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Created April 29, 2017 21:38
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Mandelbrot fractal implementation in Go as described in The Go Programming Language, Kernighan et al.
package main
import (
const (
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = -2, -2, +2, +2
width, height = 1024, 1024
samplingFactor = 2
func main() {
// Obtain supersampled grid to implement anti-aliasing.
var sampleGrid [][]color.RGBA = calculateSampleGrid(width, height, samplingFactor)
downsampledImage := downsampleGrid(sampleGrid, samplingFactor)
// Declare and define variable inferring its type from the right-hand side.
img := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, width, height))
for py := 0; py < height; py++ {
for px := 0; px < width; px++ {
point := downsampledImage[py][px]
img.Set(px, py, color.RGBA{R: point.R, G: point.G, B: point.B, A: 255})
png.Encode(os.Stdout, img) // NOTE -- Ignoring errors
func downsampleGrid(grid [][]color.RGBA, samplingFactor int) [][]color.RGBA {
gridHeight := len(grid)
gridWidth := len(grid[0])
downsampledHeight := gridHeight / samplingFactor
downsampledWidth := gridWidth / samplingFactor
image := make([][]color.RGBA, downsampledHeight, downsampledHeight)
var avgRed, avgGreen, avgBlue float64
var downY, downX int
for py := 0; py < gridHeight; py += samplingFactor {
downY = py / samplingFactor
image[downY] = make([]color.RGBA, downsampledWidth, downsampledWidth)
for px := 0; px < gridWidth; px += samplingFactor {
downX = px / samplingFactor
// Take the average of the sub-pixels, apply basic gamma correction and convert to uint8 to put in image
avgRed = float64(grid[py][px].R+grid[py][px+1].R+grid[py+1][px].R+grid[py+1][px+1].R) / float64(samplingFactor*2)
avgRed = 255 * math.Pow(avgRed/255, 1.0/2.2)
avgGreen = float64(grid[py][px].G+grid[py][px+1].G+grid[py+1][px].G+grid[py+1][px+1].G) / float64(samplingFactor*2)
avgGreen = 255 * math.Pow(avgGreen/255, 1.0/2.2)
avgBlue = 0.0
image[downY][downX] = color.RGBA{R: uint8(avgRed), G: uint8(avgGreen), B: uint8(avgBlue), A: 255}
return image
func calculateSampleGrid(width int, height int, samplingFactor int) [][]color.RGBA {
sampleGridWidth := width * samplingFactor
sampleGridHeight := height * samplingFactor
sampleGrid := make([][]color.RGBA, sampleGridHeight, sampleGridHeight)
for py := 0; py < sampleGridHeight; py++ {
y := float64(py)/float64(sampleGridHeight)*(ymax-ymin) + ymin
sampleGrid[py] = make([]color.RGBA, sampleGridHeight, sampleGridWidth)
for px := 0; px < sampleGridWidth; px++ {
x := float64(px)/float64(sampleGridWidth)*(xmax-xmin) + xmin
z := complex(x, y)
sampleGrid[py][px] = mandelbrot(z)
return sampleGrid
func mandelbrot(z complex128) color.RGBA {
const iterations = 200
// Declare but don't define
var v complex128
for n := uint8(0); n < iterations; n++ {
v = v*v + z
if cmplx.Abs(v) > 2 {
return getHeatmapColour(n)
return color.RGBA{R: 255, G: 255, B: 255, A: 255}
func getHeatmapColour(numSamples uint8) color.RGBA {
const contrast = 15
const rgbMax = 255.0
//intensity := numSamples * contrast
//redComponent := math.Max(float64(rgbMax-(numSamples-100)), 0.0)
redComponent := math.Min(float64((numSamples-100)*contrast), rgbMax)
greenComponent := math.Max(float64(rgbMax-numSamples*contrast), 0.0)
// Colour code:
// - 0-99 = green
// - 100-149 = yellow
// - 150-200 = red
// - >200 = black
return color.RGBA{
R: uint8(redComponent),
G: uint8(greenComponent),
B: 0,
A: 255,
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