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Created July 17, 2015 23:43
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Azure上にAzure Resource Managerを使ってWindows Server複数台を展開(IISの役割は未追加)
$scriptPath = ""
$subscriptionName = ""
$location = "japaneast"
$prefix = "armdemo"
$tag_project = "demo"
$tag_costCenter = "0001"
$vmInstances = 2
$adminUserName = "newadmin"
$adminPassword = "AzurenoP@ssw0rd"
$publiserName = "MicrosoftWindowsServer"
$offerName = "WindowsServer"
$skuName = "2012-R2-Datacenter"
$version = "latest"
#$(Get-Command -Name New-AzureStorageAccount).Parameters["Type"].Attributes.ValidValues | Out-GridView
$storageAccountType = "Standard_LRS"
#Get-AzureVMSize -Location $location | Select-Object Name, NumberOfCores, MemoryInMB, MaxDataDiskCount | Out-GridView
$vmSize = "Standard_A2"
$adminPassword = $adminPassword | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
$vmAdminCreds = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $adminUserName, $adminPassword
$azureAccount = Get-AzureAccount -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
if ($azureAccount -eq $null) {
Write-Output "Azureアカウントの認証を行います。"
#Azure Resorce Managerモードに切り替えます。
Write-Output "Azure Resorce Managerモードに切り替えます。"
Switch-AzureMode -Name AzureResourceManager
Write-Output "最新のARMプロバイダーを登録します。"
Register-AzureProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.Compute -Force
Register-AzureProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.Storage -Force
Register-AzureProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.Network -Force
#Get-AzureProvider | Select-Object -Property ProviderNamespace -ExcludeProperty ResouceTypes
Write-Output "Azureサブスクリプションを選択します。"
$subscriptionId = (Get-AzureSubscription -Name $subscriptionName).SubscriptionId
Select-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId
Write-Output "デプロイで使用するタグを定義します。"
Write-Output "project : ${tag_project}"
Write-Output "costCenter : ${tag_costCenter}"
$tags = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$tags.Add( @{ Name = "project"; Value = $tag_project } )
$tags.Add( @{ Name = "costCenter"; Value = $tag_costCenter } )
Write-Output "リソースグループを作成します。既に存在している場合にはそれを利用します。"
$rgName = "${prefix}-rg"
Write-Output "リソースグループ名 : $rgName"
If (!(Test-AzureResourceGroup -ResourceGroupName $rgName)) {
Write-Output "新規に作成します。"
$rg = New-AzureResourceGroup -Name $rgName -Location $location -Tag $tags
} Else {
$rg = Get-AzureResourceGroup -Name $rgName
$storageAccountName = "${prefix}stor01"
Write-Output "ストレージアカウント名 : $storageAccountName"
Write-Output "ストレージアカウントを作成します。存在していれば既存のものを利用します。"
if (!(Test-AzureResource -ResourceName $storageAccountName -ResourceType "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts" -ResourceGroupName $rgName)) {
Write-Output "新規に作成します。"
$storageAccount = New-AzureStorageAccount `
-Name $storageAccountName `
-ResourceGroupName $rgName `
-Location $location `
-Type $storageAccountType
} else {
Write-Output "既存のものを利用します。"
$storageAccount = Get-AzureStorageAccount `
-ResourceGroupName $rgName `
-Name $storageAccountName
Write-Output "ストレージアカウントを規定に設定します。"
Set-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId -CurrentStorageAccountName $storageAccountName
$vnetName = "${prefix}-vnet"
Write-Output "Azure仮想ネットワーク名 : $vnetName"
$subnet1Name = "${prefix}-subnet01"
$subnet2Name = "GatewaySubnet"
Write-Output "サブネット1 : $subnet1Name"
Write-Output "サブネット2 : $subnet2Name"
Write-Output "仮想ネットワークを作成します。存在していれば既存のものを利用します。"
if (!(Test-AzureResource -ResourceGroupName $rgName -ResourceName $vnetName -ResourceType "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks" )) {
Write-Output "新規に仮想ネットワークを作成します。"
$subnet1 = New-AzureVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $subnet1Name -AddressPrefix ""
$subnet2 = New-AzureVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $subnet2Name -AddressPrefix ""
$vnet = New-AzureVirtualNetwork `
-Name $vnetName `
-ResourceGroupName $rgName `
-Location $location `
-AddressPrefix "" `
-Subnet $subnet1,$subnet2 `
-Tag $tags
} else {
Write-Output "既存の仮想ネットワークを利用します。"
$vnet = Get-AzureVirtualNetwork -Name $vnetName -ResourceGroupName $rgName
$publicVipName = "${prefix}-vip"
Write-Output "VIP名 : $publicVipName"
$domainName = "${prefix}app"
Write-Output "VIPに紐付けるDNS名 : $domainName"
Write-Output "VIPを作成します。存在していれば既存のものを利用します。"
if (!(Test-AzureResource -ResourceName $publicVipName -ResourceType "Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses" -ResourceGroupName $rgName)) {
Write-Output "新規に作成します。"
$publicVip = New-AzurePublicIpAddress `
-Name $publicVipName `
-ResourceGroupName $rgName `
-Location $location `
-AllocationMethod Dynamic `
-DomainNameLabel $domainName `
-Tag $tags
} else {
Write-Output "既存のものを利用します。"
$publicVip = Get-AzurePublicIpAddress `
-Name $publicVipName `
-ResourceGroupName $rgName
$lbName = "${prefix}-lb"
Write-Output "ロードバランサー名 : $lbName"
Write-Output "ロードバランサーを作成します。存在していれば既存のものを利用します。"
if (!(Test-AzureResource -ResourceName $lbName -ResourceType "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers" -ResourceGroupName $rgName)) {
Write-Output "新規に作成します。"
#Public VIPを利用したFront-end IPの構成
$lbFeIpConfigName = "lb-feip"
$lbFeIpConfig = New-AzureLoadBalancerFrontendIpConfig -Name $lbFeIpConfigName -PublicIpAddress $publicVip
$lbInboundNatRules = @()
for ($count = 1; $count -le $vmInstances; $count++) {
$ruleName = "nat-rdp-${count}"
$frontEndPort = 3389 + $count
$backEndPort = 3389
$lbInboundNatRules += New-AzureLoadBalancerInboundNatRuleConfig `
-Name $ruleName `
-FrontendIpConfigurationId $lbFeIpConfig.Id `
-Protocol Tcp `
-FrontendPort $frontEndPort `
-BackendPort $backEndPort
$lbBeIpPoolName = "lb-be-ip-pool"
$lbBeIpPool = New-AzureLoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolConfig -Name $lbBeIpPoolName
$lbProbeName = "lb-probe"
$lbProbe = New-AzureLoadBalancerProbeConfig `
-Name $lbProbeName `
-RequestPath "/" `
-Protocol Http `
-Port 80 `
-IntervalInSeconds 15 `
-ProbeCount 2
$lbRuleName = "lb-http"
$lbRule = New-AzureLoadBalancerRuleConfig `
-Name $lbRuleName `
-FrontendIpConfigurationId $ `
-BackendAddressPoolId $ `
-ProbeId $ `
-Protocol Tcp `
-FrontendPort 80 `
-BackendPort 80 `
-LoadDistribution Default
$lb = New-AzureLoadBalancer `
-Name $lbName `
-ResourceGroupName $rgName `
-Location $location `
-FrontendIpConfiguration $lbFeIpConfig `
-BackendAddressPool $lbBeIpPool `
-Probe $lbProbe `
-InboundNatRule $lbInboundNatRules `
-LoadBalancingRule $lbRule
} else {
Write-Output "既存のものを利用します。"
$lb = Get-AzureLoadBalancer -Name $lbName -ResourceGroupName $rgName
$nsgName = "${prefix}-nsg"
Write-Output "ネットワークセキュリティグループ名 : $nsgName"
Write-Output "ネットワークセキュリティグループを作成します。存在していれば既存のものを利用します。"
if (!(Test-AzureResource -ResourceName $nsgName -ResourceType "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups" -ResourceGroupName $rgName)) {
Write-Output "新規に作成します。"
$nsgRule1 = New-AzureNetworkSecurityRuleConfig `
-Name "allow-rdp-inbound" `
-Description "Allow inbound RDP" `
-SourceAddressPrefix * `
-Protocol Tcp `
-SourcePortRange * `
-DestinationAddressPrefix * `
-DestinationPortRange 3389 `
-Direction Inbound `
-Access Allow `
-Priority 100
$nsgRule2 = New-AzureNetworkSecurityRuleConfig `
-Name "allow-http-inbound" `
-Description "Allow inbound HTTP" `
-SourceAddressPrefix * `
-Protocol Tcp `
-SourcePortRange * `
-DestinationAddressPrefix * `
-DestinationPortRange 80 `
-Direction Inbound `
-Access Allow `
-Priority 110
$nsg = New-AzureNetworkSecurityGroup `
-Name $nsgName `
-ResourceGroupName $rgName `
-Location $location `
-SecurityRules $nsgRule1, $nsgRule2 `
-Tag $tags
} else {
Write-Output "既存のものを利用します。"
$nsg = Get-AzureNetworkSecurityGroup `
-Name $nsgName `
-ResourceGroupName $rgName
$nics = @()
Write-Output "仮想マシン毎のNICを作成します。存在していれば既存のものを利用します。"
for ($count = 1; $count -le $vmInstances; $count++) {
$nicName = "${prefix}-nic${count}"
if (!(Test-AzureResource `
-ResourceName $nicName `
-ResourceType "Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces" `
-ResourceGroupName $rgName)) {
Write-Output "新規に作成します。 : $nicName"
$nicIndex = $count -1
Write-Output "NICをサブネット、ネットワークセキュリティグループ、NATルール、ロードバランサープールに紐づけて作成します。"
$nics += New-AzureNetworkInterface `
-Name $nicName `
-ResourceGroupName $rgName `
-Location $location `
-SubnetId $vnet.Subnets[0].Id `
-NetworkSecurityGroupId $nsg.Id `
-LoadBalancerInboundNatRuleId $lb.InboundNatRules[$nicIndex].Id `
-LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolId $lb.BackendAddressPools[0].Id
} else {
Write-Output "既存のものを利用します。"
$nics += Get-AzureNetworkInterface `
-Name $nicName `
-ResourceGroupName $rgName
$avSetName = "${prefix}-as"
Write-Output "可用性セット名 : $avSetName"
Write-Output "可用性セットを作成します。存在していれば既存のものを利用します。"
if (!(Test-AzureResource `
-ResourceName $avSetName `
-ResourceType "Microsoft.Compute/availabilitySets" `
-ResourceGroupName $rgName)) {
Write-Output "新規に作成します。"
$avSet = New-AzureAvailabilitySet `
-Name $avSetName `
-ResourceGroupName $rgName `
-Location $location
} else {
Write-Output "既存のものを利用します。"
$avSet = Get-AzureAvailabilitySet `
-Name $avSetName `
-ResourceGroupName $rgName
Write-Output "仮想マシンを作成します。"
$vm = @()
for($count = 1; $count -le $vmInstances; $count++) {
$vmName = "vm${count}"
if (!(Test-AzureResource -ResourceName $vmName `
-ResourceType "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines" `
-ResourceGroupName $rgName)) {
Write-Output "新規に作成します。 : $vmName"
$vmIndex = $count -1
$osDiskLabel = "OSDisk"
$osDiskName = "${prefix}-${vmName}-osdisk"
$osDiskUri = $storageAccount.PrimaryEndpoints.Blob.ToString() + "vhds/${osDiskName}.vhd"
$dataDiskSize = 200 #Size in GB
$dataDiskLabel = "DataDisk01"
$dataDiskName = "${prefix}-${vmName}-datadisk01"
$dataDiskUri = $storageAccount.PrimaryEndpoints.Blob.ToString() + "vhds/${dataDiskName}.vhd"
$vmConfig = `
New-AzureVMConfig -VMName $vmName -VMSize $vmSize -AvailabilitySetId $avSet.Id |
Set-AzureVMOperatingSystem -Windows -ComputerName $vmName -Credential $vmAdminCreds -ProvisionVMAgent -EnableAutoUpdate |
Set-AzureVMSourceImage -PublisherName $publiserName -Offer $offerName -Skus $skuName -Version $version |
Set-AzureVMSourceImage -PublisherName $publiserName -Offer $offerName -Skus $skuName -Version $version |
Set-AzureVMOSDisk -Name $osDiskLabel -VhdUri $osDiskUri -CreateOption fromImage |
Add-AzureVMDataDisk -Name $dataDiskLabel -DiskSizeInGB $dataDiskSize -VhdUri $dataDiskUri -CreateOption empty |
Add-AzureVMNetworkInterface -Id $nics[$vmIndex].Id -Primary
New-AzureVM -VM $vmConfig -ResourceGroupName $rgName -Location $location -Tags $tags
} else {
Write-Output "既存のVMを利用します。 : $vmName"
$vm += Get-AzureVM `
-Name $vmName `
-ResourceGroupName $rgName
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