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Created October 1, 2024 16:08
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export class TicketsPriceCalculator {
calculateTotalTicketsPrice(tickets: Ticket[]): number {
if (tickets.length === 0) {
return 0;
let totalPrice = tickets.reduce((sum, ticket) => sum + ticket.price, 0);
const businessClassTickets = tickets.filter(
(ticket) => ticket.isBusinessClass
let totalDiscountToApply = 0;
// Apply discounts based on total price
if (totalPrice > 2000) {
totalDiscountToApply += 0.25;
} else if (totalPrice > 1000 && totalPrice <= 2000) {
totalDiscountToApply += 0.2;
} else if (totalPrice > 500 && totalPrice <= 1000) {
totalDiscountToApply += 0.15;
} else if (totalPrice >= 200 && totalPrice <= 500) {
totalDiscountToApply += 0.1;
// Apply additional discount based on number of tickets
if (tickets.length >= 10) {
totalDiscountToApply += 0.05;
// Apply business class discounts
if (businessClassTickets >= 10) {
totalDiscountToApply += 0.2;
} else if (businessClassTickets >= 5) {
totalDiscountToApply += 0.1;
return totalPrice * (1 - totalDiscountToApply);
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