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Mayank Raj dsculptor

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# File: docker-compose.yml
# A minimal docker-compose stack to have adguardhome running on a machine with docker installed.
version: "3.9"
restart: always

Quick Reference to manage npm, nodejs

1. Install n & nodejs-v17.latest

Best Method: use n. Its lovely & bootstraps itself as an npm pkg without npm.

function ubuntu-install-nodejs-17() {
 echo "Installing nodejs via n in /usr/local/bin with /usr/local/n as cache folder"

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am dsculptor on github.
  • I am dsculptor ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASAg8IwSEPLXbju8eFWM2yqaD4TPLxFrAPWJfu3RomWsNAo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

dsculptor / transmit-iterm-patch.applescript
Last active September 1, 2021 08:33 — forked from johnfmorton/TransmitOpenTerminal.txt
Use Transmit 5 to open in iTerm (instead of Ref:
-- Run the following cmd to make Transmit marry iterm2 as its Terminal partner:
-- defaults write com.panic.Transmit OpenTerminalScriptPath ~/transmit-iterm-patch.applescript
on openTerminal(location, remoteHost, serverPort)
-- Prepare sshCmd and cmd:
set sshCmd to ""
set cmd to "cd \"" & location & "\""
if ((count of remoteHost) is greater than 0) then
set sshCmd to "ssh " & remoteHost