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Created February 15, 2016 15:05
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(defn make-screenshots-xf []
(fn [xf]
(let [_ (debug "Starting new browser")
browser (new-driver {:browser :chrome})]
(debug "New browser Maximize")
(maximize browser)
(debug "Init")
(debug "Finalize" result)
;; (taxi/quit browser)
(xf result))
([result input]
(debug "Called save-screenshot with input: " input)
(xf result input)
(let [filename (str "details/" (first input) "/" input ".png")]
(make-parents filename)
(to browser (str "" input "/details"))
(taxi/wait-until browser (fn [x]
(taxi/exists? browser "table.alerts th")) 5000 0)
;; (taxi/implicit-wait browser 1000)
(take-screenshot browser :file filename)
(xf result {input :ok}))
(catch Exception e
(xf result {input e}))))))))
(defn -main [& args]
(let [from (chan)
to (chan)
xf (make-screenshots-xf)
n 64]
;; (sequence make-screenshots-xf tickers)
(prn "Starting pipeline")
(async/pipeline-blocking n to xf from)
(prn "Copy input tickers " tickers " (" (count tickers) ") onto " from)
(async/onto-chan from tickers)
(prn "Waiting for results")
(let [results (async/<!! (async/into [] to))]
(pprint results (writer "results.txt"))
(prn "Results " results)))))
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