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Created July 12, 2022 21:20
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Challenge description

Custom Protocol

I like to implement crypto myself. Please, take a look at my new
implementation. It looks amazing, right?
  • Category: Cryptography
  • Points: 420
  • Solves: 5


Another year, another GoogleCTF write-up, it's becoming somewhat of a personal tradition! This year I went for a Cryptography challenge and spent like 12 rough hours on it during the weekend. Playing as "i dont even like computers" I was happy to get the third solve for this interesting challenge by @pedroysb

Quick Summary / TLDR

The challenge consists of a server implementing several cryptographic operations. The signing operation has a small bug we can use to recover the private key with a coppersmith style lattice attack on a trivariate polynomial.


Provided Options

The challenge comes with three files where the main logic is implemented in In the main function first an RSA key is generated. Then the script enters the operation_loop. Here we as users can select from six options. Lets start off by analyzing the options we have:

  1. "Get Public key", it prints $n$ and $e$
  2. "Get Encrypted flag"
  • The server first generates a random hmac_key, then call parse (I'll analyze parse and unparse a bit later) on the flag and finally applies textbook RSA encryption to the parsed message.
  1. "Decrypt flag"
  • We can send a message to the server, the server uses the CRT to decrypt the message (textbook RSA) and then unparses it. If the HMAC verifies and the plain text in the message is the flag the server tells us everything went okay, else it prints an error.
  1. "Get signed flag"
  • The server generates a random hmac_key and parses and signs the message first mod p and then again mod q. Then both parts are combined using the CRT and the result is returned to the user. The server then also checks with an assert if the signature is valid.
  1. "Verify signed flag"
  • Again we send a message to the server, the server undoes the signing operation by raising the message to the public exponent. Next the server unparsed the message and verifies the HMAC with the supplied key in the message. The server then tells us if the verification succeeded.
  1. "Exit", It just exits

Parsing and Unparsing

  • Parsing (serializing) a message really just means filling in the fields of the protobuf specified message format. Interestingly the message includes a nonce, which is generated by computing a HMAC over the current time.

  • Unparsing (deserializing) reverses the operation, creating a python class


  • Option 1 gets us the public key.
  • Option 2 seemed kinda interesting because of the textbook RSA encryption, I tried to play with this for a while. But since parts of the message are random each time you encrypt could not come up with an attack here.
  • Option 3 and 5 basically always fail for each message not directly generated by the server so again no luck here.

Option 4 is very suspicious though, the CRT is supposed to combine signatures on $m\bmod p$ and $m\bmod q$ as $m^d \bmod n$. Most of the time this is indeed what happens here, but note that parse is called twice. This means one of the nonces may be different from the other (remember the nonce comes from the current time). Thus it may happen that the CRT combines two different signed messages!

def get_sig():
     return int(r.recvline().split(b'=')[1].strip(), 16)

def verify(d):
    return b'success' in r.recvline()

while True:
    sig = get_sig()
    if not verify(sig):

What is also interesting is that the assert doesn't matter, we already have the output of the signature and the encrypted flag. Furthermore even if we didn't have the latter the server doesn't even exit because we are in a try ... except: pass block.

Faulty Signatures

When different messages are signed and combined the server computes a faulty signature on the flag. Lets say the server gives us $s$ such that $s\bmod p\equiv m_1^{dp}$ and $s\bmod q\equiv m_2^{dq}$ Then we have:

$$ s^e \equiv m_1 \bmod p \Rightarrow s^e - m_1 \equiv 0 \bmod p $$

but also:

$$ s^e \equiv m_2 \bmod q \Rightarrow s^e - m_1 \not\equiv 0 \bmod q $$

So $p\mid (s^e - m_1)$ but $q\nmid (s^e - m_1)$ so $gcd(s^e - m_1, N) = p$, meaning we can recover the secret key to decrypt any message.

But the server does not give us $m_1$, so we cannot immediately perform this attack, that said, in the message there are only three unknowns which we can bound since we know their length in bytes:

  • 20 bytes of HMAC digest
  • 20 bytes of Nonce
  • 16 bytes of HMAC key

We can define $M_{base}$ as the number where all these unknown bytes are 0. The problem then reduces to finding a root modulo a hidden divisor of the RSA modulus to the polynomial

$$ f = s^e - (M_{base} + 2^{1184}x + 2^{2472}y + 2^{3736}z) $$

Many crypto ctfers will recognize this as a problem to be solved by Coppersmith, Howgrave-Graham and Hermann & May with $\beta = 0.5$

mbase = 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

B = 2**(296*4)
C = 2**(618*4)
D = 2**(934*4)

A = mbase - pow(sig, e, n)
PR = PolynomialRing(Integers(n), 'x, y, z')
x, y, z = PR.gens()
f = A + B*x + C*y + D*z
f /= B
f = f.change_ring(Integers())

However I could not get any of the public implementations of multivariate polynomial root finding to work. After some time I then found this paper by Takayasu and Kunihiro where they build on the results of Hermann and Mays by only adding polynomials to the matrix based on a new criterion computed from the bound we have of the root size.

X = [2**160, 2**160, 2**128]
G = [RealField(20)(log(x, 2**4096)) for x in X]
m = 5
t = 1
b = 0.5
PX = PolynomialRing(Integers(), 'x, y, z')
xn, yn, zn = PX.gens()
g2 = (G[1] + G[2]) / 2

monomials = []
polys = []
for i1, i2, i3 in itertools.product(range(m+1), repeat=3):
    monomials.append(xn**i1 * yn**i2 * zn**i3)
    if sum([i1, i2, i3]) > m:
    cond2 = G[0]*i1 + g2*(i2+i3)
    if 0 > cond2 or cond2 > b*t:
    g = yn**i2 * zn**i3 * f**i1 * n**max(t-i1, 0)
    if g != 0:
        # assert g(dig,non,key) % p == 0

Now I'm note quite sure if this is required (no polynomials appear to be discarded). However with this strategy of building and selecting monomials standard implementations of LLL and root finding methods based on groebner bases are able to find the roots to the polynomial within a couple of minutes. Which can then be used to find $p$, then we can decrypt the flag.

# Note: hacked a bit to remove all zero columns and also return the indices of
# those columns
L, to_delete = small_roots.fill_lattice(polys, monomials, X)
monomials = [mon for i, mon in enumerate(monomials) if i not in to_delete]
L = small_roots.reduce(L)
polynomials = small_roots.reconstruct_polynomials(L, f, monomials, X)

for roots in small_roots.find_roots(polynomials, f.parent(), method='groebner'):
    roots = [roots[r] for r in roots]
    for r in roots:
        print('\t%x' % r)
    p = gcd(f(roots), n)


/path/to/ctfs/googlectf22/custom_protocol/crypto-attacks $ time python
[+] Opening connection to on port 1337: Done
version: "My crypto protocol v0.0.1"
hmac_key: "\331\262\352\351Xq\247\343\240\"\276\007A\357:\355"
oid: "For this encryption oid I am not sure, but I would guess something in between 1.2.840.113549.2.7 and 1.2.840.113549.1.1.5 plus nonce :)."
nonce: "\306l\317\276]\315\231\177I\330W[\327\021M@\213\327\301M"
algorithm_name: "For this encryption algorithm I am not sure, but I would guess something in between hmacWithSHA1 and sha1WithRSAEncryption plus nonce :)."
digest_message: "\226\317\310u[Pb\017V\315\323\340`{\031\250\\N\333\377"
plaintext: "CTF{They_say_never_implement_your_own_crypto...ok_ok_lesson_learned}"

[*] Closed connection to port 1337
INFO:pwnlib.tubes.remote.remote.140567849598736:Closed connection to port 1337
python  230.10s user 1.19s system 73% cpu 5:12.91 total

See also the full code (run from within cypto-attacks)

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from pwn import *
from sage.all import inverse_mod
import itertools
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes as l2b
from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long as b2l
from sage.all import PolynomialRing, Integers, RealField
from sage.all import log, parent, gcd
from shared import small_roots

host = ''
port = 1337
r = remote(host, port)
data = r.recvuntil('>>>')
e = int(r.recvline().split(b'=')[1].strip(), 16)
n = int(r.recvline().split(b'=')[1].strip(), 16)

def get_enc():
    return int(r.recvline().split(b'=')[1].strip(), 16)

def get_sig():
    return int(r.recvline().split(b'=')[1].strip(), 16)

def verify(d):
    return b'success' in r.recvline()

enc = get_enc()
while True:
    sig = get_sig()
    if not verify(sig):

mbase = 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

B = 2**(296*4)
C = 2**(618*4)
D = 2**(934*4)

A = mbase - pow(sig, e, n)
PR = PolynomialRing(Integers(n), 'x, y, z')
x, y, z = PR.gens()
f = A + B*x + C*y + D*z
f /= B
f = f.change_ring(Integers())
X = [2**160, 2**160, 2**128]
G = [RealField(20)(log(x, 2**4096)) for x in X]
m = 5
t = 1
b = 0.5
PX = PolynomialRing(Integers(), 'x, y, z')
xn, yn, zn = PX.gens()
g2 = (G[1] + G[2]) / 2

monomials = []
polys = []
for i1, i2, i3 in itertools.product(range(m+1), repeat=3):
    monomials.append(xn**i1 * yn**i2 * zn**i3)
    if sum([i1, i2, i3]) > m:
    cond2 = G[0]*i1 + g2*(i2+i3)
    if 0 > cond2 or cond2 > b*t:
        print('discarded:', (i1,i2,i3))
    g = yn**i2 * zn**i3 * f**i1 * n**max(t-i1, 0)
    if g != 0:

L, to_delete = small_roots.fill_lattice(polys, monomials, X)
monomials = [mon for i, mon in enumerate(monomials) if i not in to_delete]
L = small_roots.reduce(L)
polynomials = small_roots.reconstruct_polynomials(L, f, monomials, X)

for roots in small_roots.find_roots(polynomials, f.parent(), method='groebner'):
    roots = [roots[r] for r in roots]
    for r in roots:
        print('\t%x' % r)
    p = gcd(f(roots), n)
    q = n // p
    d = inverse_mod(e, (p-1)*(q-1))

    import msgs_pb2
    def unpad(padded_data: bytes, block_size: int) -> bytes:
        #Remove ISO/IEC 7816-4 padding.
        pdata_len = len(padded_data)
        padding_len = pdata_len - padded_data.rfind(b'\x80')
        return padded_data[:-padding_len]

    dec = pow(enc, d, n)
    data = msgs_pb2.RSAEncryptionData()
    data.ParseFromString(unpad(l2b(dec), 512))

The diff for crypto-attacks fill_lattice function:

diff --git a/shared/small_roots/ b/shared/small_roots/
index 2e4771f..6b00e6d 100644
--- a/shared/small_roots/
+++ b/shared/small_roots/
@@ -25,7 +25,12 @@ def fill_lattice(shifts, monomials, bounds):
         for col, monomial in enumerate(monomials):
             B[row, col] = shift.monomial_coefficient(monomial) * monomial(*bounds)

-    return B
+    to_delete = []
+    for i, col in enumerate(B.columns()):
+        if all(c == 0 for c in col):
+            to_delete.append(i)
+    B = B.delete_columns(to_delete)
+    return B, to_delete
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