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Created October 22, 2017 17:34
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erlang benchmark kv
% -*- coding: utf8 -*-
%% Benchmarking code samples.
%% Each benchmark is launched in it's own process to eliminate GC influence.
main() ->
% {Test name, TestFun1, TestFun2, Constructor}
% Constructor runtime isn't counted
io:format("~n=== Find ===~n"),
io:format("~n=== Insert ===~n"),
find_set() ->
{"proplist", fun find_proplist/1, fun(LK) -> LK end},
{"lists", fun find_lists/1, fun(LK) -> LK end},
{"orddict", fun find_orddict/1, fun({List, Key}) -> {orddict:from_list(List), Key} end},
{"dict", fun find_dict/1, fun({List, Key}) -> {dict:from_list(List), Key} end},
{"gb_trees", fun find_gb_trees/1, fun({List, Key}) -> {gb_trees:from_orddict(orddict:from_list(List)), Key} end},
{"maps", fun find_maps/1, fun({List, Key}) -> {maps:from_list(List), Key} end}
ins_set() ->
{"proplist", fun ins_proplist/1, fun(LK) -> LK end},
{"lists", fun ins_lists/1, fun(LK) -> LK end},
{"orddict", fun ins_orddict/1, fun({List, Key}) -> {orddict:from_list(List), Key} end},
{"dict", fun ins_dict/1, fun({List, Key}) -> {dict:from_list(List), Key} end},
{"gb_trees", fun ins_gb_trees/1, fun({List, Key}) -> {gb_trees:from_orddict(orddict:from_list(List)), Key} end},
{"maps", fun ins_maps/1, fun({List, Key}) -> {maps:from_list(List), Key} end}
test(Probes) ->
NIter = max(trunc(200000 / Size), 1),
io:format("~nSize: ~p; NIter: ~p~n", [Size, NIter]),
Data = [{integer_to_binary(V), V} || V <- lists:seq(1, Size)],
Key = integer_to_binary(Size div 2),
run(Probes, {Data, Key}, NIter)
end || Size <- [5, 10, 50, 100, 1000, 10000, 70000]].
% Put your benchmarked code below:
find_proplist({PList, Key}) ->
proplists:get_value(Key, PList).
find_lists({List, Key}) ->
case lists:keyfind(Key, 1, List) of
false -> undefined;
{Key, Val} -> Val
find_orddict({Orddict, Key}) ->
case orddict:find(Key, Orddict) of
error -> undefined;
{ok, Val} -> Val
find_dict({Dict, Key}) ->
case dict:find(Key, Dict) of
error -> undefined;
{ok, Val} -> Val
find_gb_trees({GbTree, Key}) ->
case gb_trees:lookup(Key, GbTree) of
none -> undefined;
{value, Val} -> Val
find_maps({Map, Key}) ->
maps:get(Key, Map, undefined).
ins_proplist({PList, Key}) ->
[{Key, 1} | PList].
ins_lists({List, Key}) ->
[{Key, 1} | List].
ins_orddict({Orddict, Key}) ->
orddict:store(Key, 1, Orddict).
ins_dict({Dict, Key}) ->
dict:store(Key, 1, Dict).
ins_gb_trees({GbTree, Key}) ->
gb_trees:enter(Key, 1, GbTree).
ins_maps({Map, Key}) ->
maps:put(Key, 1, Map).
run(Probes, Args, NIter) ->
io:format("Name |Time / per iter (us) ||Last Memory |Reductions |N GCs |Last result~n"),
run1(Probes, Args, NIter).
run1([{Name, Fun, Init} | Probes], Args, NIter) when NIter > 0 ->
Master = self(),
% run each sample in it's own process, so results are less skewed by GC.
Args1 = Init(Args),
Pid = spawn_link(fun() ->
{Time, Result} = timer:tc(fun () -> repeat(Fun, Args1, NIter) end),
Master ! {self(), Time, Result, process_info(self(), [memory, reductions, garbage_collection])}
{Pid, Time, Result, [{memory, Mem}, {reductions, Red}, {garbage_collection, GC}]} ->
MinorGCs = proplists:get_value(minor_gcs, GC),
io:format("~-15s|~10s /~9s||~12s|~11s|~10s|~180P~n",
[Name, integer_to_list(Time), integer_to_list(round(Time / NIter)), integer_to_list(Mem),
integer_to_list(Red), integer_to_list(MinorGCs), Result, 4])
run1(Probes, Args, NIter);
run1([], _, _) -> ok.
repeat(Fun, Args, 1) ->
repeat(Fun, Args, N) ->
repeat(Fun, Args, N - 1).
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