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Last active July 30, 2020 22:36
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use core::hash::Hash;
use std::sync::Arc;
use core::any::Any;
use core::any::TypeId;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use async_trait::async_trait; // 0.1.36
use tokio; // 0.2.21
use tokio::sync::RwLock;
// Our trait. The async part is not necessary, I just wanted to see how it behaves :)
pub trait Query: 'static + Send + Sync + Hash {
type Output: Send + Sync; // The output of the query
// You dont need reference to text if system has text.
// IMO this method should be as clean as possible, only real [re]calculation, nothing else
// Whats more, we could take also &self parameter to pass... query parameters :)
async fn calc(&self, system: &System) -> Self::Output;
// Replaced Rc with Arc
pub struct QueryRef<T>(Arc<T>);
impl<T> std::ops::Deref for QueryRef<T> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
// To store query parameter we have to make sure that queries (at the bottom):
// Add(2,3) and Add(3,2) are not stored in the same hashmap cell. To do so, we store **hashes** of parameters.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct QueryKey(TypeId, u64);
pub struct System {
text: String,
// Instead of storing in Arc<> whole Query, I store only Query::Output
queries: RwLock<HashMap<QueryKey, Arc<dyn Any + Send + Sync>>>,
impl System {
pub fn new(text: impl ToString) -> Self {
Self {
text: text.to_string(),
queries: Default::default()
fn query_key<Q: Query>(query: &Q) -> QueryKey {
use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher;
use std::hash::Hasher;
let type_id = TypeId::of::<Q>();
let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new();
query.hash(&mut hasher);
let hash = hasher.finish();
QueryKey(type_id, hash)
// This is almost 1:1 with your code
pub async fn query_ref<Q>(&self, query: Q) -> QueryRef<Q::Output>
where Q: Query {
let query_key = Self::query_key(&query);
if ! {
let query_output = query.calc(&self).await;
self.queries.write().await.insert(query_key, Arc::new(query_output));
let borrow =;
let any = borrow
.get(&query_key).expect("Fatal bug, query does not exist!")
let storage = any.downcast::<Q::Output>().expect("Couldn't downcast");
// But here I decided to clone the output, just like Salsa does.
pub async fn query<Q>(&self, query: Q) -> Q::Output
where Q: Query,
Q::Output: Clone {
let query_key = Self::query_key(&query);
if ! {
let query_output = query.calc(&self).await;
self.queries.write().await.insert(query_key, Arc::new(query_output));
let borrow =;
let any = borrow
.get(&query_key).expect("Fatal bug, query does not exist!");
let storage = any.downcast_ref::<Q::Output>().expect("Couldn't downcast");
// Query doesn't store the output, instead you type `Output = ` and its stored in `System`.
// Now Lines have to implement Hash.
pub struct Lines;
impl Query for Lines {
type Output = Vec<String>;
async fn calc(&self, system: &System) -> Self::Output {
println!("Calc lines");
pub struct RavenCount;
impl Query for RavenCount {
type Output = usize;
async fn calc(&self, system: &System) -> Self::Output {
println!("Calc raven count");
.flat_map(|line| line.char_indices().map(move |x| (line, x)) )
.filter(|(line, (idx, _))| {
.all(|(lhs, rhs)| lhs == rhs)
// But we can use parameters!
pub struct Add {
a: usize,
b: String
impl Query for Add {
type Output = String;
async fn calc(&self, _system: &System) -> Self::Output {
println!("Calc add");
format!("{} + {}", self.a, self.b)
async fn main() {
let text = "Foo\n Raven\n Foo";
let system = System::new(text);
let raven_count = system.query(RavenCount).await;
println!("raven count: {}", raven_count);
let raven_count = system.query_ref(RavenCount).await;
println!("raven count 2: {}", *raven_count);
// Calc it once
let added = system.query_ref(Add { a: 2, b: "3".into() }).await;
println!("Added: {}", *added);
// Reuse memoized output
let added = system.query_ref(Add { a: 2, b: "3".into() }).await;
println!("Added 2: {}", *added);
// Different parameters means we have to calculate them again
let added = system.query_ref(Add { a: 3, b: "2".into() }).await;
println!("Added 3: {}", *added);
// But then still we should be able to read memoized output.
let added = system.query_ref(Add { a: 2, b: "3".into() }).await;
println!("Added 4: {}", *added);
use core::hash::Hash;
use std::sync::Arc;
use core::any::Any;
use core::any::TypeId;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use async_trait::async_trait; // 0.1.36
use tokio; // 0.2.21
use tokio::sync::RwLock;
// Our trait. The async part is not necessary, I just wanted to see how it behaves :)
pub trait Query: 'static + Send + Sync + Hash {
type Output: Send + Sync; // The output of the query
// You dont need reference to text if system has text.
// IMO this method should be as clean as possible, only real [re]calculation, nothing else
// Whats more, we could take also &self parameter to pass... query parameters :)
async fn calc(&self, system: &System) -> Self::Output;
// Replaced Rc with Arc
pub struct QueryRef<T>(Arc<T>);
impl<T> std::ops::Deref for QueryRef<T> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
// To store query parameter we have to make sure that queries (at the bottom):
// Add(2,3) and Add(3,2) are not stored in the same hashmap cell. To do so, we store **hashes** of parameters.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct QueryKey(TypeId, u64);
pub struct System {
// Instead of storing in Arc<> whole Query, I store only Query::Output
queries: RwLock<HashMap<QueryKey, Arc<dyn Any + Send + Sync>>>,
impl System {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
queries: Default::default()
fn query_key<Q: Query>(query: &Q) -> QueryKey {
use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher;
use std::hash::Hasher;
let type_id = TypeId::of::<Q>();
let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new();
query.hash(&mut hasher);
let hash = hasher.finish();
QueryKey(type_id, hash)
// This is almost 1:1 with your code
pub async fn query_ref<Q>(&self, query: Q) -> QueryRef<Q::Output>
where Q: Query {
let query_key = Self::query_key(&query);
if ! {
let query_output = query.calc(&self).await;
self.queries.write().await.insert(query_key, Arc::new(query_output));
let borrow =;
let any = borrow
.get(&query_key).expect("Fatal bug, query does not exist!")
let storage = any.downcast::<Q::Output>().expect("Couldn't downcast");
// But here I decided to clone the output, just like Salsa does.
pub async fn query<Q>(&self, query: Q) -> Q::Output
where Q: Query,
Q::Output: Clone {
let query_key = Self::query_key(&query);
if ! {
let query_output = query.calc(&self).await;
self.queries.write().await.insert(query_key, Arc::new(query_output));
let borrow =;
let any = borrow
.get(&query_key).expect("Fatal bug, query does not exist!");
let storage = any.downcast_ref::<Q::Output>().expect("Couldn't downcast");
// Query doesn't store the output, instead you type `Output = ` and its stored in `System`.
// Now Lines have to implement Hash.
pub struct Lines {
source: String,
impl Query for Lines {
type Output = Vec<String>;
async fn calc(&self, _system: &System) -> Self::Output {
println!("Calc lines");
pub struct RavenCount {
source: String
impl Query for RavenCount {
type Output = usize;
async fn calc(&self, system: &System) -> Self::Output {
println!("Calc raven count");
system.query_ref(Lines{ source: self.source.clone()}).await
.flat_map(|line| line.char_indices().map(move |x| (line, x)) )
.filter(|(line, (idx, _))| {
.all(|(lhs, rhs)| lhs == rhs)
// But we can use parameters!
pub struct Add {
a: usize,
b: String
impl Query for Add {
type Output = String;
async fn calc(&self, _system: &System) -> Self::Output {
println!("Calc add");
format!("{} + {}", self.a, self.b)
async fn main() {
let text = "Foo\n Raven\n Foo";
let system = System::new();
let raven_count = system.query(RavenCount{ source: text.to_string()}).await;
println!("raven count: {}", raven_count);
let raven_count = system.query_ref(RavenCount{ source: text.to_string()}).await;
println!("raven count 2: {}", *raven_count);
// Calc it once
let added = system.query_ref(Add { a: 2, b: "3".into() }).await;
println!("Added: {}", *added);
// Reuse memoized output
let added = system.query_ref(Add { a: 2, b: "3".into() }).await;
println!("Added 2: {}", *added);
// Different parameters means we have to calculate them again
let added = system.query_ref(Add { a: 3, b: "2".into() }).await;
println!("Added 3: {}", *added);
// But then still we should be able to read memoized output.
let added = system.query_ref(Add { a: 2, b: "3".into() }).await;
println!("Added 4: {}", *added);
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