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Created March 4, 2016 08:16
ND <- pbc2[pbc2$id == 2, ]
sfit <- survfitJM(jointFit, newdata = ND)
## Prediction of Conditional Probabilities for Event
## based on 200 Monte Carlo samples
## $`2`
## times Mean Median Lower Upper
## 0 8.8325 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
## 1 8.9232 0.9830 0.9837 0.9689 0.9925
## 2 9.2496 0.9222 0.9244 0.8573 0.9666
## 3 9.5759 0.8622 0.8663 0.7487 0.9443
## 4 9.9022 0.8035 0.8098 0.6469 0.9215
## 5 10.2286 0.7465 0.7559 0.5538 0.9006
## 6 10.5549 0.6918 0.7017 0.4618 0.8825
## 7 10.8812 0.6398 0.6483 0.3722 0.8650
## 8 11.2076 0.5908 0.6001 0.2925 0.8443
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