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Created February 8, 2014 16:59
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Self-contained test of range_velocity values in pyephem
Usage: python [ExportTLEs|exporttles]
import re
import sys
import time
import math
import ephem
import urllib
import datetime
from itertools import izip, count
#Sample TLEs ca. 2014-02-03
lines = [ line.rstrip() for line in """
1 25160U 98007D 14033.23774194 .00000074 00000-0 91275-4 0 3911
2 25160 107.9536 241.0825 0064627 311.1050 144.6915 14.21167072828655
1 26034U 99070C 14033.51828286 .00008891 00000-0 94575-3 0 14
2 26034 98.2209 133.6899 0014527 296.6954 63.2775 14.89134992760942
GOES 2 [-]
1 10061U 77048A 14033.09888698 -.00000285 00000-0 00000+0 0 9402
2 10061 14.4473 340.9297 0012689 287.2582 231.6870 0.99400760 78600
GOES 6 [-]
1 14050U 83041A 14033.40063398 -.00000113 00000-0 00000+0 0 9995
2 14050 14.7558 3.0962 0004166 103.2528 61.8160 1.00327243170765
### Output TLEs for use in another program
if sys.argv[1:] and sys.argv[1].lower()=='exporttles':
tleOutputFilename = 'goes_other.txt'
f = open(tleOutputFilename,'wb')
for line in lines: f.write( '%s\n' % (line,))
sys.stderr.write("Saved TLEs to file %s\n" % (tleOutputFilename,))
### degrees/radian factor
### Select and read GOES and CELESTIS satellites
satellites = []
rgx = re.compile('^(GOES|CELESTIS)')
for num, line in izip(count(),lines):
if rgx.match(line):
### create ephem object from TLE information
satellites.append( ephem.readtle(line, lines[num+1], lines[num+2]) )
### Create Observer under GOES-2
city = ephem.Observer()
city.lon,, city.elevation = '-32.0' , '-2.0' , 0
### Timestep
deltaSeconds = 10
### Run from noon to 4PM on 2014-02-03
### List to save ranges and range_velocities for each satellite;
### Used to calculate delta on next pass through loop
rs = [None]*len(satellites)
rvs = rs[:]
### Lists to save delta ranges, and rate percentage errors
drs = [[],[],[],[]]
fwderrs = [[],[],[],[]]
miderrs = [[],[],[],[]]
bckerrs = [[],[],[],[]]
while t0 < tend: = t0
for iSat,satellite in enumerate(satellites):
### Save last state for satellite
lastr,lastrv = rs[iSat],rvs[iSat]
### Compute state of satellite for city
### convert m/s and m to km/s and km, respectively
rs[iSat],rvs[iSat] = satellite.range/1000., satellite.range_velocity/1000.
### Output data
print ("%s: RangeRate=%10.3fkm/s; Range=%12.3fkm; Sublat,Sublong=%7.2f,%7.2f Elev.=%10.3fkm; Name=%s; datetime=%s"
% (
, rvs[iSat], rs[iSat]
, satellite.sublat*dpr, satellite.sublong*dpr, satellite.elevation/1000.
, t0.__repr__()
### Calculate percentage error of rates vs. difference/deltaTime
### Do nothing if last Range is None
if lastr is None: continue
### Calculate deltaRange three ways: by difference; by two rates (before and after)
dr, fwddr, bckdr = rs[iSat]-lastr, lastrv*deltaSeconds, rvs[iSat]*deltaSeconds
### If delta Range is zero, skip this line and the next
if dr == 0.0:
rs[iSat] = None
### Percentage error function
pct = lambda num,den : 100.0 * (num-den) / den
### Append delta range to appropriate list
### Append percentage errors to appropriate list
### Use mean of before and after for midpoint rate-based delta Range
miderrs[iSat].append(pct((fwddr+bckdr) / 2.,dr))
### Increment time and print a blank line
t0 += deltaTime
print( '' )
### Plot error results
for iSat,satellite in enumerate(satellites):
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
pl.plot( fwderrs[iSat], label='Fwd ' + len(fwderrs[iSat]).__str__() )
pl.plot( bckerrs[iSat], label='Bck ' + len(bckerrs[iSat]).__str__() )
pl.plot( miderrs[iSat], label='Mid ' + len(miderrs[iSat]).__str__() )
pl.xlabel('obs @ 0.1Hz')
pl.ylabel('Error, percent')
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