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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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Powershellから VoiceText Web APIをたたいて、しゃべらせるスクリプト
VoiceText Web APIを利用してしゃべる。(
Invoke-RestMethod を使って、.wavファイルデータを取得して再生する。
posh-VoiceText.ps1 -text "たけやぶやけた" -speaker show
# License : MIT
[ValidateLength(1, 200)]
HelpMessage="【必須】話者名。いずれかを指定。show (男性),haruka (女性),hikari (女性),takeru (男性), santa (サンタクロース),bear (凶暴なクマ)")]
[ValidateSet('show', 'haruka','hikari', 'takeru', 'santa', 'bear')]
HelpMessage="感情カテゴリ。いずれかを指定。happiness 喜,anger 怒,sadness 悲")]
[ValidateSet('happiness', 'anger','sadness')]
[ValidateRange(50, 200)]
[ValidateRange(50, 400)]
[ValidateRange(50, 200)]
Function base64_encode {
$byte = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes( $str )
return [Convert]::ToBase64String( $byte )
Function msPlayerSync {
$ms = New-Object Media.SoundPlayer( (Resolve-Path $wavfile) )
# main
if($Env:VOICETEXT_API_KEY -eq $NULL){ # APIキーがセットされてない
$apikey = Read-Host "YOUR_API_KEY"
$Env:VOICETEXT_API_KEY = $apikey
$endpoint = ""
$hdr = @{}
$hdr["Authorization"] = "Basic " + (base64_encode ( $Env:VOICETEXT_API_KEY + ":" ))
$rest_body = @{}
$rest_body["text"] = $text
$rest_body["speaker"] = $speaker
if ($pitch -ne 0){ $rest_body["pitch"] = $pitch }
if ($speed -ne 0){ $rest_body["speed"] = $speed }
if ($volume -ne 0){ $rest_body["volume"] = $volume }
if ($emotion -ne ""){ $rest_body["emotion"] = $emotion }
if ($emotion_level -ne 0){ $rest_body["emotion_level"] = $emotion_level }
#Write-Debug (ConvertTo-Json $rest_body )
if($OutFile -eq "") {
$wavfile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() + ".wav"
$wavfile = $OutFile
$r = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $endpoint -Method POST -Headers $hdr `
-BODY $rest_body -OutFile $wavfile
if($r -eq $NULL){
# ResponseCode -eq 200
if(-not ($NoPlay)){
msPlayerSync $wavfile|Out-Null
if($OutFile -eq "") {
del $wavfile
# ResponseCode -ne 200 not return wav file.
Write-Debug (ConvertTo-Json $r )
if ($PassThru) {
return $text
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