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Last active December 2, 2024 12:45
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Dead simple example of using Lwt_engine to read files
let string_of_buffer buffer = Buffer.to_bytes buffer |> Bytes.unsafe_to_string
let read_file ?(perm = 0o777) filename =
let promise, resolver = Lwt.task () in
let fd = Unix.openfile filename [ O_RDONLY ] perm in
let buffer = Buffer.create 1024 in
let chunk = Bytes.create 1024 in
let chunk_length = Bytes.length chunk in
let dispose ev =
Lwt_engine.stop_event ev;
Unix.close fd
let ev =
Lwt_engine.on_readable fd @@ fun ev ->
let bytes_read = fd chunk 0 chunk_length in
Buffer.add_subbytes buffer chunk 0 bytes_read;
if bytes_read = 0 then begin
dispose ev;
Lwt.wakeup resolver (string_of_buffer buffer)
Lwt.on_cancel promise (fun () -> dispose ev);
let () =
let read_and_print = Fun.compose (Lwt.Infix.( =<< ) Lwt_io.printl) read_file in begin
Sys.argv |> Array.to_list |> |> Lwt_list.iter_p read_and_print
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