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Last active February 13, 2019 23:04
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FBX Loading
* @author Kyle-Larson
* @author Takahiro
* @author Lewy Blue
* Loader loads FBX file and generates Group representing FBX scene.
* Requires FBX file to be >= 7.0 and in ASCII or >= 6400 in Binary format
* Versions lower than this may load but will probably have errors
* Needs Support:
* Morph normals / blend shape normals
* FBX format references:
* (C++ SDK reference)
* Binary format specification:
THREE.FBXLoader = ( function () {
var fbxTree;
var connections;
var sceneGraph;
function FBXLoader( manager ) {
this.manager = ( manager !== undefined ) ? manager : THREE.DefaultLoadingManager;
FBXLoader.prototype = {
constructor: FBXLoader,
crossOrigin: 'anonymous',
load: function ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {
var self = this;
var path = ( self.path === undefined ) ? THREE.LoaderUtils.extractUrlBase( url ) : self.path;
var loader = new THREE.FileLoader( this.manager );
loader.setPath( self.path );
loader.setResponseType( 'arraybuffer' );
loader.load( url, function ( buffer ) {
try {
onLoad( self.parse( buffer, path ) );
} catch ( error ) {
setTimeout( function () {
if ( onError ) onError( error );
self.manager.itemError( url );
}, 0 );
}, onProgress, onError );
setPath: function ( value ) {
this.path = value;
return this;
setResourcePath: function ( value ) {
this.resourcePath = value;
return this;
setCrossOrigin: function ( value ) {
this.crossOrigin = value;
return this;
parse: function ( FBXBuffer, path ) {
if ( isFbxFormatBinary( FBXBuffer ) ) {
fbxTree = new BinaryParser().parse( FBXBuffer );
} else {
var FBXText = convertArrayBufferToString( FBXBuffer );
if ( ! isFbxFormatASCII( FBXText ) ) {
throw new Error( 'THREE.FBXLoader: Unknown format.' );
if ( getFbxVersion( FBXText ) < 7000 ) {
throw new Error( 'THREE.FBXLoader: FBX version not supported, FileVersion: ' + getFbxVersion( FBXText ) );
fbxTree = new TextParser().parse( FBXText );
// console.log( fbxTree );
var textureLoader = new THREE.TextureLoader( this.manager ).setPath( this.resourcePath || path ).setCrossOrigin( this.crossOrigin );
return new FBXTreeParser( textureLoader ).parse( fbxTree );
// Parse the FBXTree object returned by the BinaryParser or TextParser and return a THREE.Group
function FBXTreeParser( textureLoader ) {
this.textureLoader = textureLoader;
FBXTreeParser.prototype = {
constructor: FBXTreeParser,
parse: function () {
connections = this.parseConnections();
var images = this.parseImages();
var textures = this.parseTextures( images );
var materials = this.parseMaterials( textures );
var deformers = this.parseDeformers();
var geometryMap = new GeometryParser().parse( deformers );
this.parseScene( deformers, geometryMap, materials );
return sceneGraph;
// Parses FBXTree.Connections which holds parent-child connections between objects (e.g. material -> texture, model->geometry )
// and details the connection type
parseConnections: function () {
var connectionMap = new Map();
if ( 'Connections' in fbxTree ) {
var rawConnections = fbxTree.Connections.connections;
rawConnections.forEach( function ( rawConnection ) {
var fromID = rawConnection[ 0 ];
var toID = rawConnection[ 1 ];
var relationship = rawConnection[ 2 ];
if ( ! connectionMap.has( fromID ) ) {
connectionMap.set( fromID, {
parents: [],
children: []
} );
var parentRelationship = { ID: toID, relationship: relationship };
connectionMap.get( fromID ).parents.push( parentRelationship );
if ( ! connectionMap.has( toID ) ) {
connectionMap.set( toID, {
parents: [],
children: []
} );
var childRelationship = { ID: fromID, relationship: relationship };
connectionMap.get( toID ).children.push( childRelationship );
} );
return connectionMap;
// Parse FBXTree.Objects.Video for embedded image data
// These images are connected to textures in FBXTree.Objects.Textures
// via FBXTree.Connections.
parseImages: function () {
var images = {};
var blobs = {};
if ( 'Video' in fbxTree.Objects ) {
var videoNodes = fbxTree.Objects.Video;
for ( var nodeID in videoNodes ) {
var videoNode = videoNodes[ nodeID ];
var id = parseInt( nodeID );
images[ id ] = videoNode.RelativeFilename || videoNode.Filename;
// raw image data is in videoNode.Content
if ( 'Content' in videoNode ) {
var arrayBufferContent = ( videoNode.Content instanceof ArrayBuffer ) && ( videoNode.Content.byteLength > 0 );
var base64Content = ( typeof videoNode.Content === 'string' ) && ( videoNode.Content !== '' );
if ( arrayBufferContent || base64Content ) {
var image = this.parseImage( videoNodes[ nodeID ] );
blobs[ videoNode.RelativeFilename || videoNode.Filename ] = image;
for ( var id in images ) {
var filename = images[ id ];
if ( blobs[ filename ] !== undefined ) images[ id ] = blobs[ filename ];
else images[ id ] = images[ id ].split( '\\' ).pop();
return images;
// Parse embedded image data in FBXTree.Video.Content
parseImage: function ( videoNode ) {
var content = videoNode.Content;
var fileName = videoNode.RelativeFilename || videoNode.Filename;
var extension = fileName.slice( fileName.lastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 ).toLowerCase();
var type;
switch ( extension ) {
case 'bmp':
type = 'image/bmp';
case 'jpg':
case 'jpeg':
type = 'image/jpeg';
case 'png':
type = 'image/png';
case 'tif':
type = 'image/tiff';
case 'tga':
if ( typeof THREE.TGALoader !== 'function' ) {
console.warn( 'FBXLoader: THREE.TGALoader is required to load TGA textures' );
} else {
if ( THREE.Loader.Handlers.get( '.tga' ) === null ) {
var tgaLoader = new THREE.TGALoader();
tgaLoader.setPath( this.textureLoader.path );
THREE.Loader.Handlers.add( /\.tga$/i, tgaLoader );
type = 'image/tga';
console.warn( 'FBXLoader: Image type "' + extension + '" is not supported.' );
if ( typeof content === 'string' ) { // ASCII format
return 'data:' + type + ';base64,' + content;
} else { // Binary Format
var array = new Uint8Array( content );
return window.URL.createObjectURL( new Blob( [ array ], { type: type } ) );
// Parse nodes in FBXTree.Objects.Texture
// These contain details such as UV scaling, cropping, rotation etc and are connected
// to images in FBXTree.Objects.Video
parseTextures: function ( images ) {
var textureMap = new Map();
if ( 'Texture' in fbxTree.Objects ) {
var textureNodes = fbxTree.Objects.Texture;
for ( var nodeID in textureNodes ) {
var texture = this.parseTexture( textureNodes[ nodeID ], images );
textureMap.set( parseInt( nodeID ), texture );
return textureMap;
// Parse individual node in FBXTree.Objects.Texture
parseTexture: function ( textureNode, images ) {
var texture = this.loadTexture( textureNode, images );
texture.ID =; = textureNode.attrName;
var wrapModeU = textureNode.WrapModeU;
var wrapModeV = textureNode.WrapModeV;
var valueU = wrapModeU !== undefined ? wrapModeU.value : 0;
var valueV = wrapModeV !== undefined ? wrapModeV.value : 0;
// 0: repeat(default), 1: clamp
texture.wrapS = valueU === 0 ? THREE.RepeatWrapping : THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping;
texture.wrapT = valueV === 0 ? THREE.RepeatWrapping : THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping;
if ( 'Scaling' in textureNode ) {
var values = textureNode.Scaling.value;
texture.repeat.x = values[ 0 ];
texture.repeat.y = values[ 1 ];
return texture;
// load a texture specified as a blob or data URI, or via an external URL using THREE.TextureLoader
loadTexture: function ( textureNode, images ) {
var fileName;
var currentPath = this.textureLoader.path;
var children = connections.get( ).children;
if ( children !== undefined && children.length > 0 && images[ children[ 0 ].ID ] !== undefined ) {
fileName = images[ children[ 0 ].ID ];
if ( fileName.indexOf( 'blob:' ) === 0 || fileName.indexOf( 'data:' ) === 0 ) {
this.textureLoader.setPath( undefined );
var texture;
var extension = textureNode.FileName.slice( - 3 ).toLowerCase();
if ( extension === 'tga' ) {
var loader = THREE.Loader.Handlers.get( '.tga' );
if ( loader === null ) {
console.warn( 'FBXLoader: TGALoader not found, creating empty placeholder texture for', fileName );
texture = new THREE.Texture();
} else {
texture = loader.load( fileName );
} else if ( extension === 'psd' ) {
console.warn( 'FBXLoader: PSD textures are not supported, creating empty placeholder texture for', fileName );
texture = new THREE.Texture();
} else {
texture = this.textureLoader.load( fileName );
this.textureLoader.setPath( currentPath );
return texture;
// Parse nodes in FBXTree.Objects.Material
parseMaterials: function ( textureMap ) {
var materialMap = new Map();
if ( 'Material' in fbxTree.Objects ) {
var materialNodes = fbxTree.Objects.Material;
for ( var nodeID in materialNodes ) {
var material = this.parseMaterial( materialNodes[ nodeID ], textureMap );
if ( material !== null ) materialMap.set( parseInt( nodeID ), material );
return materialMap;
// Parse single node in FBXTree.Objects.Material
// Materials are connected to texture maps in FBXTree.Objects.Textures
// FBX format currently only supports Lambert and Phong shading models
parseMaterial: function ( materialNode, textureMap ) {
var ID =;
var name = materialNode.attrName;
var type = materialNode.ShadingModel;
// Case where FBX wraps shading model in property object.
if ( typeof type === 'object' ) {
type = type.value;
// Ignore unused materials which don't have any connections.
if ( ! connections.has( ID ) ) return null;
var parameters = this.parseParameters( materialNode, textureMap, ID );
var material;
switch ( type.toLowerCase() ) {
case 'phong':
material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial();
case 'lambert':
material = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial();
console.warn( 'THREE.FBXLoader: unknown material type "%s". Defaulting to MeshPhongMaterial.', type );
material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { color: 0x3300ff } );
material.setValues( parameters ); = name;
return material;
// Parse FBX material and return parameters suitable for a three.js material
// Also parse the texture map and return any textures associated with the material
parseParameters: function ( materialNode, textureMap, ID ) {
var parameters = {};
if ( materialNode.BumpFactor ) {
parameters.bumpScale = materialNode.BumpFactor.value;
if ( materialNode.Diffuse ) {
parameters.color = new THREE.Color().fromArray( materialNode.Diffuse.value );
} else if ( materialNode.DiffuseColor && materialNode.DiffuseColor.type === 'Color' ) {
// The blender exporter exports diffuse here instead of in materialNode.Diffuse
parameters.color = new THREE.Color().fromArray( materialNode.DiffuseColor.value );
if ( materialNode.DisplacementFactor ) {
parameters.displacementScale = materialNode.DisplacementFactor.value;
if ( materialNode.Emissive ) {
parameters.emissive = new THREE.Color().fromArray( materialNode.Emissive.value );
} else if ( materialNode.EmissiveColor && materialNode.EmissiveColor.type === 'Color' ) {
// The blender exporter exports emissive color here instead of in materialNode.Emissive
parameters.emissive = new THREE.Color().fromArray( materialNode.EmissiveColor.value );
if ( materialNode.EmissiveFactor ) {
parameters.emissiveIntensity = parseFloat( materialNode.EmissiveFactor.value );
if ( materialNode.Opacity ) {
parameters.opacity = parseFloat( materialNode.Opacity.value );
if ( parameters.opacity < 1.0 ) {
parameters.transparent = true;
if ( materialNode.ReflectionFactor ) {
parameters.reflectivity = materialNode.ReflectionFactor.value;
if ( materialNode.Shininess ) {
parameters.shininess = materialNode.Shininess.value;
if ( materialNode.Specular ) {
parameters.specular = new THREE.Color().fromArray( materialNode.Specular.value );
} else if ( materialNode.SpecularColor && materialNode.SpecularColor.type === 'Color' ) {
// The blender exporter exports specular color here instead of in materialNode.Specular
parameters.specular = new THREE.Color().fromArray( materialNode.SpecularColor.value );
var self = this;
connections.get( ID ).children.forEach( function ( child ) {
var type = child.relationship;
switch ( type ) {
case 'Bump':
parameters.bumpMap = self.getTexture( textureMap, child.ID );
case 'DiffuseColor': = self.getTexture( textureMap, child.ID );
case 'DisplacementColor':
parameters.displacementMap = self.getTexture( textureMap, child.ID );
case 'EmissiveColor':
parameters.emissiveMap = self.getTexture( textureMap, child.ID );
case 'NormalMap':
parameters.normalMap = self.getTexture( textureMap, child.ID );
case 'ReflectionColor':
parameters.envMap = self.getTexture( textureMap, child.ID );
parameters.envMap.mapping = THREE.EquirectangularReflectionMapping;
case 'SpecularColor':
parameters.specularMap = self.getTexture( textureMap, child.ID );
case 'TransparentColor':
parameters.alphaMap = self.getTexture( textureMap, child.ID );
parameters.transparent = true;
case 'AmbientColor':
case 'ShininessExponent': // AKA glossiness map
case 'SpecularFactor': // AKA specularLevel
case 'VectorDisplacementColor': // NOTE: Seems to be a copy of DisplacementColor
console.warn( 'THREE.FBXLoader: %s map is not supported in three.js, skipping texture.', type );
} );
return parameters;
// get a texture from the textureMap for use by a material.
getTexture: function ( textureMap, id ) {
// if the texture is a layered texture, just use the first layer and issue a warning
if ( 'LayeredTexture' in fbxTree.Objects && id in fbxTree.Objects.LayeredTexture ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.FBXLoader: layered textures are not supported in three.js. Discarding all but first layer.' );
id = connections.get( id ).children[ 0 ].ID;
return textureMap.get( id );
// Parse nodes in FBXTree.Objects.Deformer
// Deformer node can contain skinning or Vertex Cache animation data, however only skinning is supported here
// Generates map of Skeleton-like objects for use later when generating and binding skeletons.
parseDeformers: function () {
var skeletons = {};
var morphTargets = {};
if ( 'Deformer' in fbxTree.Objects ) {
var DeformerNodes = fbxTree.Objects.Deformer;
for ( var nodeID in DeformerNodes ) {
var deformerNode = DeformerNodes[ nodeID ];
var relationships = connections.get( parseInt( nodeID ) );
if ( deformerNode.attrType === 'Skin' ) {
var skeleton = this.parseSkeleton( relationships, DeformerNodes );
skeleton.ID = nodeID;
if ( relationships.parents.length > 1 ) console.warn( 'THREE.FBXLoader: skeleton attached to more than one geometry is not supported.' );
skeleton.geometryID = relationships.parents[ 0 ].ID;
skeletons[ nodeID ] = skeleton;
} else if ( deformerNode.attrType === 'BlendShape' ) {
var morphTarget = {
id: nodeID,
morphTarget.rawTargets = this.parseMorphTargets( relationships, DeformerNodes ); = nodeID;
if ( relationships.parents.length > 1 ) console.warn( 'THREE.FBXLoader: morph target attached to more than one geometry is not supported.' );
morphTargets[ nodeID ] = morphTarget;
return {
skeletons: skeletons,
morphTargets: morphTargets,
// Parse single nodes in FBXTree.Objects.Deformer
// The top level skeleton node has type 'Skin' and sub nodes have type 'Cluster'
// Each skin node represents a skeleton and each cluster node represents a bone
parseSkeleton: function ( relationships, deformerNodes ) {
var rawBones = [];
relationships.children.forEach( function ( child ) {
var boneNode = deformerNodes[ child.ID ];
if ( boneNode.attrType !== 'Cluster' ) return;
var rawBone = {
ID: child.ID,
indices: [],
weights: [],
transformLink: new THREE.Matrix4().fromArray( boneNode.TransformLink.a ),
// transform: new THREE.Matrix4().fromArray( boneNode.Transform.a ),
// linkMode: boneNode.Mode,
if ( 'Indexes' in boneNode ) {
rawBone.indices = boneNode.Indexes.a;
rawBone.weights = boneNode.Weights.a;
rawBones.push( rawBone );
} );
return {
rawBones: rawBones,
bones: []
// The top level morph deformer node has type "BlendShape" and sub nodes have type "BlendShapeChannel"
parseMorphTargets: function ( relationships, deformerNodes ) {
var rawMorphTargets = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < relationships.children.length; i ++ ) {
var child = relationships.children[ i ];
var morphTargetNode = deformerNodes[ child.ID ];
var rawMorphTarget = {
name: morphTargetNode.attrName,
initialWeight: morphTargetNode.DeformPercent,
fullWeights: morphTargetNode.FullWeights.a
if ( morphTargetNode.attrType !== 'BlendShapeChannel' ) return;
rawMorphTarget.geoID = connections.get( parseInt( child.ID ) ).children.filter( function ( child ) {
return child.relationship === undefined;
} )[ 0 ].ID;
rawMorphTargets.push( rawMorphTarget );
return rawMorphTargets;
// create the main THREE.Group() to be returned by the loader
parseScene: function ( deformers, geometryMap, materialMap ) {
sceneGraph = new THREE.Group();
var modelMap = this.parseModels( deformers.skeletons, geometryMap, materialMap );
var modelNodes = fbxTree.Objects.Model;
var self = this;
modelMap.forEach( function ( model ) {
var modelNode = modelNodes[ model.ID ];
self.setLookAtProperties( model, modelNode );
var parentConnections = connections.get( model.ID ).parents;
parentConnections.forEach( function ( connection ) {
var parent = modelMap.get( connection.ID );
if ( parent !== undefined ) parent.add( model );
} );
if ( model.parent === null ) {
sceneGraph.add( model );
} );
this.bindSkeleton( deformers.skeletons, geometryMap, modelMap );
sceneGraph.traverse( function ( node ) {
if ( node.userData.transformData ) {
if ( node.parent ) node.userData.transformData.parentMatrixWorld = node.parent.matrix;
var transform = generateTransform( node.userData.transformData );
node.applyMatrix( transform );
} );
var animations = new AnimationParser().parse();
// if all the models where already combined in a single group, just return that
if ( sceneGraph.children.length === 1 && sceneGraph.children[ 0 ].isGroup ) {
sceneGraph.children[ 0 ].animations = animations;
sceneGraph = sceneGraph.children[ 0 ];
sceneGraph.animations = animations;
// parse nodes in FBXTree.Objects.Model
parseModels: function ( skeletons, geometryMap, materialMap ) {
var modelMap = new Map();
var modelNodes = fbxTree.Objects.Model;
for ( var nodeID in modelNodes ) {
var id = parseInt( nodeID );
var node = modelNodes[ nodeID ];
var relationships = connections.get( id );
var model = this.buildSkeleton( relationships, skeletons, id, node.attrName );
if ( ! model ) {
switch ( node.attrType ) {
case 'Camera':
model = this.createCamera( relationships );
case 'Light':
model = this.createLight( relationships );
case 'Mesh':
model = this.createMesh( relationships, geometryMap, materialMap );
case 'NurbsCurve':
model = this.createCurve( relationships, geometryMap );
case 'LimbNode':
case 'Root':
model = new THREE.Bone();
case 'Null':
model = new THREE.Group();
} = THREE.PropertyBinding.sanitizeNodeName( node.attrName );
model.ID = id;
this.getTransformData( model, node );
modelMap.set( id, model );
return modelMap;
buildSkeleton: function ( relationships, skeletons, id, name ) {
var bone = null;
relationships.parents.forEach( function ( parent ) {
for ( var ID in skeletons ) {
var skeleton = skeletons[ ID ];
skeleton.rawBones.forEach( function ( rawBone, i ) {
if ( rawBone.ID === parent.ID ) {
var subBone = bone;
bone = new THREE.Bone();
bone.matrixWorld.copy( rawBone.transformLink );
// set name and id here - otherwise in cases where "subBone" is created it will not have a name / id = THREE.PropertyBinding.sanitizeNodeName( name );
bone.ID = id;
skeleton.bones[ i ] = bone;
// In cases where a bone is shared between multiple meshes
// duplicate the bone here and and it as a child of the first bone
if ( subBone !== null ) {
bone.add( subBone );
} );
} );
return bone;
// create a THREE.PerspectiveCamera or THREE.OrthographicCamera
createCamera: function ( relationships ) {
var model;
var cameraAttribute;
relationships.children.forEach( function ( child ) {
var attr = fbxTree.Objects.NodeAttribute[ child.ID ];
if ( attr !== undefined ) {
cameraAttribute = attr;
} );
if ( cameraAttribute === undefined ) {
model = new THREE.Object3D();
} else {
var type = 0;
if ( cameraAttribute.CameraProjectionType !== undefined && cameraAttribute.CameraProjectionType.value === 1 ) {
type = 1;
var nearClippingPlane = 1;
if ( cameraAttribute.NearPlane !== undefined ) {
nearClippingPlane = cameraAttribute.NearPlane.value / 1000;
var farClippingPlane = 1000;
if ( cameraAttribute.FarPlane !== undefined ) {
farClippingPlane = cameraAttribute.FarPlane.value / 1000;
var width = window.innerWidth;
var height = window.innerHeight;
if ( cameraAttribute.AspectWidth !== undefined && cameraAttribute.AspectHeight !== undefined ) {
width = cameraAttribute.AspectWidth.value;
height = cameraAttribute.AspectHeight.value;
var aspect = width / height;
var fov = 45;
if ( cameraAttribute.FieldOfView !== undefined ) {
fov = cameraAttribute.FieldOfView.value;
var focalLength = cameraAttribute.FocalLength ? cameraAttribute.FocalLength.value : null;
switch ( type ) {
case 0: // Perspective
model = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( fov, aspect, nearClippingPlane, farClippingPlane );
if ( focalLength !== null ) model.setFocalLength( focalLength );
case 1: // Orthographic
model = new THREE.OrthographicCamera( - width / 2, width / 2, height / 2, - height / 2, nearClippingPlane, farClippingPlane );
console.warn( 'THREE.FBXLoader: Unknown camera type ' + type + '.' );
model = new THREE.Object3D();
return model;
// Create a THREE.DirectionalLight, THREE.PointLight or THREE.SpotLight
createLight: function ( relationships ) {
var model;
var lightAttribute;
relationships.children.forEach( function ( child ) {
var attr = fbxTree.Objects.NodeAttribute[ child.ID ];
if ( attr !== undefined ) {
lightAttribute = attr;
} );
if ( lightAttribute === undefined ) {
model = new THREE.Object3D();
} else {
var type;
// LightType can be undefined for Point lights
if ( lightAttribute.LightType === undefined ) {
type = 0;
} else {
type = lightAttribute.LightType.value;
var color = 0xffffff;
if ( lightAttribute.Color !== undefined ) {
color = new THREE.Color().fromArray( lightAttribute.Color.value );
var intensity = ( lightAttribute.Intensity === undefined ) ? 1 : lightAttribute.Intensity.value / 100;
// light disabled
if ( lightAttribute.CastLightOnObject !== undefined && lightAttribute.CastLightOnObject.value === 0 ) {
intensity = 0;
var distance = 0;
if ( lightAttribute.FarAttenuationEnd !== undefined ) {
if ( lightAttribute.EnableFarAttenuation !== undefined && lightAttribute.EnableFarAttenuation.value === 0 ) {
distance = 0;
} else {
distance = lightAttribute.FarAttenuationEnd.value;
// TODO: could this be calculated linearly from FarAttenuationStart to FarAttenuationEnd?
var decay = 1;
switch ( type ) {
case 0: // Point
model = new THREE.PointLight( color, intensity, distance, decay );
case 1: // Directional
model = new THREE.DirectionalLight( color, intensity );
case 2: // Spot
var angle = Math.PI / 3;
if ( lightAttribute.InnerAngle !== undefined ) {
angle = THREE.Math.degToRad( lightAttribute.InnerAngle.value );
var penumbra = 0;
if ( lightAttribute.OuterAngle !== undefined ) {
// TODO: this is not correct - FBX calculates outer and inner angle in degrees
// with OuterAngle > InnerAngle && OuterAngle <= Math.PI
// while three.js uses a penumbra between (0, 1) to attenuate the inner angle
penumbra = THREE.Math.degToRad( lightAttribute.OuterAngle.value );
penumbra = Math.max( penumbra, 1 );
model = new THREE.SpotLight( color, intensity, distance, angle, penumbra, decay );
console.warn( 'THREE.FBXLoader: Unknown light type ' + lightAttribute.LightType.value + ', defaulting to a THREE.PointLight.' );
model = new THREE.PointLight( color, intensity );
if ( lightAttribute.CastShadows !== undefined && lightAttribute.CastShadows.value === 1 ) {
model.castShadow = true;
return model;
createMesh: function ( relationships, geometryMap, materialMap ) {
var model;
var geometry = null;
var material = null;
var materials = [];
// get geometry and materials(s) from connections
relationships.children.forEach( function ( child ) {
if ( geometryMap.has( child.ID ) ) {
geometry = geometryMap.get( child.ID );
if ( materialMap.has( child.ID ) ) {
materials.push( materialMap.get( child.ID ) );
} );
if ( materials.length > 1 ) {
material = materials;
} else if ( materials.length > 0 ) {
material = materials[ 0 ];
} else {
material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { color: 0xcccccc } );
materials.push( material );
if ( 'color' in geometry.attributes ) {
materials.forEach( function ( material ) {
material.vertexColors = THREE.VertexColors;
} );
if ( geometry.FBX_Deformer ) {
materials.forEach( function ( material ) {
material.skinning = true;
} );
model = new THREE.SkinnedMesh( geometry, material );
} else {
model = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );
return model;
createCurve: function ( relationships, geometryMap ) {
var geometry = relationships.children.reduce( function ( geo, child ) {
if ( geometryMap.has( child.ID ) ) geo = geometryMap.get( child.ID );
return geo;
}, null );
// FBX does not list materials for Nurbs lines, so we'll just put our own in here.
var material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial( { color: 0x3300ff, linewidth: 1 } );
return new THREE.Line( geometry, material );
// parse the model node for transform data
getTransformData: function ( model, modelNode ) {
var transformData = {};
if ( 'InheritType' in modelNode ) transformData.inheritType = parseInt( modelNode.InheritType.value );
if ( 'RotationOrder' in modelNode ) transformData.eulerOrder = getEulerOrder( modelNode.RotationOrder.value );
else transformData.eulerOrder = 'ZYX';
if ( 'Lcl_Translation' in modelNode ) transformData.translation = modelNode.Lcl_Translation.value;
if ( 'PreRotation' in modelNode ) transformData.preRotation = modelNode.PreRotation.value;
if ( 'Lcl_Rotation' in modelNode ) transformData.rotation = modelNode.Lcl_Rotation.value;
if ( 'PostRotation' in modelNode ) transformData.postRotation = modelNode.PostRotation.value;
if ( 'Lcl_Scaling' in modelNode ) transformData.scale = modelNode.Lcl_Scaling.value;
if ( 'ScalingOffset' in modelNode ) transformData.scalingOffset = modelNode.ScalingOffset.value;
if ( 'ScalingPivot' in modelNode ) transformData.scalingPivot = modelNode.ScalingPivot.value;
if ( 'RotationOffset' in modelNode ) transformData.rotationOffset = modelNode.RotationOffset.value;
if ( 'RotationPivot' in modelNode ) transformData.rotationPivot = modelNode.RotationPivot.value;
model.userData.transformData = transformData;
setLookAtProperties: function ( model, modelNode ) {
if ( 'LookAtProperty' in modelNode ) {
var children = connections.get( model.ID ).children;
children.forEach( function ( child ) {
if ( child.relationship === 'LookAtProperty' ) {
var lookAtTarget = fbxTree.Objects.Model[ child.ID ];
if ( 'Lcl_Translation' in lookAtTarget ) {
var pos = lookAtTarget.Lcl_Translation.value;
// DirectionalLight, SpotLight
if ( !== undefined ) { pos );
sceneGraph.add( );
} else { // Cameras and other Object3Ds
model.lookAt( new THREE.Vector3().fromArray( pos ) );
} );
bindSkeleton: function ( skeletons, geometryMap, modelMap ) {
var bindMatrices = this.parsePoseNodes();
for ( var ID in skeletons ) {
var skeleton = skeletons[ ID ];
var parents = connections.get( parseInt( skeleton.ID ) ).parents;
parents.forEach( function ( parent ) {
if ( geometryMap.has( parent.ID ) ) {
var geoID = parent.ID;
var geoRelationships = connections.get( geoID );
geoRelationships.parents.forEach( function ( geoConnParent ) {
if ( modelMap.has( geoConnParent.ID ) ) {
var model = modelMap.get( geoConnParent.ID );
model.bind( new THREE.Skeleton( skeleton.bones ), bindMatrices[ geoConnParent.ID ] );
} );
} );
parsePoseNodes: function () {
var bindMatrices = {};
if ( 'Pose' in fbxTree.Objects ) {
var BindPoseNode = fbxTree.Objects.Pose;
for ( var nodeID in BindPoseNode ) {
if ( BindPoseNode[ nodeID ].attrType === 'BindPose' ) {
var poseNodes = BindPoseNode[ nodeID ].PoseNode;
if ( Array.isArray( poseNodes ) ) {
poseNodes.forEach( function ( poseNode ) {
bindMatrices[ poseNode.Node ] = new THREE.Matrix4().fromArray( poseNode.Matrix.a );
} );
} else {
bindMatrices[ poseNodes.Node ] = new THREE.Matrix4().fromArray( poseNodes.Matrix.a );
return bindMatrices;
// Parse ambient color in FBXTree.GlobalSettings - if it's not set to black (default), create an ambient light
createAmbientLight: function () {
if ( 'GlobalSettings' in fbxTree && 'AmbientColor' in fbxTree.GlobalSettings ) {
var ambientColor = fbxTree.GlobalSettings.AmbientColor.value;
var r = ambientColor[ 0 ];
var g = ambientColor[ 1 ];
var b = ambientColor[ 2 ];
if ( r !== 0 || g !== 0 || b !== 0 ) {
var color = new THREE.Color( r, g, b );
sceneGraph.add( new THREE.AmbientLight( color, 1 ) );
setupMorphMaterials: function () {
var self = this;
sceneGraph.traverse( function ( child ) {
if ( child.isMesh ) {
if ( child.geometry.morphAttributes.position && child.geometry.morphAttributes.position.length ) {
if ( Array.isArray( child.material ) ) {
child.material.forEach( function ( material, i ) {
self.setupMorphMaterial( child, material, i );
} );
} else {
self.setupMorphMaterial( child, child.material );
} );
setupMorphMaterial: function ( child, material, index ) {
var uuid = child.uuid;
var matUuid = material.uuid;
// if a geometry has morph targets, it cannot share the material with other geometries
var sharedMat = false;
sceneGraph.traverse( function ( node ) {
if ( node.isMesh ) {
if ( Array.isArray( node.material ) ) {
node.material.forEach( function ( mat ) {
if ( mat.uuid === matUuid && node.uuid !== uuid ) sharedMat = true;
} );
} else if ( node.material.uuid === matUuid && node.uuid !== uuid ) sharedMat = true;
} );
if ( sharedMat === true ) {
var clonedMat = material.clone();
clonedMat.morphTargets = true;
if ( index === undefined ) child.material = clonedMat;
else child.material[ index ] = clonedMat;
} else material.morphTargets = true;
// parse Geometry data from FBXTree and return map of BufferGeometries
function GeometryParser() {}
GeometryParser.prototype = {
constructor: GeometryParser,
// Parse nodes in FBXTree.Objects.Geometry
parse: function ( deformers ) {
var geometryMap = new Map();
if ( 'Geometry' in fbxTree.Objects ) {
var geoNodes = fbxTree.Objects.Geometry;
for ( var nodeID in geoNodes ) {
var relationships = connections.get( parseInt( nodeID ) );
var geo = this.parseGeometry( relationships, geoNodes[ nodeID ], deformers );
geometryMap.set( parseInt( nodeID ), geo );
return geometryMap;
// Parse single node in FBXTree.Objects.Geometry
parseGeometry: function ( relationships, geoNode, deformers ) {
switch ( geoNode.attrType ) {
case 'Mesh':
return this.parseMeshGeometry( relationships, geoNode, deformers );
case 'NurbsCurve':
return this.parseNurbsGeometry( geoNode );
// Parse single node mesh geometry in FBXTree.Objects.Geometry
parseMeshGeometry: function ( relationships, geoNode, deformers ) {
var skeletons = deformers.skeletons;
var morphTargets = deformers.morphTargets;
var modelNodes = function ( parent ) {
return fbxTree.Objects.Model[ parent.ID ];
} );
// don't create geometry if it is not associated with any models
if ( modelNodes.length === 0 ) return;
var skeleton = relationships.children.reduce( function ( skeleton, child ) {
if ( skeletons[ child.ID ] !== undefined ) skeleton = skeletons[ child.ID ];
return skeleton;
}, null );
var morphTarget = relationships.children.reduce( function ( morphTarget, child ) {
if ( morphTargets[ child.ID ] !== undefined ) morphTarget = morphTargets[ child.ID ];
return morphTarget;
}, null );
// Assume one model and get the preRotation from that
// if there is more than one model associated with the geometry this may cause problems
var modelNode = modelNodes[ 0 ];
var transformData = {};
if ( 'RotationOrder' in modelNode ) transformData.eulerOrder = getEulerOrder( modelNode.RotationOrder.value );
if ( 'InheritType' in modelNode ) transformData.inheritType = parseInt( modelNode.InheritType.value );
if ( 'GeometricTranslation' in modelNode ) transformData.translation = modelNode.GeometricTranslation.value;
if ( 'GeometricRotation' in modelNode ) transformData.rotation = modelNode.GeometricRotation.value;
if ( 'GeometricScaling' in modelNode ) transformData.scale = modelNode.GeometricScaling.value;
var transform = generateTransform( transformData );
return this.genGeometry( geoNode, skeleton, morphTarget, transform );
// Generate a THREE.BufferGeometry from a node in FBXTree.Objects.Geometry
genGeometry: function ( geoNode, skeleton, morphTarget, preTransform ) {
var geo = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
if ( geoNode.attrName ) = geoNode.attrName;
var geoInfo = this.parseGeoNode( geoNode, skeleton );
var buffers = this.genBuffers( geoInfo );
var positionAttribute = new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( buffers.vertex, 3 );
preTransform.applyToBufferAttribute( positionAttribute );
geo.addAttribute( 'position', positionAttribute );
if ( buffers.colors.length > 0 ) {
geo.addAttribute( 'color', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( buffers.colors, 3 ) );
if ( skeleton ) {
geo.addAttribute( 'skinIndex', new THREE.Uint16BufferAttribute( buffers.weightsIndices, 4 ) );
geo.addAttribute( 'skinWeight', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( buffers.vertexWeights, 4 ) );
// used later to bind the skeleton to the model
geo.FBX_Deformer = skeleton;
if ( buffers.normal.length > 0 ) {
var normalAttribute = new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( buffers.normal, 3 );
var normalMatrix = new THREE.Matrix3().getNormalMatrix( preTransform );
normalMatrix.applyToBufferAttribute( normalAttribute );
geo.addAttribute( 'normal', normalAttribute );
buffers.uvs.forEach( function ( uvBuffer, i ) {
// subsequent uv buffers are called 'uv1', 'uv2', ...
var name = 'uv' + ( i + 1 ).toString();
// the first uv buffer is just called 'uv'
if ( i === 0 ) {
name = 'uv';
geo.addAttribute( name, new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( buffers.uvs[ i ], 2 ) );
} );
if ( geoInfo.material && geoInfo.material.mappingType !== 'AllSame' ) {
// Convert the material indices of each vertex into rendering groups on the geometry.
var prevMaterialIndex = buffers.materialIndex[ 0 ];
var startIndex = 0;
buffers.materialIndex.forEach( function ( currentIndex, i ) {
if ( currentIndex !== prevMaterialIndex ) {
geo.addGroup( startIndex, i - startIndex, prevMaterialIndex );
prevMaterialIndex = currentIndex;
startIndex = i;
} );
// the loop above doesn't add the last group, do that here.
if ( geo.groups.length > 0 ) {
var lastGroup = geo.groups[ geo.groups.length - 1 ];
var lastIndex = lastGroup.start + lastGroup.count;
if ( lastIndex !== buffers.materialIndex.length ) {
geo.addGroup( lastIndex, buffers.materialIndex.length - lastIndex, prevMaterialIndex );
// case where there are multiple materials but the whole geometry is only
// using one of them
if ( geo.groups.length === 0 ) {
geo.addGroup( 0, buffers.materialIndex.length, buffers.materialIndex[ 0 ] );
this.addMorphTargets( geo, geoNode, morphTarget, preTransform );
return geo;
parseGeoNode: function ( geoNode, skeleton ) {
var geoInfo = {};
geoInfo.vertexPositions = ( geoNode.Vertices !== undefined ) ? geoNode.Vertices.a : [];
geoInfo.vertexIndices = ( geoNode.PolygonVertexIndex !== undefined ) ? geoNode.PolygonVertexIndex.a : [];
if ( geoNode.LayerElementColor ) {
geoInfo.color = this.parseVertexColors( geoNode.LayerElementColor[ 0 ] );
if ( geoNode.LayerElementMaterial ) {
geoInfo.material = this.parseMaterialIndices( geoNode.LayerElementMaterial[ 0 ] );
if ( geoNode.LayerElementNormal ) {
geoInfo.normal = this.parseNormals( geoNode.LayerElementNormal[ 0 ] );
if ( geoNode.LayerElementUV ) {
geoInfo.uv = [];
var i = 0;
while ( geoNode.LayerElementUV[ i ] ) {
geoInfo.uv.push( this.parseUVs( geoNode.LayerElementUV[ i ] ) );
i ++;
geoInfo.weightTable = {};
if ( skeleton !== null ) {
geoInfo.skeleton = skeleton;
skeleton.rawBones.forEach( function ( rawBone, i ) {
// loop over the bone's vertex indices and weights
rawBone.indices.forEach( function ( index, j ) {
if ( geoInfo.weightTable[ index ] === undefined ) geoInfo.weightTable[ index ] = [];
geoInfo.weightTable[ index ].push( {
id: i,
weight: rawBone.weights[ j ],
} );
} );
} );
return geoInfo;
genBuffers: function ( geoInfo ) {
var buffers = {
vertex: [],
normal: [],
colors: [],
uvs: [],
materialIndex: [],
vertexWeights: [],
weightsIndices: [],
var polygonIndex = 0;
var faceLength = 0;
var displayedWeightsWarning = false;
// these will hold data for a single face
var facePositionIndexes = [];
var faceNormals = [];
var faceColors = [];
var faceUVs = [];
var faceWeights = [];
var faceWeightIndices = [];
var self = this;
geoInfo.vertexIndices.forEach( function ( vertexIndex, polygonVertexIndex ) {
var endOfFace = false;
// Face index and vertex index arrays are combined in a single array
// A cube with quad faces looks like this:
// PolygonVertexIndex: *24 {
// a: 0, 1, 3, -3, 2, 3, 5, -5, 4, 5, 7, -7, 6, 7, 1, -1, 1, 7, 5, -4, 6, 0, 2, -5
// }
// Negative numbers mark the end of a face - first face here is 0, 1, 3, -3
// to find index of last vertex bit shift the index: ^ - 1
if ( vertexIndex < 0 ) {
vertexIndex = vertexIndex ^ - 1; // equivalent to ( x * -1 ) - 1
endOfFace = true;
var weightIndices = [];
var weights = [];
facePositionIndexes.push( vertexIndex * 3, vertexIndex * 3 + 1, vertexIndex * 3 + 2 );
if ( geoInfo.color ) {
var data = getData( polygonVertexIndex, polygonIndex, vertexIndex, geoInfo.color );
faceColors.push( data[ 0 ], data[ 1 ], data[ 2 ] );
if ( geoInfo.skeleton ) {
if ( geoInfo.weightTable[ vertexIndex ] !== undefined ) {
geoInfo.weightTable[ vertexIndex ].forEach( function ( wt ) {
weights.push( wt.weight );
weightIndices.push( );
} );
if ( weights.length > 4 ) {
if ( ! displayedWeightsWarning ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.FBXLoader: Vertex has more than 4 skinning weights assigned to vertex. Deleting additional weights.' );
displayedWeightsWarning = true;
var wIndex = [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ];
var Weight = [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ];
weights.forEach( function ( weight, weightIndex ) {
var currentWeight = weight;
var currentIndex = weightIndices[ weightIndex ];
Weight.forEach( function ( comparedWeight, comparedWeightIndex, comparedWeightArray ) {
if ( currentWeight > comparedWeight ) {
comparedWeightArray[ comparedWeightIndex ] = currentWeight;
currentWeight = comparedWeight;
var tmp = wIndex[ comparedWeightIndex ];
wIndex[ comparedWeightIndex ] = currentIndex;
currentIndex = tmp;
} );
} );
weightIndices = wIndex;
weights = Weight;
// if the weight array is shorter than 4 pad with 0s
while ( weights.length < 4 ) {
weights.push( 0 );
weightIndices.push( 0 );
for ( var i = 0; i < 4; ++ i ) {
faceWeights.push( weights[ i ] );
faceWeightIndices.push( weightIndices[ i ] );
if ( geoInfo.normal ) {
var data = getData( polygonVertexIndex, polygonIndex, vertexIndex, geoInfo.normal );
faceNormals.push( data[ 0 ], data[ 1 ], data[ 2 ] );
if ( geoInfo.material && geoInfo.material.mappingType !== 'AllSame' ) {
var materialIndex = getData( polygonVertexIndex, polygonIndex, vertexIndex, geoInfo.material )[ 0 ];
if ( geoInfo.uv ) {
geoInfo.uv.forEach( function ( uv, i ) {
var data = getData( polygonVertexIndex, polygonIndex, vertexIndex, uv );
if ( faceUVs[ i ] === undefined ) {
faceUVs[ i ] = [];
faceUVs[ i ].push( data[ 0 ] );
faceUVs[ i ].push( data[ 1 ] );
} );
faceLength ++;
if ( endOfFace ) {
self.genFace( buffers, geoInfo, facePositionIndexes, materialIndex, faceNormals, faceColors, faceUVs, faceWeights, faceWeightIndices, faceLength );
polygonIndex ++;
faceLength = 0;
// reset arrays for the next face
facePositionIndexes = [];
faceNormals = [];
faceColors = [];
faceUVs = [];
faceWeights = [];
faceWeightIndices = [];
} );
return buffers;
// Generate data for a single face in a geometry. If the face is a quad then split it into 2 tris
genFace: function ( buffers, geoInfo, facePositionIndexes, materialIndex, faceNormals, faceColors, faceUVs, faceWeights, faceWeightIndices, faceLength ) {
for ( var i = 2; i < faceLength; i ++ ) {
buffers.vertex.push( geoInfo.vertexPositions[ facePositionIndexes[ 0 ] ] );
buffers.vertex.push( geoInfo.vertexPositions[ facePositionIndexes[ 1 ] ] );
buffers.vertex.push( geoInfo.vertexPositions[ facePositionIndexes[ 2 ] ] );
buffers.vertex.push( geoInfo.vertexPositions[ facePositionIndexes[ ( i - 1 ) * 3 ] ] );
buffers.vertex.push( geoInfo.vertexPositions[ facePositionIndexes[ ( i - 1 ) * 3 + 1 ] ] );
buffers.vertex.push( geoInfo.vertexPositions[ facePositionIndexes[ ( i - 1 ) * 3 + 2 ] ] );
buffers.vertex.push( geoInfo.vertexPositions[ facePositionIndexes[ i * 3 ] ] );
buffers.vertex.push( geoInfo.vertexPositions[ facePositionIndexes[ i * 3 + 1 ] ] );
buffers.vertex.push( geoInfo.vertexPositions[ facePositionIndexes[ i * 3 + 2 ] ] );
if ( geoInfo.skeleton ) {
buffers.vertexWeights.push( faceWeights[ 0 ] );
buffers.vertexWeights.push( faceWeights[ 1 ] );
buffers.vertexWeights.push( faceWeights[ 2 ] );
buffers.vertexWeights.push( faceWeights[ 3 ] );
buffers.vertexWeights.push( faceWeights[ ( i - 1 ) * 4 ] );
buffers.vertexWeights.push( faceWeights[ ( i - 1 ) * 4 + 1 ] );
buffers.vertexWeights.push( faceWeights[ ( i - 1 ) * 4 + 2 ] );
buffers.vertexWeights.push( faceWeights[ ( i - 1 ) * 4 + 3 ] );
buffers.vertexWeights.push( faceWeights[ i * 4 ] );
buffers.vertexWeights.push( faceWeights[ i * 4 + 1 ] );
buffers.vertexWeights.push( faceWeights[ i * 4 + 2 ] );
buffers.vertexWeights.push( faceWeights[ i * 4 + 3 ] );
buffers.weightsIndices.push( faceWeightIndices[ 0 ] );
buffers.weightsIndices.push( faceWeightIndices[ 1 ] );
buffers.weightsIndices.push( faceWeightIndices[ 2 ] );
buffers.weightsIndices.push( faceWeightIndices[ 3 ] );
buffers.weightsIndices.push( faceWeightIndices[ ( i - 1 ) * 4 ] );
buffers.weightsIndices.push( faceWeightIndices[ ( i - 1 ) * 4 + 1 ] );
buffers.weightsIndices.push( faceWeightIndices[ ( i - 1 ) * 4 + 2 ] );
buffers.weightsIndices.push( faceWeightIndices[ ( i - 1 ) * 4 + 3 ] );
buffers.weightsIndices.push( faceWeightIndices[ i * 4 ] );
buffers.weightsIndices.push( faceWeightIndices[ i * 4 + 1 ] );
buffers.weightsIndices.push( faceWeightIndices[ i * 4 + 2 ] );
buffers.weightsIndices.push( faceWeightIndices[ i * 4 + 3 ] );
if ( geoInfo.color ) {
buffers.colors.push( faceColors[ 0 ] );
buffers.colors.push( faceColors[ 1 ] );
buffers.colors.push( faceColors[ 2 ] );
buffers.colors.push( faceColors[ ( i - 1 ) * 3 ] );
buffers.colors.push( faceColors[ ( i - 1 ) * 3 + 1 ] );
buffers.colors.push( faceColors[ ( i - 1 ) * 3 + 2 ] );
buffers.colors.push( faceColors[ i * 3 ] );
buffers.colors.push( faceColors[ i * 3 + 1 ] );
buffers.colors.push( faceColors[ i * 3 + 2 ] );
if ( geoInfo.material && geoInfo.material.mappingType !== 'AllSame' ) {
buffers.materialIndex.push( materialIndex );
buffers.materialIndex.push( materialIndex );
buffers.materialIndex.push( materialIndex );
if ( geoInfo.normal ) {
buffers.normal.push( faceNormals[ 0 ] );
buffers.normal.push( faceNormals[ 1 ] );
buffers.normal.push( faceNormals[ 2 ] );
buffers.normal.push( faceNormals[ ( i - 1 ) * 3 ] );
buffers.normal.push( faceNormals[ ( i - 1 ) * 3 + 1 ] );
buffers.normal.push( faceNormals[ ( i - 1 ) * 3 + 2 ] );
buffers.normal.push( faceNormals[ i * 3 ] );
buffers.normal.push( faceNormals[ i * 3 + 1 ] );
buffers.normal.push( faceNormals[ i * 3 + 2 ] );
if ( geoInfo.uv ) {
geoInfo.uv.forEach( function ( uv, j ) {
if ( buffers.uvs[ j ] === undefined ) buffers.uvs[ j ] = [];
buffers.uvs[ j ].push( faceUVs[ j ][ 0 ] );
buffers.uvs[ j ].push( faceUVs[ j ][ 1 ] );
buffers.uvs[ j ].push( faceUVs[ j ][ ( i - 1 ) * 2 ] );
buffers.uvs[ j ].push( faceUVs[ j ][ ( i - 1 ) * 2 + 1 ] );
buffers.uvs[ j ].push( faceUVs[ j ][ i * 2 ] );
buffers.uvs[ j ].push( faceUVs[ j ][ i * 2 + 1 ] );
} );
addMorphTargets: function ( parentGeo, parentGeoNode, morphTarget, preTransform ) {
if ( morphTarget === null ) return;
parentGeo.morphAttributes.position = [];
// parentGeo.morphAttributes.normal = []; // not implemented
var self = this;
morphTarget.rawTargets.forEach( function ( rawTarget ) {
var morphGeoNode = fbxTree.Objects.Geometry[ rawTarget.geoID ];
if ( morphGeoNode !== undefined ) {
self.genMorphGeometry( parentGeo, parentGeoNode, morphGeoNode, preTransform, );
} );
// a morph geometry node is similar to a standard node, and the node is also contained
// in FBXTree.Objects.Geometry, however it can only have attributes for position, normal
// and a special attribute Index defining which vertices of the original geometry are affected
// Normal and position attributes only have data for the vertices that are affected by the morph
genMorphGeometry: function ( parentGeo, parentGeoNode, morphGeoNode, preTransform, name ) {
var morphGeo = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
if ( morphGeoNode.attrName ) = morphGeoNode.attrName;
var vertexIndices = ( parentGeoNode.PolygonVertexIndex !== undefined ) ? parentGeoNode.PolygonVertexIndex.a : [];
// make a copy of the parent's vertex positions
var vertexPositions = ( parentGeoNode.Vertices !== undefined ) ? parentGeoNode.Vertices.a.slice() : [];
var morphPositions = ( morphGeoNode.Vertices !== undefined ) ? morphGeoNode.Vertices.a : [];
var indices = ( morphGeoNode.Indexes !== undefined ) ? morphGeoNode.Indexes.a : [];
for ( var i = 0; i < indices.length; i ++ ) {
var morphIndex = indices[ i ] * 3;
// FBX format uses blend shapes rather than morph targets. This can be converted
// by additively combining the blend shape positions with the original geometry's positions
vertexPositions[ morphIndex ] += morphPositions[ i * 3 ];
vertexPositions[ morphIndex + 1 ] += morphPositions[ i * 3 + 1 ];
vertexPositions[ morphIndex + 2 ] += morphPositions[ i * 3 + 2 ];
// TODO: add morph normal support
var morphGeoInfo = {
vertexIndices: vertexIndices,
vertexPositions: vertexPositions,
var morphBuffers = this.genBuffers( morphGeoInfo );
var positionAttribute = new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( morphBuffers.vertex, 3 ); = name || morphGeoNode.attrName;
preTransform.applyToBufferAttribute( positionAttribute );
parentGeo.morphAttributes.position.push( positionAttribute );
// Parse normal from FBXTree.Objects.Geometry.LayerElementNormal if it exists
parseNormals: function ( NormalNode ) {
var mappingType = NormalNode.MappingInformationType;
var referenceType = NormalNode.ReferenceInformationType;
var buffer = NormalNode.Normals.a;
var indexBuffer = [];
if ( referenceType === 'IndexToDirect' ) {
if ( 'NormalIndex' in NormalNode ) {
indexBuffer = NormalNode.NormalIndex.a;
} else if ( 'NormalsIndex' in NormalNode ) {
indexBuffer = NormalNode.NormalsIndex.a;
return {
dataSize: 3,
buffer: buffer,
indices: indexBuffer,
mappingType: mappingType,
referenceType: referenceType
// Parse UVs from FBXTree.Objects.Geometry.LayerElementUV if it exists
parseUVs: function ( UVNode ) {
var mappingType = UVNode.MappingInformationType;
var referenceType = UVNode.ReferenceInformationType;
var buffer = UVNode.UV.a;
var indexBuffer = [];
if ( referenceType === 'IndexToDirect' ) {
indexBuffer = UVNode.UVIndex.a;
return {
dataSize: 2,
buffer: buffer,
indices: indexBuffer,
mappingType: mappingType,
referenceType: referenceType
// Parse Vertex Colors from FBXTree.Objects.Geometry.LayerElementColor if it exists
parseVertexColors: function ( ColorNode ) {
var mappingType = ColorNode.MappingInformationType;
var referenceType = ColorNode.ReferenceInformationType;
var buffer = ColorNode.Colors.a;
var indexBuffer = [];
if ( referenceType === 'IndexToDirect' ) {
indexBuffer = ColorNode.ColorIndex.a;
return {
dataSize: 4,
buffer: buffer,
indices: indexBuffer,
mappingType: mappingType,
referenceType: referenceType
// Parse mapping and material data in FBXTree.Objects.Geometry.LayerElementMaterial if it exists
parseMaterialIndices: function ( MaterialNode ) {
var mappingType = MaterialNode.MappingInformationType;
var referenceType = MaterialNode.ReferenceInformationType;
if ( mappingType === 'NoMappingInformation' ) {
return {
dataSize: 1,
buffer: [ 0 ],
indices: [ 0 ],
mappingType: 'AllSame',
referenceType: referenceType
var materialIndexBuffer = MaterialNode.Materials.a;
// Since materials are stored as indices, there's a bit of a mismatch between FBX and what
// we expect.So we create an intermediate buffer that points to the index in the buffer,
// for conforming with the other functions we've written for other data.
var materialIndices = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < materialIndexBuffer.length; ++ i ) {
materialIndices.push( i );
return {
dataSize: 1,
buffer: materialIndexBuffer,
indices: materialIndices,
mappingType: mappingType,
referenceType: referenceType
// Generate a NurbGeometry from a node in FBXTree.Objects.Geometry
parseNurbsGeometry: function ( geoNode ) {
if ( THREE.NURBSCurve === undefined ) {
console.error( 'THREE.FBXLoader: The loader relies on THREE.NURBSCurve for any nurbs present in the model. Nurbs will show up as empty geometry.' );
return new THREE.BufferGeometry();
var order = parseInt( geoNode.Order );
if ( isNaN( order ) ) {
console.error( 'THREE.FBXLoader: Invalid Order %s given for geometry ID: %s', geoNode.Order, );
return new THREE.BufferGeometry();
var degree = order - 1;
var knots = geoNode.KnotVector.a;
var controlPoints = [];
var pointsValues = geoNode.Points.a;
for ( var i = 0, l = pointsValues.length; i < l; i += 4 ) {
controlPoints.push( new THREE.Vector4().fromArray( pointsValues, i ) );
var startKnot, endKnot;
if ( geoNode.Form === 'Closed' ) {
controlPoints.push( controlPoints[ 0 ] );
} else if ( geoNode.Form === 'Periodic' ) {
startKnot = degree;
endKnot = knots.length - 1 - startKnot;
for ( var i = 0; i < degree; ++ i ) {
controlPoints.push( controlPoints[ i ] );
var curve = new THREE.NURBSCurve( degree, knots, controlPoints, startKnot, endKnot );
var vertices = curve.getPoints( controlPoints.length * 7 );
var positions = new Float32Array( vertices.length * 3 );
vertices.forEach( function ( vertex, i ) {
vertex.toArray( positions, i * 3 );
} );
var geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
geometry.addAttribute( 'position', new THREE.BufferAttribute( positions, 3 ) );
return geometry;
// parse animation data from FBXTree
function AnimationParser() {}
AnimationParser.prototype = {
constructor: AnimationParser,
// take raw animation clips and turn them into three.js animation clips
parse: function () {
var animationClips = [];
var rawClips = this.parseClips();
if ( rawClips === undefined ) return;
for ( var key in rawClips ) {
var rawClip = rawClips[ key ];
var clip = this.addClip( rawClip );
animationClips.push( clip );
return animationClips;
parseClips: function () {
// since the actual transformation data is stored in FBXTree.Objects.AnimationCurve,
// if this is undefined we can safely assume there are no animations
if ( fbxTree.Objects.AnimationCurve === undefined ) return undefined;
var curveNodesMap = this.parseAnimationCurveNodes();
this.parseAnimationCurves( curveNodesMap );
var layersMap = this.parseAnimationLayers( curveNodesMap );
var rawClips = this.parseAnimStacks( layersMap );
return rawClips;
// parse nodes in FBXTree.Objects.AnimationCurveNode
// each AnimationCurveNode holds data for an animation transform for a model (e.g. left arm rotation )
// and is referenced by an AnimationLayer
parseAnimationCurveNodes: function () {
var rawCurveNodes = fbxTree.Objects.AnimationCurveNode;
var curveNodesMap = new Map();
for ( var nodeID in rawCurveNodes ) {
var rawCurveNode = rawCurveNodes[ nodeID ];
if ( rawCurveNode.attrName.match( /S|R|T|DeformPercent/ ) !== null ) {
var curveNode = {
attr: rawCurveNode.attrName,
curves: {},
curveNodesMap.set(, curveNode );
return curveNodesMap;
// parse nodes in FBXTree.Objects.AnimationCurve and connect them up to
// previously parsed AnimationCurveNodes. Each AnimationCurve holds data for a single animated
// axis ( e.g. times and values of x rotation)
parseAnimationCurves: function ( curveNodesMap ) {
var rawCurves = fbxTree.Objects.AnimationCurve;
// TODO: Many values are identical up to roundoff error, but won't be optimised
// e.g. position times: [0, 0.4, 0. 8]
// position values: [7.23538335023477e-7, 93.67518615722656, -0.9982695579528809, 7.23538335023477e-7, 93.67518615722656, -0.9982695579528809, 7.235384487103147e-7, 93.67520904541016, -0.9982695579528809]
// clearly, this should be optimised to
// times: [0], positions [7.23538335023477e-7, 93.67518615722656, -0.9982695579528809]
// this shows up in nearly every FBX file, and generally time array is length > 100
for ( var nodeID in rawCurves ) {
var animationCurve = {
id: rawCurves[ nodeID ].id,
times: rawCurves[ nodeID ] convertFBXTimeToSeconds ),
values: rawCurves[ nodeID ].KeyValueFloat.a,
var relationships = connections.get( );
if ( relationships !== undefined ) {
var animationCurveID = relationships.parents[ 0 ].ID;
var animationCurveRelationship = relationships.parents[ 0 ].relationship;
if ( animationCurveRelationship.match( /X/ ) ) {
curveNodesMap.get( animationCurveID ).curves[ 'x' ] = animationCurve;
} else if ( animationCurveRelationship.match( /Y/ ) ) {
curveNodesMap.get( animationCurveID ).curves[ 'y' ] = animationCurve;
} else if ( animationCurveRelationship.match( /Z/ ) ) {
curveNodesMap.get( animationCurveID ).curves[ 'z' ] = animationCurve;
} else if ( animationCurveRelationship.match( /d|DeformPercent/ ) && curveNodesMap.has( animationCurveID ) ) {
curveNodesMap.get( animationCurveID ).curves[ 'morph' ] = animationCurve;
// parse nodes in FBXTree.Objects.AnimationLayer. Each layers holds references
// to various AnimationCurveNodes and is referenced by an AnimationStack node
// note: theoretically a stack can have multiple layers, however in practice there always seems to be one per stack
parseAnimationLayers: function ( curveNodesMap ) {
var rawLayers = fbxTree.Objects.AnimationLayer;
var layersMap = new Map();
for ( var nodeID in rawLayers ) {
var layerCurveNodes = [];
var connection = connections.get( parseInt( nodeID ) );
if ( connection !== undefined ) {
// all the animationCurveNodes used in the layer
var children = connection.children;
children.forEach( function ( child, i ) {
if ( curveNodesMap.has( child.ID ) ) {
var curveNode = curveNodesMap.get( child.ID );
// check that the curves are defined for at least one axis, otherwise ignore the curveNode
if ( curveNode.curves.x !== undefined || curveNode.curves.y !== undefined || curveNode.curves.z !== undefined ) {
if ( layerCurveNodes[ i ] === undefined ) {
var modelID = connections.get( child.ID ).parents.filter( function ( parent ) {
return parent.relationship !== undefined;
} )[ 0 ].ID;
if ( modelID !== undefined ) {
var rawModel = fbxTree.Objects.Model[ modelID.toString() ];
var node = {
modelName: THREE.PropertyBinding.sanitizeNodeName( rawModel.attrName ),
initialPosition: [ 0, 0, 0 ],
initialRotation: [ 0, 0, 0 ],
initialScale: [ 1, 1, 1 ],
sceneGraph.traverse( function ( child ) {
if ( child.ID = ) {
node.transform = child.matrix;
if ( child.userData.transformData ) node.eulerOrder = child.userData.transformData.eulerOrder;
} );
if ( ! node.transform ) node.transform = new THREE.Matrix4();
// if the animated model is pre rotated, we'll have to apply the pre rotations to every
// animation value as well
if ( 'PreRotation' in rawModel ) node.preRotation = rawModel.PreRotation.value;
if ( 'PostRotation' in rawModel ) node.postRotation = rawModel.PostRotation.value;
layerCurveNodes[ i ] = node;
if ( layerCurveNodes[ i ] ) layerCurveNodes[ i ][ curveNode.attr ] = curveNode;
} else if ( curveNode.curves.morph !== undefined ) {
if ( layerCurveNodes[ i ] === undefined ) {
var deformerID = connections.get( child.ID ).parents.filter( function ( parent ) {
return parent.relationship !== undefined;
} )[ 0 ].ID;
var morpherID = connections.get( deformerID ).parents[ 0 ].ID;
var geoID = connections.get( morpherID ).parents[ 0 ].ID;
// assuming geometry is not used in more than one model
var modelID = connections.get( geoID ).parents[ 0 ].ID;
var rawModel = fbxTree.Objects.Model[ modelID ];
var node = {
modelName: THREE.PropertyBinding.sanitizeNodeName( rawModel.attrName ),
morphName: fbxTree.Objects.Deformer[ deformerID ].attrName,
layerCurveNodes[ i ] = node;
layerCurveNodes[ i ][ curveNode.attr ] = curveNode;
} );
layersMap.set( parseInt( nodeID ), layerCurveNodes );
return layersMap;
// parse nodes in FBXTree.Objects.AnimationStack. These are the top level node in the animation
// hierarchy. Each Stack node will be used to create a THREE.AnimationClip
parseAnimStacks: function ( layersMap ) {
var rawStacks = fbxTree.Objects.AnimationStack;
// connect the stacks (clips) up to the layers
var rawClips = {};
for ( var nodeID in rawStacks ) {
var children = connections.get( parseInt( nodeID ) ).children;
if ( children.length > 1 ) {
// it seems like stacks will always be associated with a single layer. But just in case there are files
// where there are multiple layers per stack, we'll display a warning
console.warn( 'THREE.FBXLoader: Encountered an animation stack with multiple layers, this is currently not supported. Ignoring subsequent layers.' );
var layer = layersMap.get( children[ 0 ].ID );
rawClips[ nodeID ] = {
name: rawStacks[ nodeID ].attrName,
layer: layer,
return rawClips;
addClip: function ( rawClip ) {
var tracks = [];
var self = this;
rawClip.layer.forEach( function ( rawTracks ) {
tracks = tracks.concat( self.generateTracks( rawTracks ) );
} );
return new THREE.AnimationClip(, - 1, tracks );
generateTracks: function ( rawTracks ) {
var tracks = [];
var initialPosition = new THREE.Vector3();
var initialRotation = new THREE.Quaternion();
var initialScale = new THREE.Vector3();
if ( rawTracks.transform ) rawTracks.transform.decompose( initialPosition, initialRotation, initialScale );
initialPosition = initialPosition.toArray();
initialRotation = new THREE.Euler().setFromQuaternion( initialRotation, rawTracks.eulerOrder ).toArray();
initialScale = initialScale.toArray();
if ( rawTracks.T !== undefined && Object.keys( rawTracks.T.curves ).length > 0 ) {
var positionTrack = this.generateVectorTrack( rawTracks.modelName, rawTracks.T.curves, initialPosition, 'position' );
if ( positionTrack !== undefined ) tracks.push( positionTrack );
if ( rawTracks.R !== undefined && Object.keys( rawTracks.R.curves ).length > 0 ) {
var rotationTrack = this.generateRotationTrack( rawTracks.modelName, rawTracks.R.curves, initialRotation, rawTracks.preRotation, rawTracks.postRotation, rawTracks.eulerOrder );
if ( rotationTrack !== undefined ) tracks.push( rotationTrack );
if ( rawTracks.S !== undefined && Object.keys( rawTracks.S.curves ).length > 0 ) {
var scaleTrack = this.generateVectorTrack( rawTracks.modelName, rawTracks.S.curves, initialScale, 'scale' );
if ( scaleTrack !== undefined ) tracks.push( scaleTrack );
if ( rawTracks.DeformPercent !== undefined ) {
var morphTrack = this.generateMorphTrack( rawTracks );
if ( morphTrack !== undefined ) tracks.push( morphTrack );
return tracks;
generateVectorTrack: function ( modelName, curves, initialValue, type ) {
var times = this.getTimesForAllAxes( curves );
var values = this.getKeyframeTrackValues( times, curves, initialValue );
return new THREE.VectorKeyframeTrack( modelName + '.' + type, times, values );
generateRotationTrack: function ( modelName, curves, initialValue, preRotation, postRotation, eulerOrder ) {
if ( curves.x !== undefined ) {
this.interpolateRotations( curves.x );
curves.x.values = THREE.Math.degToRad );
if ( curves.y !== undefined ) {
this.interpolateRotations( curves.y );
curves.y.values = THREE.Math.degToRad );
if ( curves.z !== undefined ) {
this.interpolateRotations( curves.z );
curves.z.values = THREE.Math.degToRad );
var times = this.getTimesForAllAxes( curves );
var values = this.getKeyframeTrackValues( times, curves, initialValue );
if ( preRotation !== undefined ) {
preRotation = THREE.Math.degToRad );
preRotation.push( eulerOrder );
preRotation = new THREE.Euler().fromArray( preRotation );
preRotation = new THREE.Quaternion().setFromEuler( preRotation );
if ( postRotation !== undefined ) {
postRotation = THREE.Math.degToRad );
postRotation.push( eulerOrder );
postRotation = new THREE.Euler().fromArray( postRotation );
postRotation = new THREE.Quaternion().setFromEuler( postRotation ).inverse();
var quaternion = new THREE.Quaternion();
var euler = new THREE.Euler();
var quaternionValues = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < values.length; i += 3 ) {
euler.set( values[ i ], values[ i + 1 ], values[ i + 2 ], eulerOrder );
quaternion.setFromEuler( euler );
if ( preRotation !== undefined ) quaternion.premultiply( preRotation );
if ( postRotation !== undefined ) quaternion.multiply( postRotation );
quaternion.toArray( quaternionValues, ( i / 3 ) * 4 );
return new THREE.QuaternionKeyframeTrack( modelName + '.quaternion', times, quaternionValues );
generateMorphTrack: function ( rawTracks ) {
var curves = rawTracks.DeformPercent.curves.morph;
var values = function ( val ) {
return val / 100;
} );
var morphNum = sceneGraph.getObjectByName( rawTracks.modelName ).morphTargetDictionary[ rawTracks.morphName ];
return new THREE.NumberKeyframeTrack( rawTracks.modelName + '.morphTargetInfluences[' + morphNum + ']', curves.times, values );
// For all animated objects, times are defined separately for each axis
// Here we'll combine the times into one sorted array without duplicates
getTimesForAllAxes: function ( curves ) {
var times = [];
// first join together the times for each axis, if defined
if ( curves.x !== undefined ) times = times.concat( curves.x.times );
if ( curves.y !== undefined ) times = times.concat( curves.y.times );
if ( curves.z !== undefined ) times = times.concat( curves.z.times );
// then sort them and remove duplicates
times = times.sort( function ( a, b ) {
return a - b;
} ).filter( function ( elem, index, array ) {
return array.indexOf( elem ) == index;
} );
return times;
getKeyframeTrackValues: function ( times, curves, initialValue ) {
var prevValue = initialValue;
var values = [];
var xIndex = - 1;
var yIndex = - 1;
var zIndex = - 1;
times.forEach( function ( time ) {
if ( curves.x ) xIndex = curves.x.times.indexOf( time );
if ( curves.y ) yIndex = curves.y.times.indexOf( time );
if ( curves.z ) zIndex = curves.z.times.indexOf( time );
// if there is an x value defined for this frame, use that
if ( xIndex !== - 1 ) {
var xValue = curves.x.values[ xIndex ];
values.push( xValue );
prevValue[ 0 ] = xValue;
} else {
// otherwise use the x value from the previous frame
values.push( prevValue[ 0 ] );
if ( yIndex !== - 1 ) {
var yValue = curves.y.values[ yIndex ];
values.push( yValue );
prevValue[ 1 ] = yValue;
} else {
values.push( prevValue[ 1 ] );
if ( zIndex !== - 1 ) {
var zValue = curves.z.values[ zIndex ];
values.push( zValue );
prevValue[ 2 ] = zValue;
} else {
values.push( prevValue[ 2 ] );
} );
return values;
// Rotations are defined as Euler angles which can have values of any size
// These will be converted to quaternions which don't support values greater than
// PI, so we'll interpolate large rotations
interpolateRotations: function ( curve ) {
for ( var i = 1; i < curve.values.length; i ++ ) {
var initialValue = curve.values[ i - 1 ];
var valuesSpan = curve.values[ i ] - initialValue;
var absoluteSpan = Math.abs( valuesSpan );
if ( absoluteSpan >= 180 ) {
var numSubIntervals = absoluteSpan / 180;
var step = valuesSpan / numSubIntervals;
var nextValue = initialValue + step;
var initialTime = curve.times[ i - 1 ];
var timeSpan = curve.times[ i ] - initialTime;
var interval = timeSpan / numSubIntervals;
var nextTime = initialTime + interval;
var interpolatedTimes = [];
var interpolatedValues = [];
while ( nextTime < curve.times[ i ] ) {
interpolatedTimes.push( nextTime );
nextTime += interval;
interpolatedValues.push( nextValue );
nextValue += step;
curve.times = inject( curve.times, i, interpolatedTimes );
curve.values = inject( curve.values, i, interpolatedValues );
// parse an FBX file in ASCII format
function TextParser() {}
TextParser.prototype = {
constructor: TextParser,
getPrevNode: function () {
return this.nodeStack[ this.currentIndent - 2 ];
getCurrentNode: function () {
return this.nodeStack[ this.currentIndent - 1 ];
getCurrentProp: function () {
return this.currentProp;
pushStack: function ( node ) {
this.nodeStack.push( node );
this.currentIndent += 1;
popStack: function () {
this.currentIndent -= 1;
setCurrentProp: function ( val, name ) {
this.currentProp = val;
this.currentPropName = name;
parse: function ( text ) {
this.currentIndent = 0;
this.allNodes = new FBXTree();
this.nodeStack = [];
this.currentProp = [];
this.currentPropName = '';
var self = this;
var split = text.split( /[\r\n]+/ );
split.forEach( function ( line, i ) {
var matchComment = line.match( /^[\s\t]*;/ );
var matchEmpty = line.match( /^[\s\t]*$/ );
if ( matchComment || matchEmpty ) return;
var matchBeginning = line.match( '^\\t{' + self.currentIndent + '}(\\w+):(.*){', '' );
var matchProperty = line.match( '^\\t{' + ( self.currentIndent ) + '}(\\w+):[\\s\\t\\r\\n](.*)' );
var matchEnd = line.match( '^\\t{' + ( self.currentIndent - 1 ) + '}}' );
if ( matchBeginning ) {
self.parseNodeBegin( line, matchBeginning );
} else if ( matchProperty ) {
self.parseNodeProperty( line, matchProperty, split[ ++ i ] );
} else if ( matchEnd ) {
} else if ( line.match( /^[^\s\t}]/ ) ) {
// large arrays are split over multiple lines terminated with a ',' character
// if this is encountered the line needs to be joined to the previous line
self.parseNodePropertyContinued( line );
} );
return this.allNodes;
parseNodeBegin: function ( line, property ) {
var nodeName = property[ 1 ].trim().replace( /^"/, '' ).replace( /"$/, '' );
var nodeAttrs = property[ 2 ].split( ',' ).map( function ( attr ) {
return attr.trim().replace( /^"/, '' ).replace( /"$/, '' );
} );
var node = { name: nodeName };
var attrs = this.parseNodeAttr( nodeAttrs );
var currentNode = this.getCurrentNode();
// a top node
if ( this.currentIndent === 0 ) {
this.allNodes.add( nodeName, node );
} else { // a subnode
// if the subnode already exists, append it
if ( nodeName in currentNode ) {
// special case Pose needs PoseNodes as an array
if ( nodeName === 'PoseNode' ) {
currentNode.PoseNode.push( node );
} else if ( currentNode[ nodeName ].id !== undefined ) {
currentNode[ nodeName ] = {};
currentNode[ nodeName ][ currentNode[ nodeName ].id ] = currentNode[ nodeName ];
if ( !== '' ) currentNode[ nodeName ][ ] = node;
} else if ( typeof === 'number' ) {
currentNode[ nodeName ] = {};
currentNode[ nodeName ][ ] = node;
} else if ( nodeName !== 'Properties70' ) {
if ( nodeName === 'PoseNode' ) currentNode[ nodeName ] = [ node ];
else currentNode[ nodeName ] = node;
if ( typeof === 'number' ) =;
if ( !== '' ) node.attrName =;
if ( attrs.type !== '' ) node.attrType = attrs.type;
this.pushStack( node );
parseNodeAttr: function ( attrs ) {
var id = attrs[ 0 ];
if ( attrs[ 0 ] !== '' ) {
id = parseInt( attrs[ 0 ] );
if ( isNaN( id ) ) {
id = attrs[ 0 ];
var name = '', type = '';
if ( attrs.length > 1 ) {
name = attrs[ 1 ].replace( /^(\w+)::/, '' );
type = attrs[ 2 ];
return { id: id, name: name, type: type };
parseNodeProperty: function ( line, property, contentLine ) {
var propName = property[ 1 ].replace( /^"/, '' ).replace( /"$/, '' ).trim();
var propValue = property[ 2 ].replace( /^"/, '' ).replace( /"$/, '' ).trim();
// for special case: base64 image data follows "Content: ," line
// Content: ,
// "/9j/4RDaRXhpZgAATU0A..."
if ( propName === 'Content' && propValue === ',' ) {
propValue = contentLine.replace( /"/g, '' ).replace( /,$/, '' ).trim();
var currentNode = this.getCurrentNode();
var parentName =;
if ( parentName === 'Properties70' ) {
this.parseNodeSpecialProperty( line, propName, propValue );
// Connections
if ( propName === 'C' ) {
var connProps = propValue.split( ',' ).slice( 1 );
var from = parseInt( connProps[ 0 ] );
var to = parseInt( connProps[ 1 ] );
var rest = propValue.split( ',' ).slice( 3 );
rest = function ( elem ) {
return elem.trim().replace( /^"/, '' );
} );
propName = 'connections';
propValue = [ from, to ];
append( propValue, rest );
if ( currentNode[ propName ] === undefined ) {
currentNode[ propName ] = [];
// Node
if ( propName === 'Node' ) = propValue;
// connections
if ( propName in currentNode && Array.isArray( currentNode[ propName ] ) ) {
currentNode[ propName ].push( propValue );
} else {
if ( propName !== 'a' ) currentNode[ propName ] = propValue;
else currentNode.a = propValue;
this.setCurrentProp( currentNode, propName );
// convert string to array, unless it ends in ',' in which case more will be added to it
if ( propName === 'a' && propValue.slice( - 1 ) !== ',' ) {
currentNode.a = parseNumberArray( propValue );
parseNodePropertyContinued: function ( line ) {
var currentNode = this.getCurrentNode();
currentNode.a += line;
// if the line doesn't end in ',' we have reached the end of the property value
// so convert the string to an array
if ( line.slice( - 1 ) !== ',' ) {
currentNode.a = parseNumberArray( currentNode.a );
// parse "Property70"
parseNodeSpecialProperty: function ( line, propName, propValue ) {
// split this
// P: "Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", "A",1,1,1
// into array like below
// ["Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", "A", "1,1,1" ]
var props = propValue.split( '",' ).map( function ( prop ) {
return prop.trim().replace( /^\"/, '' ).replace( /\s/, '_' );
} );
var innerPropName = props[ 0 ];
var innerPropType1 = props[ 1 ];
var innerPropType2 = props[ 2 ];
var innerPropFlag = props[ 3 ];
var innerPropValue = props[ 4 ];
// cast values where needed, otherwise leave as strings
switch ( innerPropType1 ) {
case 'int':
case 'enum':
case 'bool':
case 'ULongLong':
case 'double':
case 'Number':
case 'FieldOfView':
innerPropValue = parseFloat( innerPropValue );
case 'Color':
case 'ColorRGB':
case 'Vector3D':
case 'Lcl_Translation':
case 'Lcl_Rotation':
case 'Lcl_Scaling':
innerPropValue = parseNumberArray( innerPropValue );
// CAUTION: these props must append to parent's parent
this.getPrevNode()[ innerPropName ] = {
'type': innerPropType1,
'type2': innerPropType2,
'flag': innerPropFlag,
'value': innerPropValue
this.setCurrentProp( this.getPrevNode(), innerPropName );
// Parse an FBX file in Binary format
function BinaryParser() {}
BinaryParser.prototype = {
constructor: BinaryParser,
parse: function ( buffer ) {
var reader = new BinaryReader( buffer );
reader.skip( 23 ); // skip magic 23 bytes
var version = reader.getUint32();
console.log( 'THREE.FBXLoader: FBX binary version: ' + version );
var allNodes = new FBXTree();
while ( ! this.endOfContent( reader ) ) {
var node = this.parseNode( reader, version );
if ( node !== null ) allNodes.add(, node );
return allNodes;
// Check if reader has reached the end of content.
endOfContent: function ( reader ) {
// footer size: 160bytes + 16-byte alignment padding
// - 16bytes: magic
// - padding til 16-byte alignment (at least 1byte?)
// (seems like some exporters embed fixed 15 or 16bytes?)
// - 4bytes: magic
// - 4bytes: version
// - 120bytes: zero
// - 16bytes: magic
if ( reader.size() % 16 === 0 ) {
return ( ( reader.getOffset() + 160 + 16 ) & ~ 0xf ) >= reader.size();
} else {
return reader.getOffset() + 160 + 16 >= reader.size();
// recursively parse nodes until the end of the file is reached
parseNode: function ( reader, version ) {
var node = {};
// The first three data sizes depends on version.
var endOffset = ( version >= 7500 ) ? reader.getUint64() : reader.getUint32();
var numProperties = ( version >= 7500 ) ? reader.getUint64() : reader.getUint32();
// note: do not remove this even if you get a linter warning as it moves the buffer forward
var propertyListLen = ( version >= 7500 ) ? reader.getUint64() : reader.getUint32();
var nameLen = reader.getUint8();
var name = reader.getString( nameLen );
// Regards this node as NULL-record if endOffset is zero
if ( endOffset === 0 ) return null;
var propertyList = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < numProperties; i ++ ) {
propertyList.push( this.parseProperty( reader ) );
// Regards the first three elements in propertyList as id, attrName, and attrType
var id = propertyList.length > 0 ? propertyList[ 0 ] : '';
var attrName = propertyList.length > 1 ? propertyList[ 1 ] : '';
var attrType = propertyList.length > 2 ? propertyList[ 2 ] : '';
// check if this node represents just a single property
// like (name, 0) set or (name2, [0, 1, 2]) set of {name: 0, name2: [0, 1, 2]}
node.singleProperty = ( numProperties === 1 && reader.getOffset() === endOffset ) ? true : false;
while ( endOffset > reader.getOffset() ) {
var subNode = this.parseNode( reader, version );
if ( subNode !== null ) this.parseSubNode( name, node, subNode );
node.propertyList = propertyList; // raw property list used by parent
if ( typeof id === 'number' ) = id;
if ( attrName !== '' ) node.attrName = attrName;
if ( attrType !== '' ) node.attrType = attrType;
if ( name !== '' ) = name;
return node;
parseSubNode: function ( name, node, subNode ) {
// special case: child node is single property
if ( subNode.singleProperty === true ) {
var value = subNode.propertyList[ 0 ];
if ( Array.isArray( value ) ) {
node[ ] = subNode;
subNode.a = value;
} else {
node[ ] = value;
} else if ( name === 'Connections' && === 'C' ) {
var array = [];
subNode.propertyList.forEach( function ( property, i ) {
// first Connection is FBX type (OO, OP, etc.). We'll discard these
if ( i !== 0 ) array.push( property );
} );
if ( node.connections === undefined ) {
node.connections = [];
node.connections.push( array );
} else if ( === 'Properties70' ) {
var keys = Object.keys( subNode );
keys.forEach( function ( key ) {
node[ key ] = subNode[ key ];
} );
} else if ( name === 'Properties70' && === 'P' ) {
var innerPropName = subNode.propertyList[ 0 ];
var innerPropType1 = subNode.propertyList[ 1 ];
var innerPropType2 = subNode.propertyList[ 2 ];
var innerPropFlag = subNode.propertyList[ 3 ];
var innerPropValue;
if ( innerPropName.indexOf( 'Lcl ' ) === 0 ) innerPropName = innerPropName.replace( 'Lcl ', 'Lcl_' );
if ( innerPropType1.indexOf( 'Lcl ' ) === 0 ) innerPropType1 = innerPropType1.replace( 'Lcl ', 'Lcl_' );
if ( innerPropType1 === 'Color' || innerPropType1 === 'ColorRGB' || innerPropType1 === 'Vector' || innerPropType1 === 'Vector3D' || innerPropType1.indexOf( 'Lcl_' ) === 0 ) {
innerPropValue = [
subNode.propertyList[ 4 ],
subNode.propertyList[ 5 ],
subNode.propertyList[ 6 ]
} else {
innerPropValue = subNode.propertyList[ 4 ];
// this will be copied to parent, see above
node[ innerPropName ] = {
'type': innerPropType1,
'type2': innerPropType2,
'flag': innerPropFlag,
'value': innerPropValue
} else if ( node[ ] === undefined ) {
if ( typeof === 'number' ) {
node[ ] = {};
node[ ][ ] = subNode;
} else {
node[ ] = subNode;
} else {
if ( === 'PoseNode' ) {
if ( ! Array.isArray( node[ ] ) ) {
node[ ] = [ node[ ] ];
node[ ].push( subNode );
} else if ( node[ ][ ] === undefined ) {
node[ ][ ] = subNode;
parseProperty: function ( reader ) {
var type = reader.getString( 1 );
switch ( type ) {
case 'C':
return reader.getBoolean();
case 'D':
return reader.getFloat64();
case 'F':
return reader.getFloat32();
case 'I':
return reader.getInt32();
case 'L':
return reader.getInt64();
case 'R':
var length = reader.getUint32();
return reader.getArrayBuffer( length );
case 'S':
var length = reader.getUint32();
return reader.getString( length );
case 'Y':
return reader.getInt16();
case 'b':
case 'c':
case 'd':
case 'f':
case 'i':
case 'l':
var arrayLength = reader.getUint32();
var encoding = reader.getUint32(); // 0: non-compressed, 1: compressed
var compressedLength = reader.getUint32();
if ( encoding === 0 ) {
switch ( type ) {
case 'b':
case 'c':
return reader.getBooleanArray( arrayLength );
case 'd':
return reader.getFloat64Array( arrayLength );
case 'f':
return reader.getFloat32Array( arrayLength );
case 'i':
return reader.getInt32Array( arrayLength );
case 'l':
return reader.getInt64Array( arrayLength );
if ( typeof Zlib === 'undefined' ) {
console.error( 'THREE.FBXLoader: External library Inflate.min.js required, obtain or import from' );
var inflate = new Zlib.Inflate( new Uint8Array( reader.getArrayBuffer( compressedLength ) ) ); // eslint-disable-line no-undef
var reader2 = new BinaryReader( inflate.decompress().buffer );
switch ( type ) {
case 'b':
case 'c':
return reader2.getBooleanArray( arrayLength );
case 'd':
return reader2.getFloat64Array( arrayLength );
case 'f':
return reader2.getFloat32Array( arrayLength );
case 'i':
return reader2.getInt32Array( arrayLength );
case 'l':
return reader2.getInt64Array( arrayLength );
throw new Error( 'THREE.FBXLoader: Unknown property type ' + type );
function BinaryReader( buffer, littleEndian ) {
this.dv = new DataView( buffer );
this.offset = 0;
this.littleEndian = ( littleEndian !== undefined ) ? littleEndian : true;
BinaryReader.prototype = {
constructor: BinaryReader,
getOffset: function () {
return this.offset;
size: function () {
return this.dv.buffer.byteLength;
skip: function ( length ) {
this.offset += length;
// seems like true/false representation depends on exporter.
// true: 1 or 'Y'(=0x59), false: 0 or 'T'(=0x54)
// then sees LSB.
getBoolean: function () {
return ( this.getUint8() & 1 ) === 1;
getBooleanArray: function ( size ) {
var a = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < size; i ++ ) {
a.push( this.getBoolean() );
return a;
getUint8: function () {
var value = this.dv.getUint8( this.offset );
this.offset += 1;
return value;
getInt16: function () {
var value = this.dv.getInt16( this.offset, this.littleEndian );
this.offset += 2;
return value;
getInt32: function () {
var value = this.dv.getInt32( this.offset, this.littleEndian );
this.offset += 4;
return value;
getInt32Array: function ( size ) {
var a = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < size; i ++ ) {
a.push( this.getInt32() );
return a;
getUint32: function () {
var value = this.dv.getUint32( this.offset, this.littleEndian );
this.offset += 4;
return value;
// JavaScript doesn't support 64-bit integer so calculate this here
// 1 << 32 will return 1 so using multiply operation instead here.
// There's a possibility that this method returns wrong value if the value
// is out of the range between Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER and Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER.
// TODO: safely handle 64-bit integer
getInt64: function () {
var low, high;
if ( this.littleEndian ) {
low = this.getUint32();
high = this.getUint32();
} else {
high = this.getUint32();
low = this.getUint32();
// calculate negative value
if ( high & 0x80000000 ) {
high = ~ high & 0xFFFFFFFF;
low = ~ low & 0xFFFFFFFF;
if ( low === 0xFFFFFFFF ) high = ( high + 1 ) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
low = ( low + 1 ) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
return - ( high * 0x100000000 + low );
return high * 0x100000000 + low;
getInt64Array: function ( size ) {
var a = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < size; i ++ ) {
a.push( this.getInt64() );
return a;
// Note: see getInt64() comment
getUint64: function () {
var low, high;
if ( this.littleEndian ) {
low = this.getUint32();
high = this.getUint32();
} else {
high = this.getUint32();
low = this.getUint32();
return high * 0x100000000 + low;
getFloat32: function () {
var value = this.dv.getFloat32( this.offset, this.littleEndian );
this.offset += 4;
return value;
getFloat32Array: function ( size ) {
var a = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < size; i ++ ) {
a.push( this.getFloat32() );
return a;
getFloat64: function () {
var value = this.dv.getFloat64( this.offset, this.littleEndian );
this.offset += 8;
return value;
getFloat64Array: function ( size ) {
var a = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < size; i ++ ) {
a.push( this.getFloat64() );
return a;
getArrayBuffer: function ( size ) {
var value = this.dv.buffer.slice( this.offset, this.offset + size );
this.offset += size;
return value;
getString: function ( size ) {
// note: safari 9 doesn't support Uint8Array.indexOf; create intermediate array instead
var a = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < size; i ++ ) {
a[ i ] = this.getUint8();
var nullByte = a.indexOf( 0 );
if ( nullByte >= 0 ) a = a.slice( 0, nullByte );
return THREE.LoaderUtils.decodeText( new Uint8Array( a ) );
// FBXTree holds a representation of the FBX data, returned by the TextParser ( FBX ASCII format)
// and BinaryParser( FBX Binary format)
function FBXTree() {}
FBXTree.prototype = {
constructor: FBXTree,
add: function ( key, val ) {
this[ key ] = val;
// ************** UTILITY FUNCTIONS **************
function isFbxFormatBinary( buffer ) {
var CORRECT = 'Kaydara FBX Binary \0';
return buffer.byteLength >= CORRECT.length && CORRECT === convertArrayBufferToString( buffer, 0, CORRECT.length );
function isFbxFormatASCII( text ) {
var CORRECT = [ 'K', 'a', 'y', 'd', 'a', 'r', 'a', '\\', 'F', 'B', 'X', '\\', 'B', 'i', 'n', 'a', 'r', 'y', '\\', '\\' ];
var cursor = 0;
function read( offset ) {
var result = text[ offset - 1 ];
text = text.slice( cursor + offset );
cursor ++;
return result;
for ( var i = 0; i < CORRECT.length; ++ i ) {
var num = read( 1 );
if ( num === CORRECT[ i ] ) {
return false;
return true;
function getFbxVersion( text ) {
var versionRegExp = /FBXVersion: (\d+)/;
var match = text.match( versionRegExp );
if ( match ) {
var version = parseInt( match[ 1 ] );
return version;
throw new Error( 'THREE.FBXLoader: Cannot find the version number for the file given.' );
// Converts FBX ticks into real time seconds.
function convertFBXTimeToSeconds( time ) {
return time / 46186158000;
var dataArray = [];
// extracts the data from the correct position in the FBX array based on indexing type
function getData( polygonVertexIndex, polygonIndex, vertexIndex, infoObject ) {
var index;
switch ( infoObject.mappingType ) {
case 'ByPolygonVertex' :
index = polygonVertexIndex;
case 'ByPolygon' :
index = polygonIndex;
case 'ByVertice' :
index = vertexIndex;
case 'AllSame' :
index = infoObject.indices[ 0 ];
default :
console.warn( 'THREE.FBXLoader: unknown attribute mapping type ' + infoObject.mappingType );
if ( infoObject.referenceType === 'IndexToDirect' ) index = infoObject.indices[ index ];
var from = index * infoObject.dataSize;
var to = from + infoObject.dataSize;
return slice( dataArray, infoObject.buffer, from, to );
var tempEuler = new THREE.Euler();
var tempVec = new THREE.Vector3();
// generate transformation from FBX transform data
// ref:
// ref:,topicNumber=cpp_ref__transformations_2main_8cxx_example_htmlfc10a1e1-b18d-4e72-9dc0-70d0f1959f5e
function generateTransform( transformData ) {
var lTranslationM = new THREE.Matrix4();
var lPreRotationM = new THREE.Matrix4();
var lRotationM = new THREE.Matrix4();
var lPostRotationM = new THREE.Matrix4();
var lScalingM = new THREE.Matrix4();
var lScalingPivotM = new THREE.Matrix4();
var lScalingOffsetM = new THREE.Matrix4();
var lRotationOffsetM = new THREE.Matrix4();
var lRotationPivotM = new THREE.Matrix4();
var lParentGX = new THREE.Matrix4();
var lGlobalT = new THREE.Matrix4();
var inheritType = ( transformData.inheritType ) ? transformData.inheritType : 0;
if ( transformData.translation ) lTranslationM.setPosition( tempVec.fromArray( transformData.translation ) );
if ( transformData.preRotation ) {
var array = THREE.Math.degToRad );
array.push( transformData.eulerOrder );
lPreRotationM.makeRotationFromEuler( tempEuler.fromArray( array ) );
if ( transformData.rotation ) {
var array = THREE.Math.degToRad );
array.push( transformData.eulerOrder );
lRotationM.makeRotationFromEuler( tempEuler.fromArray( array ) );
if ( transformData.postRotation ) {
var array = THREE.Math.degToRad );
array.push( transformData.eulerOrder );
lPostRotationM.makeRotationFromEuler( tempEuler.fromArray( array ) );
if ( transformData.scale ) lScalingM.scale( tempVec.fromArray( transformData.scale ) );
// Pivots and offsets
if ( transformData.scalingOffset ) lScalingOffsetM.setPosition( tempVec.fromArray( transformData.scalingOffset ) );
if ( transformData.scalingPivot ) lScalingPivotM.setPosition( tempVec.fromArray( transformData.scalingPivot ) );
if ( transformData.rotationOffset ) lRotationOffsetM.setPosition( tempVec.fromArray( transformData.rotationOffset ) );
if ( transformData.rotationPivot ) lRotationPivotM.setPosition( tempVec.fromArray( transformData.rotationPivot ) );
// parent transform
if ( transformData.parentMatrixWorld ) lParentGX = transformData.parentMatrixWorld;
// Global Rotation
var lLRM = lPreRotationM.multiply( lRotationM ).multiply( lPostRotationM );
var lParentGRM = new THREE.Matrix4();
lParentGX.extractRotation( lParentGRM );
// Global Shear*Scaling
var lParentTM = new THREE.Matrix4();
var lLSM;
var lParentGSM;
var lParentGRSM;
lParentTM.copyPosition( lParentGX );
lParentGRSM = lParentTM.getInverse( lParentTM ).multiply( lParentGX );
lParentGSM = lParentGRM.getInverse( lParentGRM ).multiply( lParentGRSM );
lLSM = lScalingM;
var lGlobalRS;
if ( inheritType === 0 ) {
lGlobalRS = lParentGRM.multiply( lLRM ).multiply( lParentGSM ).multiply( lLSM );
} else if ( inheritType === 1 ) {
lGlobalRS = lParentGRM.multiply( lParentGSM ).multiply( lLRM ).multiply( lLSM );
} else {
var lParentLSM = new THREE.Matrix4().copy( lScalingM );
var lParentGSM_noLocal = lParentGSM.multiply( lParentLSM.getInverse( lParentLSM ) );
lGlobalRS = lParentGRM.multiply( lLRM ).multiply( lParentGSM_noLocal ).multiply( lLSM );
// Calculate the local transform matrix
var lTransform = lTranslationM.multiply( lRotationOffsetM ).multiply( lRotationPivotM ).multiply( lPreRotationM ).multiply( lRotationM ).multiply( lPostRotationM ).multiply( lRotationPivotM.getInverse( lRotationPivotM ) ).multiply( lScalingOffsetM ).multiply( lScalingPivotM ).multiply( lScalingM ).multiply( lScalingPivotM.getInverse( lScalingPivotM ) );
var lLocalTWithAllPivotAndOffsetInfo = new THREE.Matrix4().copyPosition( lTransform );
var lGlobalTranslation = lParentGX.multiply( lLocalTWithAllPivotAndOffsetInfo );
lGlobalT.copyPosition( lGlobalTranslation );
lTransform = lGlobalT.multiply( lGlobalRS );
return lTransform;
// Returns the three.js intrinsic Euler order corresponding to FBX extrinsic Euler order
// ref:
function getEulerOrder( order ) {
order = order || 0;
var enums = [
'ZYX', // -> XYZ extrinsic
'YZX', // -> XZY extrinsic
'XZY', // -> YZX extrinsic
'ZXY', // -> YXZ extrinsic
'YXZ', // -> ZXY extrinsic
'XYZ', // -> ZYX extrinsic
//'SphericXYZ', // not possible to support
if ( order === 6 ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.FBXLoader: unsupported Euler Order: Spherical XYZ. Animations and rotations may be incorrect.' );
return enums[ 0 ];
return enums[ order ];
// Parses comma separated list of numbers and returns them an array.
// Used internally by the TextParser
function parseNumberArray( value ) {
var array = value.split( ',' ).map( function ( val ) {
return parseFloat( val );
} );
return array;
function convertArrayBufferToString( buffer, from, to ) {
if ( from === undefined ) from = 0;
if ( to === undefined ) to = buffer.byteLength;
return THREE.LoaderUtils.decodeText( new Uint8Array( buffer, from, to ) );
function append( a, b ) {
for ( var i = 0, j = a.length, l = b.length; i < l; i ++, j ++ ) {
a[ j ] = b[ i ];
function slice( a, b, from, to ) {
for ( var i = from, j = 0; i < to; i ++, j ++ ) {
a[ j ] = b[ i ];
return a;
// inject array a2 into array a1 at index
function inject( a1, index, a2 ) {
return a1.slice( 0, index ).concat( a2 ).concat( a1.slice( index ) );
return FBXLoader;
} )();
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