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Created December 27, 2016 20:16
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# coding: utf-8
# In[259]:
import numpy as np
from bitarray import bitarray
import random
# In[260]:
## define some helper methods
# @param ca,cb: hashing coefficients
# @param val: value to be hashed
# @param prime: size of hash table
# @return: hash
def my_hash(ca, cb, val, prime): return (a*val + b) % prime
# set True to @position in @bitar:bitarray
def update_bloom(position, bitarr): bitarr[position] = 1
# find next prime number
def find_next_prime(n): return find_prime_in_range(n, 2*n)
def find_prime_in_range(a, b):
for p in range(a, b):
for i in range(2, p):
if p % i == 0:
return p
return None
# test
print find_next_prime(19+1)
# In[261]:
# example list of spam emails
email_list = ["", "",
"", ""]
# In[262]:
# initialise bloom filter
bloom_filter = bitarray(hashtable_size)
# set all bits to 0
bloom_filter[:] = False
print "Bloom Filter:", bloom_filter
# In[263]:
# calculate unicode sum of characters for every email-address
email_unicode_sum_list = [sum([ord(char) for char in email]) for email in email_list]
# In[264]:
#The coefficients a and b are randomly chosen integers less than the maximum value of x.
#c is a prime number slightly bigger than the maximum value of x.
# h_x = (a*x + b)%c
# choose 2 random numbers up to maximum unicode value
# and set them to be hashing coefficients
a = random.randint(1, max(email_unicode_sum_list)-1)
b = random.randint(2, max(email_unicode_sum_list)-1)
print a,b
# In[265]:
# since we have fixed size of input, the hashtable could have 1.0 load factor
# yet, 0.75 load has much less colisions
# choose next prime number from the number of elements in email list
hashtable_size = find_next_prime(int(round(len(email_unicode_sum_list)*1.25)))
# In[266]:
# hash emails
hash_list = [my_hash(a,b,unicode_sum,hashtable_size) for unicode_sum in email_unicode_sum_list]
# In[267]:
# assign hash_values & unicode-sums to emails
[(email,"->",unicode_sum, "->", hashp) for email, unicode_sum, hashp in zip(email_list, email_unicode_sum_list, hash_list)]
# In[269]:
# update bloom filter
[update_bloom(index, bloom_filter) for index in hash_list]
# check updated bloom filter
# In[271]:
## now do some tests
# for every email in the list check if it has already been seen by bloom filter
for email in email_list:
if bloom_filter[my_hash(a,b,sum([ord(char) for char in email]),hashtable_size)] == True:
print email, "has ALREADY been seen";
print email, "has NOT been seen";
# In[ ]:
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