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Last active September 24, 2019 22:41
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Shared values that always stay fresh
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module Control.Concurrent.FreshVar
( FreshVar
, newFreshVar
, newPreemptiveFreshVar
, readFreshVar
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar, modifyMVar, newMVar, putMVar, tryTakeMVar, withMVar)
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import Control.Monad (void)
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
-- | A value that is always fresh
newtype FreshVar a = FreshVar { getFreshMVar :: MVar (Fresh a) }
data Fresh a = Fresh
{ getFresh :: a
, refreshMutex :: MVar ()
, isNearingStale :: a -> Bool
, isStale :: a -> Bool
, create :: Maybe a -> IO a
-- | Create a value that will always remain fresh
-- A 'FreshVar' will refresh itself when its stale check returns 'True'. These
-- refreshes are done lazily and occur when a stale value is read via
-- 'readFreshVar'.
:: (a -> Bool) -- ^ A check to determine if the value is stale
-> (Maybe a -> IO a) -- ^ A procedure to create or refresh the value
-> IO (FreshVar a)
newFreshVar staleCheck = newPreemptiveFreshVar staleCheck (const False)
-- | Create a 'FreshVar' that preemptively refreshes itself
-- A 'FreshVar' will block reads when the value becomes stale. However a
-- preemptive 'FreshVar' can refresh itself before the value becomes stale
-- and prevent blocking reads.
:: (a -> Bool) -- ^ A check to determine if the value is stale
-> (a -> Bool) -- ^ A check to determine if that value is nearing stale
-> (Maybe a -> IO a) -- ^ A procedure to create or refresh the value
-> IO (FreshVar a)
newPreemptiveFreshVar isStale isNearingStale create = do
getFresh <- create Nothing
refreshMutex <- newMVar ()
FreshVar <$> newMVar Fresh
{ getFresh
, refreshMutex
, isNearingStale
, isStale
, create
-- | Read a value and ensure it is always fresh
readFreshVar :: FreshVar a -> IO a
readFreshVar v = fmap getFresh $ modifyFreshVar v $ \fresh -> if
| isNearingStale fresh $ getFresh fresh -> do
void . forkIO $ tryRefresh v
pure fresh
| isStale fresh $ getFresh fresh -> syncRefresh fresh
| otherwise -> pure fresh
-- | Refresh a value and block if the mutex is held by another thread
syncRefresh :: Fresh a -> IO (Fresh a)
syncRefresh t = withMVar (refreshMutex t) (const $ refresh t)
-- | Attempt to refresh a value, but do nothing if another thread is already refreshing
tryRefresh :: FreshVar a -> IO ()
tryRefresh v = void . modifyFreshVar v $ \t -> tryWithMutex t (refresh t)
refresh :: Fresh a -> IO (Fresh a)
refresh t = do
x <- create t . Just $ getFresh t
pure $ t { getFresh = x }
-- | Attempt to lock mutation on a 'Fresh'
tryWithMutex :: Fresh a -> IO (Fresh a) -> IO (Fresh a)
tryWithMutex t f = with $ \case
Nothing -> pure t -- do nothing when we don't have a lock
Just () -> f -- run the action when we've taken the lock
mutex = refreshMutex t
-- bracket to prevent indefinitely locking the mutext on exception
with = bracket (tryTakeMVar mutex) (traverse_ (putMVar mutex))
modifyFreshVar :: FreshVar a -> (Fresh a -> IO (Fresh a)) -> IO (Fresh a)
modifyFreshVar v f = modifyMVar (getFreshMVar v) $ fmap dup . f
where dup x = (x, x)
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