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Created March 3, 2020 14:08
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let checkMethodImplIsPartialMatchForInterfaceMethod (minfo: MethInfo) (mimpl: ILMethodImpl) =
minfo.IsFinal &&
minfo.IsInterfaceMethod &&
mimpl.OverrideBy.ArgCount = List.sum minfo.NumArgs &&
mimpl.OverrideBy.GenericArity = minfo.GenericArity
let GetIntrinsicInterfaceOverrideMethodSetsUncached ((optFilter, ad, allowMultiIntfInst), m, ty) =
assert optFIlter.IsSome
assert isInterfaceTy g ty
// Collect all the relevant method impls related to methods of this name
(ty,[]) ||> FoldPrimaryHierarchyOfType (fun ty (acc: MethInfo list) ->
// Currently, F# supports DIMs from IL types, not F# defined types.
match tryAppTy g ty with
| ValueSome (tcref, _) when tcref.IsILTycon ->
// MethodImpls contains a list of methods that override.
// OverrideBy is the method that does the overriding.
// Overrides is the method being overriden.
// Find the Overrides method first with optFilter, then search for the OverrideBy method.
// If the OverrideBy method is found, add it to the method set for that type in the hierarchy.
|> List.concat (fun mimpl ->
if optFilter.Value = mimpl.Overrides.MethodRef.Name then
let ovbyName = mimpl.OverrideBy.Name
GetImmediateIntrinsicMethInfosOfType (Some ovbyName, ad) g amap m ty
|> List.filter (checkMethodImplIsPartialMatchForInterfaceMethod mimpl)
[]) @ acc
| _ -> acc
) g amap m allowMultiIntfInst
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