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Created January 22, 2011 22:55
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This version memoizes the calculation by determining the sequences of "ride sizes" (i.e. number of people on the rollercoaster in subsequent rides) obtained starting at different positions in the queue. This speeds things up in two ways: (a) we only need
module Main where
import Text.Printf
-- Processing
profit :: Integer -> Integer -> [Integer] -> Integer
profit r cap gs
| sum gs <= cap = r * (sum gs)
| otherwise = sum $ take (fromIntegral r) $ rideSizes 0
rideSizes :: Int -> [Integer]
rideSizes = (map calcRideSequence [0..] !!)
numGroups :: Int
numGroups = length gs
calcRideSequence :: Int -> [Integer]
calcRideSequence n =
let (peopleOnRide, groupsOnRide) = nextLoad (drop n $ cycle gs)
in peopleOnRide : rideSizes ((n + groupsOnRide) `mod` numGroups)
nextLoad :: [Integer] -> (Integer, Int)
nextLoad q = nl q 0 0
nl :: [Integer] -> Integer -> Int -> (Integer, Int)
nl [] s n = (s, n)
nl (x:xs) m n
| m+x <= cap = nl xs (m+x) (n+1)
| otherwise = (m, n)
-- Parsing and output
processInput :: String -> [String]
processInput s = zipWith (printf "Case #%d: %d") ([1..] :: [Integer]) profits
cases = map (map read . words) . drop 1 . lines $ s
profits = chop processCase cases
processCase :: [[Integer]] -> (Integer, [[Integer]])
processCase ([numRuns, coasterSize, _] : groups : rest)
= (profit numRuns coasterSize groups, rest)
processCase _ = error "invalid input"
chop :: ([a] -> (b, [a])) -> [a] -> [b]
chop _ [] = []
chop f as = b : chop f as'
(b, as') = f as
main :: IO ()
main = interact (unlines . processInput)
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