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Daniel dstreefkerk

  • Sydney, Australia
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dstreefkerk / Get-MsolUserWithSmsOrPhoneMfa.ps1
Created January 9, 2019 04:53
List all users that have SMS or Phone call as their default MFA method.
$allUsers = Get-MsolUser -MaxResults 100000
$usersWithSmsOrPhoneMfa = @()
foreach ($user in $allUsers) {
foreach ($method in $user.StrongAuthenticationMethods) {
if (($method.MethodType -eq 'OneWaySMS') -or ($method.MethodType -eq 'PhoneAppNotification')) {
if ($method.IsDefault) { $usersWithSmsOrPhoneMfa += $user }
dstreefkerk / Get-LenovoBiosSetting.ps1
Last active May 23, 2018 00:22
Retrieves all current BIOS settings, and lists possible values for each setting
$currentSettings = Get-WmiObject -Class Lenovo_BiosSetting -Namespace root\wmi -Filter 'CurrentSetting != ""' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty CurrentSetting | Sort-Object
$allSettings = @()
foreach ($setting in $currentSettings) {
# Check if Lenovo_GetBiosSelections exists. If not, we're running on a newer system that includes returns the possible values
# as part of the current setting value
$legacyMethodExists = Get-CimClass Lenovo_GetBiosSelections -Namespace root\wmi -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
if ($legacyMethodExists) {
dstreefkerk / Create-X500ProxyAddressFromLegacyExchangeDN.ps1
Created April 17, 2018 06:12
PowerShell function to create an X500 proxy address from a IMCEAEX NDR
Function Create-X500ProxyAddressFromLegacyExchangeDN($Address) {
# As per
$Address = $Address.Replace('_','/') # Replace any underscore character (_) with a slash character (/)
$Address = $Address.Replace('+20',' ') # Replace "+20" with a blank space
$Address = $Address.Replace('+28','(') # Replace "+28" with an opening parenthesis character
$Address = $Address.Replace('+29',')') # Replace "+29" with a closing parenthesis character.
$Address = $Address.Replace('IMCEAEX-','') # Delete the "IMCEAEX-" string
$Address = $Address.Split('@')[0] # Delete the "" string
$Address = "X500:$Address" # Add "X500:" at the beginning
dstreefkerk / IniFiles-Computer.xml
Created November 23, 2017 01:33
Group Policy Preferences - INI File Export - To write all GPP Variable names and their values to INI files in %temp%
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<IniFiles clsid="{694C651A-08F2-47fa-A427-34C4F62BA207}"><Ini clsid="{EEFACE84-D3D8-4680-8D4B-BF103E759448}" name="AppDataDir" status="AppDataDir" image="2" bypassErrors="1" changed="2017-11-23 00:56:06" uid="{95D41DAD-AA68-4FD5-83EE-F99F154CF748}"><Properties path="%TempDir%\gpp-variables.ini" section="GPPVariables-Computer" value="%AppDataDir%" property="AppDataDir" action="U"/><Filters></Filters></Ini>
<Ini clsid="{EEFACE84-D3D8-4680-8D4B-BF103E759448}" name="BinaryComputerSid" status="BinaryComputerSid" image="2" bypassErrors="1" changed="2017-11-23 00:56:10" uid="{609ED203-3CBF-4556-8028-F134B1EEF95D}"><Properties path="%TempDir%\gpp-variables.ini" section="GPPVariables-Computer" value="%BinaryComputerSid%" property="BinaryComputerSid" action="U"/><Filters></Filters></Ini>
<Ini clsid="{EEFACE84-D3D8-4680-8D4B-BF103E759448}" name="BinaryUserSid" status="BinaryUserSid" image="2" bypassErrors="1" changed="2017-11-23 00:56:15" uid="{A822EFE8-33E6-4E66-8D13-F194EE50E5A
dstreefkerk / Create-MitigationFirewallRules.ps1
Last active February 22, 2024 18:18
A script to automatically generate Windows Firewall with Advanced Security outbound rules to prevent malware from being able to dial home.
#Requires -Version 5 -Module NetSecurity -RunAsAdministrator
Create-MitigationFirewallRules - Creates Windows Firewall rules to mitigate certain app whitelisting bypasses and to prevent command interpreters from accessing the Internet
A script to automatically generate Windows Firewall with Advanced Security outbound rules
to prevent malware from being able to dial home.
These programs will only be allowed to communicate to IP addresses within the private IPv4 RFC1918 ranges:
dstreefkerk / Enable NIC(s) upon Workstation Unlock.xml
Last active March 19, 2021 01:59
Scheduled Task export that enables all NICs when the workstation unlock event is registered
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<Task version="1.2" xmlns="">
<Description>This event enables all NICs when the workstation unlock event (4801) is detected in the security log.
It won't work without Success auditing of Other Logon/Logoff events being enabled.</Description>
<URI>\Enable NIC(s) upon Workstation Unlock</URI>
dstreefkerk / Disable NIC(s) upon Workstation Lock.xml
Created October 20, 2017 01:08
Scheduled Task export that disables all NICs when the workstation lock event is registered
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<Task version="1.2" xmlns="">
<Description>This event disables all NICs when the workstation lock event (4800) is detected in the security log.
It won't work without Success auditing of Other Logon/Logoff events being enabled.</Description>
<URI>\Disable NIC(s) upon Workstation Lock</URI>
dstreefkerk / ADScript.asp
Last active March 19, 2021 01:59
Freshservice Simple SSO Script
<!--#include file="Constants.asp"-->
' VERSION 1.0.0
' Simple SSO based on Classic ASP hosted on IIS.
' VERSION 1.0.1
' Debugging information added.
' VERSION 1.0.2
' Pass through functionality added.
dstreefkerk / Get-ForwardedAppLockerLogs.ps1
Created June 22, 2017 00:50
Pull AppLocker logs out of the Forwarded Logs folder on a Windows Event Collector, and present them in a GridView
Function Get-AppLockerLogs {
$filter = '
<Query Id="0" Path="ForwardedEvents">
<Select Path="ForwardedEvents">*[System[Provider[@Name="Microsoft-Windows-AppLocker"] and (Level=2 or Level=3)]]</Select>
$data = Get-WinEvent -FilterXml $filter -Oldest
dstreefkerk / Remove-OldPrintJobs.ps1
Created June 16, 2017 00:09
A quick PowerShell script to remove stale print jobs
# Jobs older than the below time will be deleted
$thresholdTime = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1)
# Get all current print jobs
$printJobs = Get-WmiObject Win32_PrintJob
ForEach ($printJob in $printJobs) {
# Convert the weird WMI time to a proper .NET DateTime object
$jobTime = [System.Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDateTime($printJob.TimeSubmitted)