHand (H [C p1,C p2])) (C d)
| (p1 == 2 || p1 == 3 || p1 == 7) && d < 8 = Split
| (p1 == 2 || p1 == 3 || p1 == 7) && d > 7 = Hit
| p1 == 4 && (d < 5 || d > 6) = Hit
| p1 == 4 && (d == 5 || d == 6) = Split
| p1 == 5 && d < 10 = Double
| p1 == 5 && d == 10 = Hit
| p1 == 6 && d < 7 = Split
| p1 == 6 && d > 6 = Hit
| p1 == 8 = Split
| p1 == 9 && (d == 7 || d == 10) = Stand
| p1 == 9 && (d < 7 || d == 8 || d == 9) = Split
| p1 == 10 = Stand
| otherwise = -- Not a special starting hand
nextPlayForTotal (totalHand (H [C p1,C p2])) (C d)
nextPlayForOpeningHand (C p1, C p2) Ace -- Not dealt ace and dealer shows Ace
| p1 == p2 && p1 < 8 = Hit
| p1 == p2 && p1 == 8 = Split
| p1 == p2 && (p1 == 9 || p1 == 10) = Stand
nextPlayForOpeningHand (p1,p2) d = nextPlayForTotal (totalHand (H [p1,p2])) d
-- Get the total for a hand
totalHand :: Hand -> Total
totalHand (H []) = mempty
totalHand (H ((C i):xs)) = (Hard i) `mappend` (totalHand (H xs))
totalHand (H ((Ace):xs)) = (Soft 11) `mappend` (totalHand (H xs))
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "'g' to show grid"
putStrLn "'b' to build custom hand"
putStrLn "'q' to quit"
hSetBuffering stdin LineBuffering
mainMenuInput <- getLine
case mainMenuInput of
"g" -> generateDecisionGrid >> putStrLn "" >> main
"b" -> do
putStrLn "Enter player's hand in the format [C 2,C 3,C 4,Ace]: "
handInput <- getLine
case (parseHand ("H " ++ handInput)) of
Nothing -> putStrLn "Failed to parse hand.\n" >> main
Just hand -> do
putStrLn $ "Player has hand: " ++ show hand
putStrLn $ "Enter card dealer is showing in the format \"C 1\" or \"Ace\":"
dealerInput <- getLine
case (parseCard dealerInput) of
Nothing -> putStrLn "Failed to parse card.\n" >> main
Just dealerCard -> do
putStrLn $ "Dealer shows: " ++ show dealerCard
putStrLn $ "The next play is: " ++ (show $ nextPlay hand dealerCard)
putStrLn "" >> main
"q" -> putStrLn "Goodbye"
otherwise -> do
putStrLn $ "Didn't understand '" ++ otherwise ++ "'."
putStrLn "Please try again.\n"
-- Naive String parser for Card and Hand
parseCard :: String -> Maybe Card
parseCard s = (readMaybe s) :: Maybe Card
parseHand :: String -> Maybe Hand
parseHand s = (readMaybe s) :: Maybe Hand
generateDecisionGrid :: IO ()
generateDecisionGrid = do
header "Hard totals"
mapM_ (putStrLn . show . rowHard) [8..17]
header "\nSoft totals"
mapM_ (putStrLn . show . rowSoft) [2..9]
header "\n Pairs"
mapM_ (putStrLn . show . rowPair) [2..10]
(putStrLn . show) $ rowPairAces
header "\nObvious hard totals"
mapM_ (putStrLn . show . rowHard) $ [4..7] ++ [18..21]
header "\nUnusual soft totals (Multiple Aces in hand)"
mapM_ (putStrLn . show . rowSoft) $ [1] ++ [10..31]
rowHard i = (show i) ++ ": " ++ show ([nextPlayForTotal (Hard i) (C d) | d <- [2..10]])
++ " " ++ show (nextPlayForTotal (Hard i) Ace)
rowSoft i = "A," ++ (show i) ++ ": "
++ show ([nextPlayForTotal (Soft (i+11)) (C d) | d <- [2..10]]) ++ " "
++ show (nextPlayForTotal (Soft (i+11)) Ace)
rowPair i = (show i) ++ "," ++ (show i) ++ ": "
++ show ([nextPlayForOpeningHand (C i,C i) (C d) | d <- [2..10]]) ++ " "
++ show (nextPlayForOpeningHand (C i,C i) Ace)
rowPairAces = "Ace,Ace: "
++ show ([nextPlayForOpeningHand (Ace,Ace) (C d) | d <- [2..10]]) ++ " "
++ show (nextPlayForOpeningHand (Ace,Ace) Ace)
header s = do
putStrLn $ s ++ "\n==========="
putStrLn $ "##### " ++ show [2..10] ++ " Ace"
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