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Created January 22, 2019 17:44
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autocurate nullnummern
source json.tcl
# find json.tcl here:
set curl "curl -s"
set curation_id <THE_CURATIONS_ID>
# get the 10 podcast added the last
set latest [::json::parse [eval exec $curl ""] 1]
# extract the podcast_ids
dict for {key podcast} [dict get $latest data] {
lappend pids [dict get $podcast id]
foreach pid $pids {
# get the last 15 episodes inside this podcast
set episodes [::json::parse [eval exec $curl "$pid&count=15"] 1]
set eids {}
dict for {key episode} [dict get $episodes data episodes] {
lappend eids [list [dict get $episode id] [clock scan [lindex [split [dict get $episode pubdate] \+] 0]]]
if {[llength $eids]<10} {
# this podcast has <10 episodes and therefore can be considered "new"
# maybe a check for "episodes are not older that x months" would be a good idea. On the other hand...
# so: find the first episode
set eid [lindex [lsort -integer -increasing -index 1 $eids] 0 0]
set eid [lindex $eids 0]
# And here we are: post the episode to the curation!°
set ret [eval exec $curl -H \"Authorization: Bearer $accesstoken\" \"\" --data \"curation_id=$curation_id&episode_id=$eid&force_state=1\"]
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