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Last active September 28, 2022 07:50
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HBase shell emulator (an aid to understanding the HBase data model)
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
* This code was created to help its author to internalize and more deeply
* understand the fundamental constructs of the Data Model of the HBase
* database system. It is provided here in the event that it may prove useful
* to others engaging in similar explorations. The descriptive comments that
* follow may prove helpful, and those with basic Java programming skills may
* also find it useful to experiment with the create, list, put, scan, and get
* methods of the main class below, all of which are meant to emulate the
* corresponding commands available with the HBase shell, as documented here:
* Also, find further commentary/discussion on HBase (and the "Chaos Wrangler"
* project) on the author's blog:
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The following is a Java-oriented analogy to the structures that comprise
* the HBase data model. It is presented under the assumption that the reader
* has a basic mastery of both Java and RDBMS concepts.
* The task of coming to an understanding of HBase data structures is
* unfortunately made much more difficult than it otherwise might be, due to
* the fact that HBase uses the terms TABLE, COLUMN, and ROW, but the structures
* that are referred to by these names bear little resemblance to their
* RDBMS namesakes.
* In fact, an HBase ROW is completely misnamed to the extent that the common
* term "row" is usually associated with a one-dimensional container of
* singular instances of data, whether it be a row in a spreadsheet or a row
* in an RDBMS table. In stark contrast, an HBase ROW could be conceived of
* as a container of an array of arrays of arrays!! (No wonder people run into
* difficulty understanding HBase data structures!)
* The following is a conceptual representation of the hierarchy of structures
* in an HBase table. (Note that all relationships shown below are one-to-many
* -- e.g., one TABLE contains multiple COLUMN_FAMILY_DEFINITION instances, one
* CELL contains multiple CELL_ENTRY instances, etc.):
* [[CONCEPTUAL DIAGRAM OF HBase TABLE & its components]]
* ||
* ||=========>> COLUMN_FAMILY_DEFINITION (immutable)
* || | [[metadata realm]]
* || | [[data realm]]
* ||==>> ROW |
* || |
* ||==>> COLUMN_FAMILY instance (corresponds to one of Table's CF-definitions)
* ||
* ||==>> CELL (identified by a COLUMN_QUALIFIER (byte-array))
* ||
* ||==>> CELL_ENTRY = [VERSION (timestamp) & VALUE (byte-array)]
* A TABLE and its component COLUMN_FAMILY_DEFINITIONs are immutably defined when
* the TABLE is created. (While a TABLE could theoretically have an unlimited
* number of COLUMN_FAMILY_DEFINITIONs, the official Apache HBase reference says
* that the physical realities of the HBase architecture enforce a practical
* maximum of no more than two or three per TABLE!)
* All lower-level constructs (from ROW on down) are created and maintained
* by an application via the HBase "put" method. Thus, crucially, all of
* these lower-level constructs (including so-called COLUMN_QUALIFIERs) are
* treated as application-managed DATA, and not as database-managed METADATA!!
* There are a number of immediately apparent ramifications of this "shifting"
* of column-name-maintenance (not to mention column-datatype-maintenance) from
* the metadata-realm to the data-realm: not only does this potentially upend
* certain basic assumptions about the division between application development
* and metadata management, but it could also call for a redefining/realignment
* of classical roles within IT organizations, which may otherwise be accustomed
* to an explicit separation of duties between DBAs (who are the traditional
* custodians of metadata) and developers (who are traditionally responsible
* for building applications that manipulate only data - not metadata!).
* @author Daniel Vimont
public class HBaseShellSimpleEmulator {
String namespaceName;
TreeMap<String,Table> tables = new TreeMap<>();
// Note: HBase tables, rows, etc. have MANY attributes that are not modelled here.
// These classes comprise a "rough sketch" of HBase structures for learning purposes.
public class Table {
final String TABLE_NAME;
TreeMap<String,ColumnFamilyDefinition> columnFamilyDefinitions = new TreeMap<>();
TreeMap<ByteArray,Row> rows = new TreeMap<>();
public Table (String tableName, String... columnFamilyPrefixes) {
this.TABLE_NAME = tableName;
for (String columnFamilyPrefix : columnFamilyPrefixes) {
(columnFamilyPrefix, new ColumnFamilyDefinition(columnFamilyPrefix,3));
public void put (byte[] rowKey, byte[]... columnVarArgPairs) {
Row row = new Row(rowKey, columnVarArgPairs);
this.rows.put(row.ROW_KEY, row);
public class ColumnFamilyDefinition {
int maxVersions; // maximum cell-entry versions to be permitted (modifiable)
public ColumnFamilyDefinition (String columnFamilyPrefix, int maxVersions) {
this.COLUMN_FAMILY_PREFIX = columnFamilyPrefix;
this.maxVersions = maxVersions;
public class Row {
final ByteArray ROW_KEY;
TreeMap<String,ColumnFamily> columnFamilies = new TreeMap<>();
public Row (byte[] rowKey, byte[]... columnVarArgPairs) {
boolean invalidColumnEntry = false;
String invalidMsg = "";
int varArgPosition = 0;
// For every pair of varArg byte-arrays submitted, the first of the
// pair is the colon-delimited columnId (column-family-prefix:column-qualifer)
// that uniquely identifies a cell in the row; the second is the
// value to be put in the cell.
while (varArgPosition + 2 <= columnVarArgPairs.length) {
String[] columnIdPair
= new String(columnVarArgPairs[varArgPosition]).split(":");
if (columnIdPair.length != 2) {
invalidMsg = "Invalid Column ID submitted: "
+ columnVarArgPairs[varArgPosition];
String columnFamilyPrefix = columnIdPair[0];
String columnQualifier = columnIdPair[1];
if (!columnFamilyDefinitions.containsKey(columnFamilyPrefix)) {
invalidMsg = "Invalid Column PREFIX submitted: " + columnFamilyPrefix;
ColumnFamily columnFamily = columnFamilies.get(columnFamilyPrefix);
if (columnFamily == null) {
= new ColumnFamily(columnFamilyDefinitions.get(columnFamilyPrefix));
columnFamily.put(columnQualifier.getBytes(), columnVarArgPairs[varArgPosition+1]);
columnFamilies.put(columnFamilyPrefix, columnFamily);
varArgPosition += 2;
if (invalidColumnEntry) {
this.ROW_KEY = null;
System.out.println("PUT failed -- " + invalidMsg);
} else {
this.ROW_KEY = new ByteArray(rowKey);
public class ColumnFamily {
final ColumnFamilyDefinition COLUMN_FAMILY_DEFINITION;
TreeMap<ByteArray,Cell> cells = new TreeMap<>();
public ColumnFamily (ColumnFamilyDefinition columnFamilyDefinition) {
this.COLUMN_FAMILY_DEFINITION = columnFamilyDefinition;
public void put (byte[] columnQualifier, byte[] value) {
Cell cell = cells.get(new ByteArray(columnQualifier));
if (cell == null) {
cell = new Cell(columnQualifier);
cells.put(cell.COLUMN_QUALIFIER, cell);
public class Cell {
TreeMap<Long,CellEntry> cellEntries = new TreeMap<>(); // versioned cellEntries
public Cell (byte[] columnQualifier) {
COLUMN_QUALIFIER = new ByteArray(columnQualifier);
public void put (byte[] value) {
CellEntry cellEntry = new CellEntry(value);
// Cell entries are ordered with most recent entries first.
cellEntries.put(Long.MAX_VALUE - cellEntry.VERSION, cellEntry);
public class CellEntry {
final long VERSION;
final ByteArray VALUE; // raw data of any format
public CellEntry (long version, byte[] value) {
this.VERSION = version;
this.VALUE = new ByteArray(value);
public CellEntry (byte[] value) {
// version defaults to current timestamp
this(System.currentTimeMillis(), value);
// assure subsequent CellEntries have different timestamp
try {TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(1L);}
catch (InterruptedException e) {};
public class ByteArray implements Comparable {
final private byte[] BYTE_ARRAY;
public ByteArray (byte[] byteArray) {
this.BYTE_ARRAY = byteArray;
public String toString() {
return new String(this.BYTE_ARRAY);
public int compareTo(Object o) {
ByteArray other = (ByteArray)o;
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < this.BYTE_ARRAY.length
&& j < other.BYTE_ARRAY.length; i++, j++) {
int a = (this.BYTE_ARRAY[i] & 0xff);
int b = (other.BYTE_ARRAY[j] & 0xff);
if (a != b) {
return a - b;
return this.BYTE_ARRAY.length - other.BYTE_ARRAY.length;
// Emulation of some HBase shell commands:
// These methods roughly emulate the HBase shell commands of the same names.
public void create (String tableName, String... columnFamilyPrefixes) {
Table table = new Table(tableName, columnFamilyPrefixes);
tables.put(tableName, table);
System.out.println("Table " + tableName
+ " has been created with the following column families...");
public void list () {
System.out.println("TABLE LIST\n==========");
for (Table table : tables.values()) {
public void printColumnFamilies (Table table) {
System.out.println(" Column families:");
for (Table.ColumnFamilyDefinition columnFamilyDefinition
: table.columnFamilyDefinitions.values()) {
System.out.println(" " + columnFamilyDefinition.COLUMN_FAMILY_PREFIX);
public void put (String tableName, byte[] rowKey, byte[]... columnVarArgPairs) {
Table table = tables.get(tableName);
if (table == null) {
System.out.println("Invalid table name: " + tableName);
table.put(rowKey, columnVarArgPairs);
System.out.println("PUT to table [" + tableName + "] row ["
+ new String(rowKey) + "] completed.\n");
public void scan (String tableName) {
Table table = tables.get(tableName);
if (table == null) {
System.out.println("Table not found: " + tableName);
System.out.println("Scan of table: " + tableName);
for (Table.Row row : table.rows.values()) {
public void get (String tableName, byte[] rowKey) {
Table table = tables.get(tableName);
if (table == null) {
System.out.println("Table not found: " + tableName);
Table.Row row = table.rows.get(new ByteArray(rowKey));
if (row == null) {
System.out.println("Row: " + new String(rowKey)
+ " not found on table: " + tableName);
System.out.println("Get row from table: " + tableName);
public void printRow (Table.Row row) {
System.out.println(" Row: " + row.ROW_KEY);
for (Table.Row.ColumnFamily columnFamily : row.columnFamilies.values()) {
if (columnFamily.cells.isEmpty()) {
System.out.println(" Column Family: "
for (Table.Row.ColumnFamily.Cell cell : columnFamily.cells.values()) {
System.out.println(" Cell: "
+ ":" + cell.COLUMN_QUALIFIER);
System.out.println(" Cell Entries (most recent version on top)");
System.out.println(" =========================================");
int versionCount = 0;
for (Table.Row.ColumnFamily.Cell.CellEntry cellEntry : cell.cellEntries.values()) {
if (++versionCount > columnFamily.COLUMN_FAMILY_DEFINITION.maxVersions) {
break; // Version entries exceeding maxVersions are "hidden".
System.out.println(" Version: [" + cellEntry.VERSION
+ "] Value: [" + new String(cellEntry.VALUE.BYTE_ARRAY) + "]");
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