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Created May 4, 2013 22:57
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Simple Turtle Class for Pythonista (iOS)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# - Turtle Class for Pythonista
# When run as a script, the following are demonstrated:
# (a) multiple turtle instances illustrate turtle behaviors
# (b) the classic Koch snowflake is drawn
# History:
# 13-Apr-2013 DJValentino created Turtle Class
# Credits:
# Based upon the turtle graphic module written by OMZ:
# The methods implemented from the standard python Turtle Class are:
# Command Parameters Description Status
# Turtle None Creates a new turtle object DONE
# forward distance Moves the turtle forward DONE
# backward distance Moves the turle backward DONE
# right angle Turns turtle by cw "ang" deg DONE
# left angle Turns turtle ccw DONE
# penup None Picks up the turtle's pen DONE
# pendown None Puts down the turtle's pen DONE
# setheading Angle Sets curr heading to Angle DONE (non-std)
# heading None Returns curr heading in Deg DONE
# position None Returns current pos as (x,y) DONE
# goto x,y Move the turtle to x,y DONE
# color r,g,b Changes the color of the pen DONE (non-std)
# penwidth int Width Changes the width of the pen DONE (non-std)
from canvas import set_size, draw_rect, draw_line, set_stroke_color, set_line_width
from math import sin, cos, pi
from random import randint, random
from time import sleep
DELAY = 0.0
def reset():
set_size(512, 512)
draw_rect(0, 0, 512, 512)
set_stroke_color(0, 0, 1)
return True
def to_rad(deg):
return deg * pi/180.0
class Turtle(object):
def __init__(self):
self.heading = 0.0
self.pos = (0, 0)
self.r_color = 0
self.g_color = 0
self.b_color = 0
self.pen_is_down = True
self.pen_width = 1
def home(self):
self.heading = 0
self.pos = (0, 0)
# set the pen color
# currently, requires r,g,b values from 0.0 - 1.0
# (should accept text string, e.g., "red", "yellow", etc)
# (currently, lacking method to get the color)
def color(self, rd, gn, bl):
self.r_color = float(rd)
self.g_color = float(gn)
self.b_color = float(bl)
# set the pen width (currently, lacking method to get the width)
def penwidth( self, pw ):
self.pen_width = int(pw)
# get the current position (currently, set the pos using goto method)
def position(self):
return( self.pos )
def forward(self, distance):
to = (self.pos[0] + sin(self.heading) * distance, self.pos[1] + cos(self.heading) * distance)
if self.pen_is_down:
set_stroke_color(self.r_color, self.g_color, self.b_color)
draw_line(self.pos[0], self.pos[1], to[0], to[1])
self.pos = to
def backward(self, distance):
to = (self.pos[0] - sin(self.heading) * distance, self.pos[1] - cos(self.heading) * distance)
if self.pen_is_down:
set_stroke_color(self.r_color, self.g_color, self.b_color)
draw_line(self.pos[0], self.pos[1], to[0], to[1])
self.pos = to
def right(self, angle):
self.heading += to_rad(angle)
def left(self, angle):
self.heading -= to_rad(angle)
def goto(self, x, y):
self.pos = (x, y)
def setheading(self, angle):
self.heading = to_rad(angle)
def heading(self):
return self.heading
def pendown(self):
self.pen_is_down = True
def penup(self):
self.pen_is_down = False
if __name__ == '__main__':
# reset the screen
# initialize a list of turtles
num_hatchlings = 10
hatchling = [Turtle() for i in range(num_hatchlings)]
for i in range(num_hatchlings):
# assign random colors and penwidth
hatchling[i].color( random(), random(), random() )
hatchling[i].penwidth( randint(1,3) )
# randomly position and orient each turtle
hatchling[i].goto( randint(100,400), randint(100,400) )
hatchling[i].setheading( randint(0,359) )
# randomly move the turtles using forward() and setheading()
# (currently, lacking boundary detection)
for move in range(100):
for i in range(num_hatchlings):
hatchling[i].forward( randint(5,10) )
hatchling[i].setheading( randint(0,359) )
# Draw the Koch snowflake using forward(), left() and right()
# (adapted by OMZ from
my_turtle = Turtle()
my_turtle.color(0, 0, 1)
my_turtle.goto(200, 100)
koch_flake = 'FRFRF'
iterations = 5
for i in range(iterations):
koch_flake = koch_flake.replace('F', 'FLFRFLF')
for move in koch_flake:
if move == 'F':
my_turtle.forward(100.0 / (3 ** (iterations - 1)))
elif move == 'L':
elif move == 'R':
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