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Last active February 27, 2018 09:14
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comparing a trivial program between F#, Haskell, and OCaml
#!/usr/bin/env fsharpi
#light "off"
#nowarn "9" "42" "51" "62";;
open System.IO
// the stream position reported by .NET's IO is useless because the runtime's
// buffering modifies it from under you, i.e. even if you've only read
// 4 bytes, the current position will be reported as (e.g.) 128 if the runtime's
// buffering has resulted in advancing the stream to that point; so, since we
// can't rely on querying the stream position, we have to calculate it
// ourselves. we assume (!) that one character = one byte.
let usesCRLF (h : StreamReader) =
let llen = int64 (h.ReadLine().Length) in
h.BaseStream.Position <- llen;
let c = h.Peek() in
let res =
if c = -1 || c = int '\n' then false else begin
h.BaseStream.Position <- llen + 1L;
let c = h.Peek() in
c = int '\n'
end in
h.BaseStream.Position <- 0L;
let linePositions (h : StreamReader) =
let crlf = if usesCRLF h then 2L else 1L in
let f (lineno, pos) =
if lineno = -1 then None else
let res = (lineno, pos) in
if h.EndOfStream then Some (res, (-1, pos)) else begin
let llen = int64 (h.ReadLine().Length) in
let npos = pos + llen + crlf in
Some (res, (lineno + 1, npos))
end in
Seq.unfold f (1, 0L) |> Seq.toList
let filesLinePositions files =
let withFile f path = using (File.OpenText path) f in
let ls = (withFile linePositions) files in
let fileLs = files ls in
Map.ofList fileLs
let main argv =
let _ =
let argv = fsi.CommandLineArgs in
let argvl = List.tail (Array.toList argv) in
let files = if argvl = [] then ["/etc/passwd"] else argvl in
let m = filesLinePositions files in
printfn "%A" m;
module LineInfo where
import Control.Monad (forM)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.IO
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
linePositions :: Handle -> IO [(Integer, Integer)]
linePositions h = go 1 []
go lineno acc = do
pos <- hTell h
atEOF <- hIsEOF h
let res = (lineno, pos):acc
if atEOF then return res else do
hGetLine h
go (lineno + 1) res
filesLinePositions :: [FilePath] -> IO (Map.Map FilePath [(Integer, Integer)])
filesLinePositions files = do
ls <- forM files $ \file -> withFile file ReadMode linePositions
let fileLs = zip files (map reverse ls)
return $ Map.fromList fileLs
main :: IO ()
main = do
files <- getArgs
m <- filesLinePositions (if null files then ["/etc/passwd"] else files)
putStrLn $ Map.showTreeWith (curry show) True False m
let using chan disposer action =
let res = action chan in
disposer chan;
with e -> disposer chan; raise e
let soi = string_of_int
let linePositions h =
let rec go lineno acc =
let pos = pos_in h in
let res = (lineno, pos)::acc in
let at_eof = try
ignore (input_line h);
with End_of_file -> true in
if at_eof then res else go (lineno + 1) res in
go 1 []
let filesLinePositions files =
let withFile f path = using (open_in path) close_in f in
let ls = (withFile linePositions) files in
let fileLs = List.combine files ls in
let tbl = Hashtbl.create 100 in
List.iter (fun (k, v) -> Hashtbl.add tbl k v) fileLs;
let _ =
let argvl = (Array.to_list Sys.argv) in
let files = if argvl = [] then ["/etc/passwd"] else argvl in
let m = filesLinePositions files in
let print_stuff x =
let print_kv (k, v) = print_endline (" (" ^ soi k ^ ", " ^ soi v ^ ")") in
Hashtbl.iter (fun file lines ->
print_endline (file ^ " ->");
List.iter print_kv (List.rev lines)) x in
print_stuff m
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drvink commented Jun 17, 2015

// alternate imperative implementation of linePositions for f#
open System.IO
open System.Collections.Generic

let linePositionsLoop (h : StreamReader) =
  let mutable lineno = 1 in
  let mutable pos = 0L in
  let positions = ResizeArray() in
  let crlf = if usesCRLF h then 2L else 1L in
  while lineno <> -1 do
    positions.Add ((lineno, pos));
    if h.EndOfStream then lineno <- -1 else begin
      lineno <- lineno + 1;
      pos <- pos + int64 (h.ReadLine().Length) + crlf
  Seq.toList positions

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