# Proposal #3
# This proposal takes the power introduced via 1 and 2, but uses yaml to create a
#  (hopefully) easy to parse set of requirements. The given example makes heavy
#  use of inline style of declaration so that one line == one dependency. One area of
#  concern is how to handle the "default" group. It will need to exist somehow. As a simpler
#  way here the default group can be defined outside of a groups: tag, but the question remains
#  what should that tag be called?
  - https://simple.crate.io
  - https://pypi.python.org/simple/

  - requests
  - [Django, ~>1.4]
  - [Pinax, {git: "git://github.com/pinax/pinax.git", branch: 1.4}]
  - [crate, {path: ~/blech}]
  - [test, {group: development}]
  - [test2, {group: [development, testing]}]

    - blah