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Last active April 15, 2020 08:57
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Cleanup old EBS snapshots and AMIs
# NOTE: This script is extremely destructive. Be sure to understand it before using.
# This Script deletes all old snapshots and AMIs from Amazon EBS. It only retains the latest snapshot and AMI for each volume whose snapshots exist.
# It has been tested with Python3
import boto3
# Fill this up or use sts.get_caller_identity()
ec2 = boto3.client("ec2")
volumes = {}
def delete_ami(snapshot_id):
res = ec2.describe_images(Filters=[
"Name": "owner-id",
"Values": [AWS_ACCOUNT_ID],
"Name": "block-device-mapping.snapshot-id",
"Values": [snapshot_id],
for image in res["Images"]:
print(f"Deleting AMI {image['ImageId']}")
# If you have more than 1K snapshots, you'll need to paginate.
res = ec2.describe_snapshots(
"Name": "owner-id",
"Values": [AWS_ACCOUNT_ID],
for shot in res["Snapshots"]:
if shot["VolumeId"] not in volumes:
volumes[shot["VolumeId"]] = []
"volume-id": shot["VolumeId"],
"snapshot-id": shot["SnapshotId"],
"ts": shot["StartTime"]
for v in volumes:
if len(volumes[v]) == 1:
volumes[v].sort(key=lambda i: i["ts"], reverse=True)
print(f"{len(volumes[v])} snapshots of Volume {v} need to be deleted")
for item in volumes[v]:
print(f"Deleting {item['snapshot-id']}")
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