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dvas0004 /
Last active April 1, 2024 12:57
using the rusqlite vtab in a rust app (
fn main() -> Result<(), rusqlite::Error> {
let db = Connection::open_in_memory()?;
let module = rusqlite::vtab::eponymous_only_module::<Test>();
db.create_module::<Test>("test", module, None)?;
// normal rusqlite code from here on out...
println!("Hello, world!");
let mut s = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM test WHERE id=1")?;
dvas0004 /
Last active April 1, 2024 12:57
rusqlite: making a vtab loadable via sqlite3 (
pub extern "C" fn sqlite3_extension_init(
db: *mut ffi::sqlite3,
pz_err_msg: *mut *mut c_char,
p_api: *mut ffi::sqlite3_api_routines,
) -> c_int {
if p_api.is_null() {
return ffi::SQLITE_ERROR;
} else if let Err(err) = extension_init(db, p_api) { // we handoff to `extenstion_init`
dvas0004 /
Last active April 1, 2024 12:57
Defining a virtual table / loadable extenstion in rust using rusqlite (
use std::{ffi::c_int, marker::PhantomData};
use rusqlite::ffi;
use rusqlite::{ffi::{sqlite3_vtab, sqlite3_vtab_cursor}, vtab::{Context, IndexInfo, VTab, VTabConnection, VTabCursor, Values}, Connection};
use std::os::raw::c_char;
use rusqlite::{to_sqlite_error, Result};
struct Test {
/// Base class. Must be first
data: [
// query ES based on the currently selected time range and filter string
name: rawData
url: {
%context%: true
%timefield%: @timestamp
index: winlogbeat-*
dvas0004 /
Created February 22, 2023 12:29
Convert binary SID to name in Rust:
fn bytes_to_sid(binary :&Vec<u8>) -> String {
let version = binary[0];
let length = binary[1] as usize;
let authority = u64::from_be_bytes([0, 0, binary[2], binary[3], binary[4], binary[5], binary[6], binary[7]]);
let mut string = format!("S-{}-{}", version, authority);
let binary = &binary[8..];
assert_eq!(binary.len(), 4 * length);
for i in 0..length {
package main
import (
package main
import (
type job1 struct {
ID int `gorm:"primaryKey"`
UniqueField1 string
package main
import (
package com.example.mvc
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController
import java.lang.Thread.sleep
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
dvas0004 /
Created October 31, 2019 08:13 — forked from PuKoren/
Recompile APK + Sign with apktool
# You must first install apktool ( and android SDK
# and decompile apk using it
# apktool d -rf my-app.apk
# then generate a key for sign in:
# keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore -alias alias_name -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
rm signed-app.apk
apktool b -f -d com.myapp
jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore my-release-key.keystore com.myapp/dist/com.myapp.apk alias_name
zipalign -v 4 com.myapp/dist/com.myapp.apk signed-app.apk