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Last active May 29, 2019 20:14
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D3 Map Small Multiples
license: MIT
height: 500
scrolling: no
border: yes
(function() {
let data;
const container = '#selected-county-container',
yearElem = document.querySelector('#county-year'),
countyElem = document.querySelector('#selected-county'),
nameElem = document.querySelector('#county-name'),
countElem = document.querySelector('#county-count'),
body = document.querySelector('body');
const colors = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain([0, 1])
.range(['yellow', 'red']);
const projection = d3
.scale(550) // zoom
.center([31.0, 43.3]); // starting lat,lng
const graticule = d3.geoGraticule()
const path = d3.geoPath().projection(projection);
d3.json('county_publication_counts.geojson', json => {
data = json;
for (let i=0; i<12; i++) draw(1580 + (i*20));
const draw = year => {
const map =
.attr('width', 270)
.attr('height', 165)
.attr('id', 'map-' + year)
.attr('class', 'graticule')
.attr('d', path);
.attr('x', 10)
.attr('y', 35)
.style('font-size', '20px')
.style('font-family', 'Montserrat, sans-serif')
.style('fill', '#666')
// draw the paths
const paths = map.selectAll('path').data(data.features),
exp = d3.scaleLog().domain(getDomain(data, year));
.attr('class', 'terrain')
.attr('d', path)
.attr('stroke', '#4a4a4a')
.attr('stroke-width', ' 0.01em')
.attr('fill', getFill.bind(null, year, exp))
.attr('fill', getFill.bind(null, year, exp))
// find the min and max publication counts
const getDomain = (data, year) => {
let min = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,
max = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; => { => {
if (o.year === year) {
if (o.val < min) min = o.val;
if (o.val > max) max = o.val;
return [min, max];
// get the fill attribute for a path
const getFill = (year, exp, d) => {
const datum = => i.year == year);
return datum.length
? colors( exp(datum[0].val) )
: '#F5F5F3';
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