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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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class BinaryTree
constructor: () ->
class BinaryTreeNode extends BinaryTree
constructor: (@value, @left, @right) ->Object.freeze(@)
isEmpty: () -> false
depth: () -> 1 + Math.max(@left.depth(), @right.depth())
count: () -> 1 + @left.count() + @right.count()
inorder: (fn) -> @left.inorder(fn); fn(@value); @right.inorder(fn)
preorder: (fn) -> fn(@value); @left.preorder(fn); @right.preorder(fn)
postorder: (fn) -> @left.postorder(fn); @right.postorder(fn); fn(@value)
contains: (x) ->
return true if x == @value
return @right.contains(x) if x > @value
return @left.contains(x)
insert: (x) ->
if x > @value
return new BinaryTreeNode(@value, @left, @right.insert(x))
return new BinaryTreeNode(@value, @left.insert(x), @right)
remove: (x) ->
if x < @value and @left.contains x
return new BinaryTreeNode(@value, @left.remove(x), @right)
if x > @value and @right.contains x
return new BinaryTreeNode(@value, @left, @right.remove(x))
return this unless x == @value
return @left if @right.isEmpty()
return @right if @left.isEmpty()
left_values = []
@left.postorder (v) -> left_values.push v
left_values = left_values.sort (a, b) -> a - b
max_left = left_values.pop()
result = new BinaryTreeNode(max_left, new EmptyBinaryTree(), @right)
for v in left_values
result = result.insert v
class EmptyBinaryTree extends BinaryTree
constructor: () -> Object.freeze(@)
isEmpty: () -> true
depth: () -> 0
count: () -> 0
inorder: (fn) ->
preorder: (fn) ->
postorder: (fn) ->
contains: (x) -> false
insert: (x) -> new BinaryTreeNode(x, this, this)
remove: (x) -> this
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