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Created April 19, 2018 12:21
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This vomits uninitialised halo data all over my nice array bulk
module params
implicit none
! Type definitions
integer, parameter :: dp=kind(1.d0)
! Lattice parameters
integer, parameter :: ksize=12, ksizet=12
integer, parameter :: kthird=24
integer, parameter :: np_x=2, np_y=1, np_t=1
integer, parameter :: ksizex_l = ksize / np_x
integer, parameter :: ksizey_l = ksize / np_y
integer, parameter :: ksizet_l = ksizet / np_t
end module params
module data
use params
implicit none
complex(dp) :: test_array(kthird, 0:ksizex_l+1, 0:ksizey_l+1, 0:ksizet_l+1, 4, 12)
end module data
pure function pid(ix, iy, it) result(id)
use params
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: ix, iy, it
integer :: id
id = ix + iy * np_x + it * np_x * np_y
end function pid
module comms
use params
use mpi_f08
implicit none
integer :: ip_x, ip_y, ip_t, ip_global, np_global
type(MPI_Comm) :: comm
type(MPI_Datatype) :: mpiio_type
subroutine start_halo_update_6_x_lower(size5, size6, Array, tag, reqs)
integer, intent(in) :: size5, size6, tag
complex(dp), intent(inout) :: Array(kthird, 0:ksizex_l+1, 0:ksizey_l+1, &
& 0:ksizet_l+1, size5, size6)
type(MPI_Request), intent(out) :: reqs(2)
integer :: ip_xup, ip_xdn
integer :: tag_offset, size
tag_offset = 6 * tag
call MPI_Cart_Shift(comm, 0, 1, ip_xdn, ip_xup)
size = kthird * size5 * size6 * ksizey_l * ksizet_l
call MPI_Isend(Array(1:kthird, ksizex_l, 1:ksizey_l, 1:ksizet_l, 1:size5, 1:size6), size, MPI_Double_Complex, ip_xup, 0 + tag_offset, comm, reqs(1))
call MPI_Irecv(Array(1:kthird, 0, 1:ksizey_l, 1:ksizet_l, 1:size5, 1:size6), size, MPI_Double_Complex, ip_xdn, 0 + tag_offset, comm, reqs(2))
end subroutine start_halo_update_6_x_lower
subroutine complete_halo_update(reqs)
type(MPI_Request), intent(inout) :: reqs(2)
call MPI_Waitall(2, reqs, MPI_Statuses_Ignore)
end subroutine complete_halo_update
! Initialise MPI variables
subroutine init_MPI()
integer :: coords(3)
call MPI_init
! Check that we have the right number of processes
call MPI_comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, np_global)
call MPI_comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ip_global)
if (np_global .ne. NP_X * NP_Y * NP_T) then
print *,"MPI dimensionality mismatch: ", NP_X, "*", NP_Y, "*", NP_T, "!=", np_global
call MPI_finalize
call exit(2)
end if
! Set up a Cartesian communicator; periodic boundaries, allow reordering
call MPI_cart_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 3, (/ NP_X, NP_Y, NP_T /), &
& (/ .true., .true., .true. /), .true., comm)
! Know where I am
call MPI_cart_coords(comm, ip_global, 3, coords)
ip_x = coords(1)
ip_y = coords(2)
ip_t = coords(3)
end subroutine init_MPI
end module comms
program test_halo_6
use params
use data
use comms
implicit none
integer :: ithird, ix, iy, it, i5, i6, i=0
integer :: pid
type(MPI_Request) :: reqs(2)
call init_MPI
test_array(:,0,:,:,:,:) = cmplx(-1,-1)
test_array(:,:,0,:,:,:) = cmplx(-2,-1)
test_array(:,:,:,0,:,:) = cmplx(-3,-1)
test_array(:,ksizex_l+1,:,:,:,:) = cmplx(-1,-2)
test_array(:,:,ksizey_l+1,:,:,:) = cmplx(-2,-2)
test_array(:,:,:,ksizet_l+1,:,:) = cmplx(-3,-2)
! Set up local arrays
do i6=1,12
do i5=1,4
do it=1,ksizet_l
do iy=1,ksizey_l
do ix=1,ksizex_l
do ithird=1,kthird
i = i + 1
test_array(ithird, ix, iy, it, i5, i6) = cmplx(i, pid(ip_x, ip_y, ip_t))
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
! Communicate
call start_halo_update_6_x_lower(4, 12, test_array, 0, reqs)
call complete_halo_update(reqs)
! Check output
if (ip_global .eq. 0) then
do i6=1,12
do i5=1,4
do it=1,ksizet_l
do iy=1,ksizey_l
do ix=1,ksizex_l
do ithird=1,kthird
if (real(test_array(ithird, ix, iy, it, i5, i6)) .lt. 0) then
print *, 'Corruption of array bulk at: ', ithird, ix, iy, it, i5, i6, ' - value: ', test_array(ithird, ix, iy, it, i5, i6)
end if
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
end if
call MPI_Finalize
end program test_halo_6
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