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Dustin Collins dustinmm80

  • Kansas City, MO
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dustinmm80 /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
Boston DevOps application configuration panel outline for 2/18


Application configuration

  • Do you use config files for your app, or do you have a distributed solution? (etcd, serf, etc)

    If config files:

    • How do you set them up to work in multiple environments?
  • How are they different for developer machines?

dustinmm80 /
Created December 16, 2014 22:21
SaltStack Tutorial - Boston DevOps Dec 17 2014
For the saltstack tutorial, just install the [latest vagrant]( and use the below Vagrantfile to build a new vagrant box:
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| = "ubuntu/trusty64"
config.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL
dustinmm80 /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
Bootstrapping a Conjur identity with host-factory
# Creates a host identity using host-factory and places it in /etc/conjur.identity
# Requires the Conjur CLI and host-factory plugin to be installed
# Usage:
# ./ 92198eb129peh812ue9puihd891 mynewhost1
dustinmm80 /
Created April 20, 2015 20:20
An example of pulling secrets at Chef runtime with Conjur
# First, let's define some secrets we want to pass to Chef
cat << SECRETS > /etc/chef.secrets
DB_PASSWORD: !var db/postgres/customers/password # exports value as env var
SSL_CERT: !tmp certs/ssl/mydomain # creates temporary file and exports path as env var
# In our recipe we can use ENV['DB_PASSWORD'] and ENV['SSL_CERT'] where secrets are needed
# We have the Conjur CLI on the machine, so we can use conjur env
dustinmm80 / demo-factory-policy.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
Policy file for Conjur's demo-factory
policy "demo-factory-1-0" do
variables = [
dustinmm80 /
Created April 23, 2015 18:38
Applying a Conjur identity to a Heroku app
# Applying a Conjur identity to a Heroku app via config vars
# Name of your conjur organization
heroku config:set CONJUR_ACCOUNT=myorg
# Endpoint of your Conjur server
heroku config:set CONJUR_APPLIANCE_URL=
# Name of the host you created to represent the Heroku app
heroku config:set CONJUR_AUTHN_LOGIN=host/production/heroku/demo-factory-conjur
# API key of the host you created
heroku config:set CONJUR_AUTHN_API_KEY=sb0ncv1yj9c4w2e9pb1a2s8eh18dgf1gfz3nb31ft33s7nnz1cjw1r7
dustinmm80 / .conjurenv
Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
conjurenv file for demo-factory
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: !var aws/access_key_id
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: !var aws/secret_access_key
SENTRY_DSN: !var sentry/projects/demo-factory/dsn
HIPCHAT_TOKEN: !var hipchat/api-token
HUBSPOT_API_KEY: !var trials/hubspot/api-key
MANDRILL_API_KEY: !var mandrill/api-key
dustinmm80 /
Created April 24, 2015 17:23
Conjur policies and variables
# I have a policy named demo-factory-1-0 defined in policy.rb
# Let's create a development policy
conjur policy load --as-group v4/ops --collection development policy.rb
# The collection flag means our policy is named development/demo-factory-1-0
# Any variables, groups, etc created will have the prefix development/demo-factory-1-0
# Ex: I defined variable aws/access_key_id in policy.rb so it's name will be development/demo-factory-1-0/aws/access_key_id
# I can then go and add a value to that variable
# Now we can use the policy flag to conjur env to specify a prefix for the variables when retrieving them
dustinmm80 / plugin.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
Extending Conjur::Command for custom plugins
require 'net/http'
require 'net/https'
require 'uri'
class Conjur::Command::Jenkins < Conjur::Command
desc 'Interact with Jenkins using Conjur credentials'
command :jenkins do |jenkins|
jenkins.desc 'Build a Jenkins job'
jenkins.arg_name 'job_name'
jenkins.command 'build' do |c|
dustinmm80 / keychain.go
Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
Shelling out from Go to retrieve a keychain item's password
package main
./keychain -name mysecret
On run you'll get a popup window asking for access.
import (