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Created October 29, 2018 14:16
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(defn- attr-spec->shape "Take the pull and get rid of everything, even splat, just attrs requested."
; todo :as
(keyword? a) a
(#{'* "*"} a) nil
(map? a) (reduce-kv (fn [m k v]
(assoc m (attr-spec->shape k)
(pull-shape v)))
{} a)
(and (sequential? a) (keyword? (first a))) (first a)
(and (sequential? a) (#{'limit "limit" 'default "default"} (first a))) (second a)
:else a))
(defn pull-shape [pull-pattern]
{:pre [(sequential? pull-pattern)]}
(->> pull-pattern
(map attr-spec->shape)
(remove nil?)
(defn pulled-tree-derivative "Manufacture a pull-shape which describes a pulled-tree"
[schema-by-attr pulled-tree]
{:pre [schema-by-attr (map? pulled-tree)]}
(let [ref? (partial ref? schema-by-attr)]
(->> pulled-tree
(fn [acc k v]
(conj acc (cond
(= :db/id k) k
(ref? k) {k (pulled-tree-derivative schema-by-attr v)}
:else k)))
(defn pull-shape-union [& vs]
; they have to be the same shape, which if this is a valid pull, they are
(sequential? (first vs))
(let [pull-pattern (apply concat vs)
[as bs] (group-by-pred map? pull-pattern)] ; this loses order by rewriting the pull canonical
(distinct bs)
(if-let [as (apply pull-shape-union as)] ; don't concat [nil]
(map? (first vs))
(apply merge-with pull-shape-union vs)))
(defn enclosing-pull-shape "Union the requested pull-pattern-shape with the actual result shape"
[schema pull-pattern-shape coll]
(apply pull-shape-union pull-pattern-shape (map (partial pulled-tree-derivative schema) coll)))
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