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Last active December 16, 2019 03:38
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Given a set of images in the same format, compute a slideshow order that minimizes image differences between adjacent frames using a bottleneck TSP solver.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import turicreate as tc
import mlrose
import numpy as np
import os
import sys
import IPython
baseDir = "/Users/andre/work/turi/attempts/attempt1"
# model constants
refdata_file = f"{baseDir}/apple-logos.sframe"
model_path = f"{baseDir}/apple-logo-similarity.model"
graph_path = f"{baseDir}/simgraph"
# the calculated order of images is saved here
bestStateFile = f"{baseDir}/bestState.txt"
# ffmpeg formatted input file
framesFile = f"{baseDir}/frames.txt"
# FCP XML constants
xmlFile = f"{baseDir}/fcpxml.fcpxml"
def readRefData(dataDir):
if os.path.exists(refdata_file):
print("loading existing image refdata...")
reference_data = tc.load_sframe(refdata_file)
return reference_data
print("creating SFrame from image refdata...")
reference_data = tc.image_analysis.load_images(dataDir, with_path=True)
reference_data = reference_data.add_row_number()
# Save the SFrame for future use
return reference_data
def makeModel(reference_data):
if os.path.exists(model_path):
print("loading existing model...")
model = tc.load_model(model_path)
return model
print("creating model...")
# create an image similarity model
model = tc.image_similarity.create(reference_data)
return model
def makeGraph(model, k=5):
Create a similarity graph from a given model to
find the top k most similar images in the reference data
for a given input. For our TSP use case, k should be small.
if os.path.exists(graph_path):
print("loading existing graph...")
similarity_graph = tc.load_sgraph(graph_path)
return similarity_graph
print("creating graph...")
similarity_graph = model.similarity_graph(k=k)
return similarity_graph
def solveBTSP(similarity_graph, k):
if os.path.exists(bestStateFile):
print("loading existing bottleneck TSP solution...")
fh = open(bestStateFile, "r")
best_state = eval(
return best_state
print("solving bottleneck TSP...")
print("Selecting fields...")
si = similarity_graph.select_fields(["distance"]).edges
print("Make a tuple from dict values...")
ti = list(map(lambda x: tuple(x.values()), si))
print("Deriving fitness function based on distances...")
fitness_fn_dists = mlrose.TravellingSales(distances=ti)
print("Creating TSP optimizer...")
problem_fit = mlrose.TSPOpt(
length=k, fitness_fn=fitness_fn_dists, maximize=False)
# Solve problem using the genetic algorithm
best_state, best_fitness = mlrose.genetic_alg(
# Not sure of the best approach for tuning these.
problem_fit, random_state=2, max_iters=15
print("The best state found is: ", best_state)
print("The fitness at the best state is: ", best_fitness)
# As this is a zero-indexed array, increment each element by 1
# so the saved value matches the index number in the file name (if any).
# We do the opposite to access ref_data[x]['path'] items when writing the ffmpeg import file
a = [x + 1 for x in best_state]
fh = open(bestStateFile, "w")
return best_state
def writeFfmpegSlideshow(orderArray, ref_data, dur=5.0):
Like this:
file path/to/file
duration 5.0
# grab the file path from ref_data
fh = open(framesFile, "w")
for f in orderArray:
# to access the zero-indexed array element in ref_data,
# subtract one from the stored array element value
fpath = os.path.abspath(ref_data[f - 1]["path"])
s = f"file {fpath}\nduration {dur}\n"
fsize = os.path.getsize(framesFile)
print(f"Wrote {fsize} bytes to ffmpeg slideshow file {framesFile}")
def writeFCPXMLSlideshow(orderArray, ref_data, dur=5.0):
Write an XML file to be imported by Final Cut Pro X
raise NotImplementedError
def main():
ref_data = readRefData("/Users/andre/Pictures/Apple_Logos/")
model = makeModel(ref_data)
# We want a solution that includes all input images
num_stops = len(ref_data)
simgraph = makeGraph(model)
best_state = solveBTSP(simgraph, num_stops)
print(f"Bottleneck TSP solution contains {len(best_state)} edges")
writeFfmpegSlideshow(best_state, ref_data)
if sys.flags.interactive == 1:
if __name__ == "__main__":
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