const core = require('@actions/core'); const github = require('@actions/github'); const octokit = new github.GitHub(process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN); async function run() { try { const username = github.context.payload.pull_request.user.login; const repo = github.context.payload.repository; const { data: prs } = await octokit.pulls.list({ owner: repo.owner.login, repo:, state: 'open', }); const userOpenPRs = prs.filter((pr) => pr.user.login === username); const hasHacktoberfestLabel = github.context.payload.pull_request.labels.some(label => === 'hacktoberfest-accepted'); if (userOpenPRs.length > 2 && !hasHacktoberfestLabel) { core.setFailed(`The user ${username} has more than 2 open Pull Requests. Please add the 'hacktoberfest-accepted' label to this PR.`); } } catch (error) { core.setFailed(error.message); } } run();