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Daniel D Reidpath dreidpath

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dreidpath / replicated_analysis.R
Last active October 10, 2015 08:11
Code to loop through a series of dataframe applying an identical analysis to each and storing the regression [lm()] model results in a list
# A student has five imputed datasets. She wanted to know the #
# easiest way to repeat the analysis with each dataset and #
# store the results. This may not be the "easiest" way, but #
# it is a way #
# Create five toy datasets to demonstrate the approach #
dreidpath / mergeall_function.R
Created October 11, 2015 03:27
Merge multiple dataframes into a single "flat file"
# Two functions to merge a series of dataframes. This is needed if you want #
# to create a single "flat file" from multiple dataframes. #
# Create an infix function %<<% that will merge two data frames.
# Note Bene:
# the dataframes to merge must have a shared column with the matched unique
# id named "id". You can vary this name by altering the code on line 12.
# Analysis of Blood glucose / HbA1C data to show that y ~ x is not the same as x ~ y. #
# Author: Daniel D Reidpath, Pascale Allotey, & Mark R Diamond #
# Date: 18 October 2015 #
# This analysis supports a research note (doi: 10.4225/03/56239BD13C5E0)
# Load the data. These are derived from Daramola (2012) and held on the CMU StatLib---Datasets Archive
data <- read.csv('', header=T, sep='\t', skip=30)
dreidpath / returnXinY.R
Created October 20, 2015 03:30
Take an R lm model expressed in terms of y ~ x. Provided values for y, return "estimated" x.
returnXinY <- function(lm_model, y_values){
# This function takes a lm model expressed in terms of y ~ x, and values for y, and returns x
# Given a model of the form y ~ beta.x + alpha, then given values for y, return x = (y-alpha)/beta
# Crazy I know, but there you have it.
if(class(lm_model) != "lm"){
stop("This function requires a lm mode with a single predictor variable (y ~x)")
if(length(unlist(strsplit(toString(lm_model$call[2][[1]]), " "))) > 3){
stop("This function only works with a lm model with a single predictor variable (y ~x)")
# Import a funrction that will take an R lm model expressed in terms of y ~ x. Provided values for y, return "estimated" x.
x <- 0:5 # Comment out this line on the second runs, and uncomment line 6
# x <- c(1, 0, 2:5) # Run this one second, and comment out line 5
cat("Mean of x:", mean(x))
cat("Variance of x:", var(x))
y <- 5:0
dreidpath / NRIC.R
Last active June 3, 2016 09:04
An R script to validate Malaysian National Registration Identity Card numbers
# A series of functions to manage Malaysian National Registration #
# Identity Card Number (NRIC) data. The NRIC was a form #
# YYMMDD-PB-XXXG[*], where YYMMDD are six digits representing the #
# date of birth/registration, PB is a two digit code representing #
# the place of birth XXX is a random digit and G is also a random #
# digit, the if G is even the NRIC is for a female and if it is odd #
# it is for a male. #
# The functions: #
# A Plot of age adjusted ischemic stroke annual incidence (per 100,000) in Malaysia.
# The data come from a paper by Aziz et al. (2015) published in the Journal of Stroke &
# Cerebrovascular Disease. For a discussion see:
year <- 2010:2014
rate <- c(44.94, 49.6, 72.41, 81.94, 126.25)
model1 <- lm(rate ~ year + I(year^2))
plot(year, rate,
dreidpath / uk-pop-variation.R
Created February 24, 2016 02:58
Plot of the percentage variation within age group between the 1993 and 2016 UK populations
# Data: Percentage variation within age group between the 1993 and 2016 UK populations
# The data original data from which the numbers were derived come from:
variation <- c(-10.9589041096, -13.5802469136, -12.987012987, -8.8235294118, -4.5454545455,
5.7971014493, 35.1851851852, 25.4901960784, 10.2040816327, 17.0212765957, 0,
6.6666666667, 24.9855625305)
age_grp <- c("20-24", "25-29", "30-34", "35-39", "40-44", "45-49", "50-54", "55-59", "60-64", "65-69", "70-74", "75-79", "80+")
dreidpath / xmas-tree.R
Created April 2, 2016 09:15
R code to generate a random christmas tree
# This appeared on R-blogger, a post by "wingfeet" from 23 December 2013:
# I stumbled acroos it and didn't want to lose it so I placed it here
part <- list(x0=0,y0=0,x1=0,y1=1,
par(mfrow=c(1,1),mar=c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1)
segplot <- function(tree) {
if (is.null(tree)) return()
dreidpath / flatland-randomwalk.R
Last active May 23, 2016 11:57
A Monte Carlo simulation of random walks in flatland, to see how long it takes an agent (p) to visit every unit in flatland at least once
# A random-walk in flat-land. Note that the world is a circle.
maxworld <- 1000 # Flatland is maxworld units long
p <- integer(maxworld/2) # place p on the unit halfway between 0 and maxworld
dist <- c() # dist: the distribution of "times it took to complete each iter(ation) of the randmo walk"
for(loop in 1:1000){ # Run the siumulation of random walks 1000 times
world <- rep(0, maxworld) # Set up the world, as maxworld-long unvisited units
keep_going <- T # keep_going determined whether a random walk simulation continues