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Yi Lu eccstartup

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Direct links to Lecture Notes in Mathematics (Part 3)

Padé Approximation and its Applications Amsterdam 1980 - M. G. de Bruin, H. van Rossum (1981) ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6],

Direct links to Lecture Notes in Mathematics (Part 2)

Functional Analysis and Related Topics, 1991 - Hikosaburo Komatsu (1993) ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6],

eccstartup /
Created December 30, 2015 15:41 — forked from akalin/
Direct links to Lecture Notes in Mathematics full books

Direct links to Lecture Notes in Mathematics (Part 1)

*-Autonomous Categories - Michael Barr (1979) ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6])

1-Dimensional Cohen-Macaulay Rings - Eben Matlis (1973) ([1], [2

eccstartup /
Created December 30, 2015 14:28 — forked from bishboria/
Springer made a bunch of books available for free, these were the direct links
import Numeric
main = putStrLn $ showHex (fastpow c d n) ""
c = 0x599f55a1b0520a19233c169b8c339f10695f9e61c92bd8fd3c17c8bba0d5677e
d = 0x431d844bdcd801460488c4d17487d9a5ccc95698301d6ab2e218e4b575d52ea3
n = 0x64ac4671cb4401e906cd273a2ecbc679f55b879f0ecb25eefcb377ac724ee3b1
fastpow :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer
fastpow base exp modulo = fastpow' (base `mod` modulo) exp modulo 1
  1. Plain Strings (207): foo
  2. Anchors (208): k$
  3. Ranges (202): ^[a-f]*$
  4. Backrefs (201): (...).*\1
  5. Abba (169): ^(.(?!(ll|ss|mm|rr|tt|ff|cc|bb)))*$|^n|ef
  6. A man, a plan (177): ^(.)[^p].*\1$
  7. Prime (286): ^(?!(..+)\1+$)
  8. Four (199): (.)(.\1){3}
  9. Order (198): ^[^o].....?$
  10. Triples (507): (^39|^44)|(^([0369]|([147][0369]*[258])|(([258]|[147][0369]*[147])([0369]*|[258][0369]*[147])([147]|[258][0369]*[258])))*$)
<17:10:44>-eccstartup:~/.stack$ stack upgrade
Fetched package index.
Populated index cache.
stack- download
GHC version mismatched, found 7.10.2 (x86_64), but expected version 7.8.4 (x86_64) (based on resolver setting in /var/folders/tb/wpytxqpx111fsxk0tg1zsmgm0000gn/T/stack-upgrade30719/stack- Try running stack setup
<17:11:28>-eccstartup:~/.stack$ stack --install-ghc upgrade
Fetched package index.
Populated index cache.
Already downloaded.
Installed GHC.
import Data.List
mylines = ["ABEHKNQaqz+/","ACFILORclsx","ADGJMPZVih","BCD","EFG","HIJ","KLM","NOP","HLP","K1O","M2O","OQ","OWXYZ","QRSTUV","abcdefgh","aijklmnop","qrstuv","zyx","+-*","PWRbjq","PXSckry-/","PYTdmtx","ZUehuw","Vfov","igp"]
mypoints = "abcdefghijk"
connected a b = belong [a,b] mylines
onaline a b c = belong [a,b,c] mylines
belong x xs = any (\y -> sub x y) xs
sub x y = all (\z -> elem z y) x
triangle [a, b, c] = connected a b && connected a c && connected b c && not (onaline a b c)
triplepoints = nub [sort [a,b,c] | a <- mypoints, b <- mypoints, b /= a, c <- mypoints, c /= a, c /= b]
main = putStrLn $ show $ length $ filter triangle triplepoints
$ cat
cd /home/eccstartup/mirror/hackage
#echo "Cleaning up..."
# rm 00-index.tar.gz
mkdir -p package
echo "Downloading index..."
rm index.tar.gz
axel -o index.tar.gz || curl -o index.tar.gz
发信人: SBH (木偶TEDDY), 信区: XJTUnews
标 题: 某些交大同学的神经时刻是紧绷的
发信站: 兵马俑BBS (Wed Jun 24 09:45:44 2015), 本站(