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Created January 9, 2015 18:51
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Json writes for a superclass in scala
trait PropertyType {
def price: Double
case class House(price: Double, noOfBedRooms: Option[Short]) extends PropertyType
case class Land(price: Double, area: Option[Double]) extends PropertyType
object House {
implicit val houseReads: Reads[House] = (
(JsPath \ "price").read[Double] and
(JsPath \ "noOfBedRooms").readNullable[Short]
)(House.apply _)
implicit val houseWrites: Writes[House] = new Writes[House] {
override def writes(house: House): JsValue = Json.obj(
"price" -> house.price,
"noOfBedRooms" -> house.noOfBedRooms,
"type" -> "House"
object Land{
implicit val landReads: Reads[Land] = (
(JsPath \ "price").read[Double] and
(JsPath \ "area").readNullable[Double]
)(Land.apply _)
implicit val landWrites: Writes[Land] = new Writes[Land] {
override def writes(land: Land): JsValue = Json.obj(
"price" -> land.price,
"area" -> land.area,
"type" -> "Land"
case class Property(owner: String, propertyType: PropertyType)
object Property {
implicit object PropertyTypeWrites extends Writes[PropertyType] {
override def writes(pt: PropertyType): JsValue = pt match {
case l: Land => Json.toJson(l)(Land.landWrites)
case h: House => Json.toJson(h)(House.houseWrites)
implicit val propertyTypeReads: Reads[PropertyType] = {
((__ \ "type").read[String] and __.json.pick).tupled flatMap { case (t, js) => t match {
case "Land" => Reads { _ => Json.fromJson[Land](js)} map { c => c: PropertyType}
case "House" => Reads { _ => Json.fromJson[House](js)} map { c => c: PropertyType}
implicit val format = Json.format[Property]
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