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Created May 5, 2018 17:19
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a FreeCAD utility to convert an assembly to a Part Hierarchy of objects, simply removing all the constraints (Requirements realthunder Assembly3 build)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__Author__ = 'easyw Maurice'
__License__ = 'LGPL2+'
a FreeCAD utility to convert an assembly to a Part Hierarchy of objects,
simply removing all the constraints
Requirements realthunder Assembly3 build
# partially based on 'galou_breizh' 'Deep Copy' Macro
# __Web__ = ''
# Gui.activateWorkbench("Assembly3Workbench")
# a=App.ActiveDocument.getObject('Assembly')
# a.Group
# p=a.Group[2]
# p.Group
# p.Group[2].Label
# p.Group[2].TypeId
# p.Group[2].Name
import FreeCAD as app
import FreeCADGui as gui
__a2pversion__ = '1.1.1'
def fcc_prn(message):
def fcc_wprn(message):
Links_available = False
from freecad.asm3 import assembly as asm
Links_available = True
fcc_prn('A3 available')
fcc_wprn('A3 not available')
def get_all_subobjs(o):
"""Recursively get all subobjects
Subobjects of objects having a Shape attribute are not included otherwise each
single feature of the object would be copied. The result is that bodies,
compounds, and the result of boolean operations will be converted into a
simple copy of their shape.
# Depth-first search algorithm.
discovered = []
# We do not need an extra copy for stack because OutList is already a copy.
if hasattr(o,'Group') and o.TypeId != 'App::Part':
fcc_prn('Assembly container');
stack = o.Group[2].Group
fcc_prn('Part or Body container')
stack = o.OutList
#stack = o.OutList
#for s in stack:
# fcc_prn(s.Label)
while stack:
v = stack.pop(0)
if v not in discovered:
if (not hasattr(v, 'Shape') or v.Name.startswith('Assembly')):
stack += v.OutList
return discovered
def deep_simply_assy_sel(doc):
for sel_object in gui.Selection.getSelectionEx():
deep_simply_assy(doc, sel_object.Object)
def deep_simply_assy(doc, part):
if part.TypeId != 'Part::FeaturePython' and not part.Name.startswith('Assembly') and part.TypeId != 'App::Part':
# Part is not an Assembly part, return.
fcc_prn('found Body, not Assembly or Part DN')
return 0
copied_subobjects = []
part_containers = []
doc.Tip = FreeCAD.activeDocument().addObject('App::Part',part.Name+'_copy')
pName = part.Name+'_copy'
gui.activeView().setActiveObject('part', doc.getObject(pName))
doc.getObject(pName).Label = part.Label+'_copy'
doc.getObject(pName).Placement = part.Placement
for o in get_all_subobjs(part):
cs, pc = simple_copy_subobj(doc, o)
copied_subobjects += cs
part_containers += pc
make_compound = True #False
#if make_compound:
# compound = doc.addObject('Part::Compound', part.Label + '.copy')
# compound.Links = copied_subobjects
if copy_inside:
for p in part_containers: #adding Parts containers
if p[1].Name.startswith('Assembly'):
outlist = p[1].OutList[2].OutList #Parts of Assembly
outlist = p[1].OutList
for o in outlist: #Recursive:
if o.TypeId == 'App::Part':
#fcc_prn(o.Label); fcc_wprn(o.Name);fcc_wprn(p[0].Label)
if o in outlist:
for p in part_containers:
if p[1].Name.startswith('Assembly'):
outlist = p[1].OutList[2].OutList #Parts of Assembly
outlist = p[1].OutList
for o in outlist:
if o.TypeId != 'App::Origin' and o.TypeId != 'Sketcher::SketchObject' \
and o.TypeId != 'App::Plane' and o.TypeId != 'App::Line'\
and o.TypeId != 'App::Part'\
and doc.getObject(o.Name+'_copy') is not None:
if o in outlist:
#fcc_prn(o.Label); fcc_wprn(o.Name);fcc_wprn(p[0].Label)
return 1
def simple_copy_subobj(doc, o):
"""Copy the shape of an object
Some GUI attributes are also copied
copied_object = []
prt_containers = []
if (not hasattr(o, 'Shape') or o.Shape.isNull()) and o.TypeId != 'App::Link': # or not o.Name.startswith('Assembly'):
if o.TypeId == 'App::Part' or (hasattr(o,'Group') and o.Name.startswith('Assembly')):
doc.Tip = App.activeDocument().addObject('App::Part',o.Name+'_copy')
pName = o.Name+'_copy'
gui.activeView().setActiveObject('part', doc.getObject(pName))
#pName = doc.ActiveObject.Name
# doc.getObject(pName).Label = o.Label + '_copy'
doc.getObject(pName).Placement = o.Placement
doc.getObject(pName).Label = o.Label+'_copy'
#print ('running Part here')
#print (prt_containers)
return copied_object, prt_containers
vo_o = o.ViewObject
if o.TypeId != 'Sketcher::SketchObject':# and o.TypeId != 'App::Link':
#if 1:
#print ('running here'); print(o.Label); print (o.Name); print (o.TypeId)
copy = doc.addObject('Part::Feature', o.Name + '_copy')
if o.TypeId != 'App::Link':
copy.Shape = o.Shape #.copy()
#fcc_wprn (o.OutList[0].Label)
copy.Shape = Part.getShape(o.OutList[0]) #.copy()
#copy.Shape = o.Outlist[0].Shape
vo_o = o.OutList[0].ViewObject
#s = Part.getShape(o)
copy.Placement = o.Placement
#print ('running again here')
copy.Label = o.Label + '_copy'
# copy.Placement = o.getGlobalPlacement()
# copy.Placement = Part.getShape(o).Placement
vo_copy = copy.ViewObject
vo_copy.ShapeColor = vo_o.ShapeColor
vo_copy.LineColor = vo_o.LineColor
vo_copy.PointColor = vo_o.PointColor
vo_copy.DiffuseColor = vo_o.DiffuseColor
vo_copy.Transparency = vo_o.Transparency
if 0:
for ob in o.InList:
for ob in o.InListRecursive:
#if Links_available:
# fcc_wprn(o.Label)
# fcc_prn(o.isElementVisible(o.Name))
# if o.isElementVisible(o.Name) == 1:
# vo_copy.Visibility = True
# else:
# vo_copy.Visibility = False
# vo_copy.Visibility = vo_o.Visibility #gui.activeDocument().getObject(o.Name).Visibility
except AttributeError:
copied_object = [copy]
return copied_object, prt_containers
import time
doc = app.activeDocument()
sel = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()
selEx = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelectionEx()
current_milli_time = lambda: int(round(time.time() * 1000))
start_milli_time = current_milli_time()
## deep_copy_assy_sel(doc)
fcc_prn('Assembly to PartDN release '+__a2pversion__)
sel = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()
if not sel:
fcc_wprn("Select an Assembly container to simplify it to Part Design Next container(s)")
for sel_object in gui.Selection.getSelectionEx():
result=deep_simply_assy(doc, sel_object.Object)
if result:
gui.activeDocument().getObject(sel_object.Object.Name).Visibility = False
fcc_prn(sel_object.Object.Label + ' Assembly container copied')
end_milli_time = current_milli_time()
fcc_wprn('running time:'+str(running_time))
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