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Created July 20, 2017 12:50
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AWS p2.16xlarge with pw + gradientsAccumulator
public class Detector {
int slots = 8; // Max character columns per row
int height = 64;
int width = 128;
int channels = 1;
protected double splitTrainTest = 0.9;
protected static int epochs = 100; // 30, 40
boolean save = true;
int seed = 781976;
int iterations = 1;
int batchSize = 128;
double learningRate = 0.00058;// 1e-3, and 1e-6
double biasWeight = 0.001;
Activation activation = Activation.RELU;
public static String BASE_DIR;
protected Random rng = new Random(seed);
// learning rate schedule in the form of <Iteration #, Learning Rate>
protected static Map<Integer, Double> lrSchedule = new HashMap<>();
lrSchedule.put(0, 1e-6);
lrSchedule.put(25, 1e-4);
lrSchedule.put(1000, 1e-3);
lrSchedule.put(2000, 1e-4);
lrSchedule.put(3000, 1e-5);
lrSchedule.put(4000, 1e-6);
public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
if (args.length == 1) {
BASE_DIR = args[0];
new Detector();
public Detector() throws Exception {
// Disable for AWS usage
MultiLayerNetwork net = getConfig();
net.setListeners(new ScoreIterationListener(1));
protected String getLabel(String fileName) {
int toIndex = fileName.lastIndexOf(".");
return fileName.substring(0, toIndex).replaceAll("_", "");
public void train(MultiLayerNetwork net) throws Exception {
// CudaEnvironment.getInstance().getConfiguration()
// // key option enabled
// .allowMultiGPU(true)
// // we're allowing larger memory caches
// .setMaximumDeviceCache(2L * 1024L * 1024L * 1024L);
// // cross-device access is used for faster model averaging over pcie
// // .allowCrossDeviceAccess(true);
File mainPath = new File(BASE_DIR);
FileSplit fileSplit = new FileSplit(mainPath, NativeImageLoader.ALLOWED_FORMATS, rng);
PathFilter pathFilter = new RandomPathFilter(rng, "png");
InputSplit[] inputSplit = fileSplit.sample(pathFilter, splitTrainTest, 1 - splitTrainTest);
InputSplit trainData = inputSplit[0];
InputSplit testData = inputSplit[1];
ParallelWrapper wrapper = new ParallelWrapper.Builder(net)
// DataSets prefetching options. Buffer size per worker.
// set number of workers equal to number of GPUs.
// rare averaging improves performance but might reduce model accuracy
// if set to TRUE, on every averaging model score will be reported
// 3 options here: NONE, SINGLE, SEPARATE
.trainerFactory(new SymmetricTrainerContext())
.gradientsAccumulator(new CudaGradientsAccumulator(16, 1e-3))
LicencePlateImageRecordReader recordReader = new LicencePlateImageRecordReader(height, width, channels, slots, true);
DataSetIterator dataIter;
MultipleEpochsIterator trainIter;
DataNormalization scaler = new ImagePreProcessingScaler(0, 1);
System.out.println("Train model....");
dataIter = new RecordReaderDataSetIterator(recordReader, batchSize, 1, slots * Constants.CHARACTERS.size());;
trainIter = new MultipleEpochsIterator(epochs, dataIter);;
System.out.println("Evaluate model....");
dataIter = new RecordReaderDataSetIterator(recordReader, batchSize, 1, slots * Constants.CHARACTERS.size());;
Evaluation eval = net.evaluate(dataIter);
if (save) {
NumberFormat df = DecimalFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
System.out.println("Saving model....");
Long milis = System.currentTimeMillis();
String score = "[F1=" + df.format(eval.f1()) + ";" + "Acc=" + df.format(eval.accuracy()) + ";" + width + "x" + height + "]";
ModelSerializer.writeModel(net, BASE_DIR + milis + "-model-" + score + ".dl4j", true);
try {
System.out.println("Labels: " + recordReader.getLabels());
writeLabels(recordReader.getLabels(), milis, score);
} catch (Exception e) {
private void writeLabels(List<String> labels, long milis, String score) throws IOException {
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(BASE_DIR + milis + "-labels-" + score + ".txt", false);
for (String label : labels) {
fw.append(label + "\r\n");
public MultiLayerNetwork getConfig() {
MultiLayerConfiguration conf = new NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder()
.biasLearningRate(1e-2 * 2)
.layer(0, new ConvolutionLayer.Builder(5, 5)
.stride(1, 1)
.layer(1, new SubsamplingLayer.Builder(SubsamplingLayer.PoolingType.MAX)
.kernelSize(2, 2)
.stride(2, 2)
.layer(2, new ConvolutionLayer.Builder(5, 5)
.stride(1, 1)
.layer(3, new SubsamplingLayer.Builder(SubsamplingLayer.PoolingType.MAX)
.name("maxpool_2_2x1") // SEE Exmaple
.kernelSize(2, 1)
.stride(2, 1)
.layer(4, new ConvolutionLayer.Builder(5, 5)
.stride(1, 1)
.layer(5, new DenseLayer.Builder()
.layer(6, new OutputLayer.Builder(LossFunctions.LossFunction.XENT)
.nOut(slots * Constants.CHARACTERS.size()) // slots * (26 Zeichen + 3 Umlaute Ä Ö Ü + Ziffern 0-9)
.setInputType(InputType.convolutional(height, width, channels))
return new MultiLayerNetwork(conf);
12:31:00.641 [main] INFO org.nd4j.linalg.factory.Nd4jBackend - Loaded [JCublasBackend] backend
12:31:59.357 [main] INFO org.nd4j.nativeblas.NativeOpsHolder - Number of threads used for NativeOps: 32
12:32:00.174 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [0]...
12:32:00.197 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [0]...
12:32:00.209 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [0]...
12:32:00.220 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [0]...
12:32:00.238 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [0]...
12:32:00.250 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [0]...
12:32:00.262 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [0]...
12:32:00.280 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [0]...
12:32:00.292 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [0]...
12:32:00.305 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [0]...
12:32:00.321 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [0]...
12:32:00.335 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [0]...
12:32:00.346 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [0]...
12:32:00.365 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [0]...
12:32:00.377 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [0]...
12:32:00.388 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [0]...
12:32:00.403 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [0]...
12:32:00.413 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [0]...
12:32:00.423 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [0]...
12:32:00.440 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [0]...
12:32:00.452 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [0]...
12:32:00.463 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [0]...
12:32:00.480 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [0]...
12:32:00.492 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [0]...
12:32:00.504 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [0]...
12:32:00.520 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [0]...
12:32:00.530 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [0]...
12:32:00.542 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [0]...
12:32:00.559 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [0]...
12:32:00.574 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [0]...
12:32:00.585 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [0]...
12:32:00.600 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [0]...
12:32:01.030 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [1]...
12:32:01.063 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [1]...
12:32:01.076 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [1]...
12:32:01.088 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [1]...
12:32:01.106 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [1]...
12:32:01.117 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [1]...
12:32:01.131 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [1]...
12:32:01.150 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [1]...
12:32:01.164 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [1]...
12:32:01.175 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [1]...
12:32:01.191 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [1]...
12:32:01.202 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [1]...
12:32:01.214 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [1]...
12:32:01.233 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [1]...
12:32:01.246 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [1]...
12:32:01.259 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [1]...
12:32:01.277 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [1]...
12:32:01.290 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [1]...
12:32:01.303 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [1]...
12:32:01.319 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [1]...
12:32:01.334 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [1]...
12:32:01.347 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [1]...
12:32:01.368 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [1]...
12:32:01.379 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [1]...
12:32:01.391 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [1]...
12:32:01.406 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [1]...
12:32:01.416 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [1]...
12:32:01.426 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [1]...
12:32:01.444 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [1]...
12:32:01.458 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [1]...
12:32:01.471 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [1]...
12:32:01.490 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [1]...
12:32:02.006 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [2]...
12:32:02.035 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [2]...
12:32:02.047 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [2]...
12:32:02.059 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [2]...
12:32:02.077 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [2]...
12:32:02.089 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [2]...
12:32:02.101 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [2]...
12:32:02.120 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [2]...
12:32:02.131 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [2]...
12:32:02.143 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [2]...
12:32:02.159 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [2]...
12:32:02.171 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [2]...
12:32:02.183 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [2]...
12:32:02.198 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [2]...
12:32:02.212 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [2]...
12:32:02.223 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [2]...
12:32:02.242 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [2]...
12:32:02.254 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [2]...
12:32:02.266 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [2]...
12:32:02.285 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [2]...
12:32:02.299 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [2]...
12:32:02.311 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [2]...
12:32:02.331 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [2]...
12:32:02.343 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [2]...
12:32:02.356 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [2]...
12:32:02.372 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [2]...
12:32:02.383 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [2]...
12:32:02.393 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [2]...
12:32:02.410 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [2]...
12:32:02.423 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [2]...
12:32:02.437 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [2]...
12:32:02.454 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [2]...
12:32:02.886 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [3]...
12:32:02.909 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [3]...
12:32:02.918 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [3]...
12:32:02.927 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [3]...
12:32:02.941 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [3]...
12:32:02.954 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [3]...
12:32:02.966 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [3]...
12:32:02.984 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [3]...
12:32:02.995 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [3]...
12:32:03.005 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [3]...
12:32:03.022 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [3]...
12:32:03.036 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [3]...
12:32:03.048 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [3]...
12:32:03.066 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [3]...
12:32:03.080 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [3]...
12:32:03.092 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [3]...
12:32:03.110 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [3]...
12:32:03.121 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [3]...
12:32:03.133 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [3]...
12:32:03.150 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [3]...
12:32:03.163 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [3]...
12:32:03.175 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [3]...
12:32:03.193 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [3]...
12:32:03.204 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [3]...
12:32:03.216 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [3]...
12:32:03.233 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [3]...
12:32:03.245 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [3]...
12:32:03.258 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [3]...
12:32:03.278 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [3]...
12:32:03.292 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [3]...
12:32:03.306 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [3]...
12:32:03.325 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [3]...
12:32:03.775 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [4]...
12:32:03.804 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [4]...
12:32:03.815 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [4]...
12:32:03.826 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [4]...
12:32:03.846 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [4]...
12:32:03.858 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [4]...
12:32:03.870 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [4]...
12:32:03.889 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [4]...
12:32:03.901 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [4]...
12:32:03.912 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [4]...
12:32:03.928 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [4]...
12:32:03.939 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [4]...
12:32:03.951 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [4]...
12:32:03.970 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [4]...
12:32:03.983 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [4]...
12:32:03.995 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [4]...
12:32:04.010 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [4]...
12:32:04.027 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [4]...
12:32:04.041 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [4]...
12:32:04.058 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [4]...
12:32:04.069 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [4]...
12:32:04.080 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [4]...
12:32:04.098 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [4]...
12:32:04.110 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [4]...
12:32:04.122 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [4]...
12:32:04.139 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [4]...
12:32:04.150 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [4]...
12:32:04.164 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [4]...
12:32:04.181 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [4]...
12:32:04.193 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [4]...
12:32:04.205 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [4]...
12:32:04.222 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [4]...
12:32:04.670 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [5]...
12:32:04.702 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [5]...
12:32:04.714 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [5]...
12:32:04.725 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [5]...
12:32:04.742 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [5]...
12:32:04.753 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [5]...
12:32:04.766 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [5]...
12:32:04.785 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [5]...
12:32:04.796 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [5]...
12:32:04.807 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [5]...
12:32:04.823 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [5]...
12:32:04.836 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [5]...
12:32:04.848 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [5]...
12:32:04.866 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [5]...
12:32:04.880 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [5]...
12:32:04.893 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [5]...
12:32:04.910 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [5]...
12:32:04.921 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [5]...
12:32:04.932 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [5]...
12:32:04.950 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [5]...
12:32:04.963 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [5]...
12:32:04.975 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [5]...
12:32:04.993 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [5]...
12:32:05.004 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [5]...
12:32:05.016 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [5]...
12:32:05.035 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [5]...
12:32:05.048 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [5]...
12:32:05.060 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [5]...
12:32:05.078 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [5]...
12:32:05.093 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [5]...
12:32:05.106 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [5]...
12:32:05.124 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [5]...
12:32:05.520 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [6]...
12:32:05.546 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [6]...
12:32:05.559 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [6]...
12:32:05.571 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [6]...
12:32:05.589 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [6]...
12:32:05.602 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [6]...
12:32:05.614 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [6]...
12:32:05.632 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [6]...
12:32:05.647 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [6]...
12:32:05.660 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [6]...
12:32:05.679 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [6]...
12:32:05.691 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [6]...
12:32:05.703 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [6]...
12:32:05.719 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [6]...
12:32:05.731 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [6]...
12:32:05.741 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [6]...
12:32:05.763 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [6]...
12:32:05.776 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [6]...
12:32:05.788 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [6]...
12:32:05.805 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [6]...
12:32:05.816 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [6]...
12:32:05.827 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [6]...
12:32:05.847 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [6]...
12:32:05.866 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [6]...
12:32:05.881 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [6]...
12:32:05.899 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [6]...
12:32:05.910 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [6]...
12:32:05.921 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [6]...
12:32:05.937 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [6]...
12:32:05.951 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [6]...
12:32:05.969 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [6]...
12:32:05.990 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [6]...
12:32:06.517 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [7]...
12:32:06.548 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [7]...
12:32:06.561 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [7]...
12:32:06.575 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [7]...
12:32:06.593 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [7]...
12:32:06.604 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [7]...
12:32:06.615 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [7]...
12:32:06.634 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [7]...
12:32:06.647 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [7]...
12:32:06.659 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [7]...
12:32:06.679 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [7]...
12:32:06.697 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [7]...
12:32:06.710 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [7]...
12:32:06.727 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [7]...
12:32:06.741 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [7]...
12:32:06.754 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [7]...
12:32:06.772 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [7]...
12:32:06.784 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [7]...
12:32:06.796 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [7]...
12:32:06.812 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [7]...
12:32:06.823 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [7]...
12:32:06.834 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [7]...
12:32:06.854 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [7]...
12:32:06.868 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [7]...
12:32:06.881 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [7]...
12:32:06.899 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [7]...
12:32:06.912 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [7]...
12:32:06.924 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [7]...
12:32:06.942 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [7]...
12:32:06.957 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [7]...
12:32:06.970 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [7]...
12:32:06.987 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [7]...
12:32:07.452 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [8]...
12:32:07.484 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [8]...
12:32:07.497 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [8]...
12:32:07.510 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [8]...
12:32:07.528 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [8]...
12:32:07.539 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [8]...
12:32:07.551 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [8]...
12:32:07.572 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [8]...
12:32:07.584 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [8]...
12:32:07.596 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [8]...
12:32:07.614 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [8]...
12:32:07.626 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [8]...
12:32:07.640 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [8]...
12:32:07.658 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [8]...
12:32:07.673 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [8]...
12:32:07.686 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [8]...
12:32:07.705 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [8]...
12:32:07.717 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [8]...
12:32:07.729 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [8]...
12:32:07.747 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [8]...
12:32:07.760 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [8]...
12:32:07.774 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [8]...
12:32:07.792 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [8]...
12:32:07.804 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [8]...
12:32:07.815 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [8]...
12:32:07.834 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [8]...
12:32:07.847 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [8]...
12:32:07.860 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [8]...
12:32:07.879 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [8]...
12:32:07.894 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [8]...
12:32:07.906 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [8]...
12:32:07.924 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [8]...
12:32:08.322 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [9]...
12:32:08.347 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [9]...
12:32:08.358 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [9]...
12:32:08.368 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [9]...
12:32:08.382 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [9]...
12:32:08.391 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [9]...
12:32:08.400 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [9]...
12:32:08.413 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [9]...
12:32:08.421 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [9]...
12:32:08.430 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [9]...
12:32:08.445 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [9]...
12:32:08.454 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [9]...
12:32:08.464 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [9]...
12:32:08.478 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [9]...
12:32:08.490 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [9]...
12:32:08.500 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [9]...
12:32:08.514 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [9]...
12:32:08.523 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [9]...
12:32:08.532 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [9]...
12:32:08.545 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [9]...
12:32:08.555 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [9]...
12:32:08.565 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [9]...
12:32:08.581 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [9]...
12:32:08.590 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [9]...
12:32:08.599 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [9]...
12:32:08.613 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [9]...
12:32:08.622 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [9]...
12:32:08.631 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [9]...
12:32:08.647 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [9]...
12:32:08.658 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [9]...
12:32:08.669 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [9]...
12:32:08.683 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [9]...
12:32:09.160 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [10]...
12:32:09.185 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [10]...
12:32:09.192 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [10]...
12:32:09.201 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [10]...
12:32:09.215 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [10]...
12:32:09.224 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [10]...
12:32:09.233 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [10]...
12:32:09.250 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [10]...
12:32:09.260 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [10]...
12:32:09.271 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [10]...
12:32:09.286 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [10]...
12:32:09.298 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [10]...
12:32:09.308 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [10]...
12:32:09.321 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [10]...
12:32:09.335 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [10]...
12:32:09.345 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [10]...
12:32:09.359 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [10]...
12:32:09.369 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [10]...
12:32:09.378 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [10]...
12:32:09.391 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [10]...
12:32:09.399 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [10]...
12:32:09.408 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [10]...
12:32:09.421 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [10]...
12:32:09.431 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [10]...
12:32:09.443 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [10]...
12:32:09.457 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [10]...
12:32:09.466 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [10]...
12:32:09.477 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [10]...
12:32:09.491 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [10]...
12:32:09.503 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [10]...
12:32:09.513 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [10]...
12:32:09.527 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [10]...
12:32:09.937 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [11]...
12:32:09.965 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [11]...
12:32:09.975 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [11]...
12:32:09.985 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [11]...
12:32:09.998 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [11]...
12:32:10.007 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [11]...
12:32:10.017 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [11]...
12:32:10.030 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [11]...
12:32:10.041 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [11]...
12:32:10.051 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [11]...
12:32:10.065 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [11]...
12:32:10.076 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [11]...
12:32:10.087 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [11]...
12:32:10.102 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [11]...
12:32:10.113 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [11]...
12:32:10.122 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [11]...
12:32:10.136 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [11]...
12:32:10.145 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [11]...
12:32:10.155 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [11]...
12:32:10.170 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [11]...
12:32:10.180 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [11]...
12:32:10.190 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [11]...
12:32:10.205 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [11]...
12:32:10.214 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [11]...
12:32:10.224 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [11]...
12:32:10.237 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [11]...
12:32:10.248 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [11]...
12:32:10.258 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [11]...
12:32:10.274 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [11]...
12:32:10.286 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [11]...
12:32:10.297 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [11]...
12:32:10.311 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [11]...
12:32:10.755 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [12]...
12:32:10.791 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [12]...
12:32:10.801 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [12]...
12:32:10.809 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [12]...
12:32:10.822 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [12]...
12:32:10.831 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [12]...
12:32:10.842 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [12]...
12:32:10.858 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [12]...
12:32:10.868 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [12]...
12:32:10.878 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [12]...
12:32:10.893 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [12]...
12:32:10.905 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [12]...
12:32:10.915 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [12]...
12:32:10.929 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [12]...
12:32:10.939 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [12]...
12:32:10.949 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [12]...
12:32:10.964 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [12]...
12:32:10.974 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [12]...
12:32:10.984 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [12]...
12:32:10.998 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [12]...
12:32:11.008 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [12]...
12:32:11.018 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [12]...
12:32:11.033 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [12]...
12:32:11.044 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [12]...
12:32:11.054 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [12]...
12:32:11.069 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [12]...
12:32:11.079 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [12]...
12:32:11.090 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [12]...
12:32:11.105 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [12]...
12:32:11.116 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [12]...
12:32:11.126 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [12]...
12:32:11.139 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [12]...
12:32:11.568 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [13]...
12:32:11.592 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [13]...
12:32:11.599 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [13]...
12:32:11.607 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [13]...
12:32:11.617 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [13]...
12:32:11.624 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [13]...
12:32:11.633 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [13]...
12:32:11.651 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [13]...
12:32:11.661 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [13]...
12:32:11.671 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [13]...
12:32:11.686 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [13]...
12:32:11.696 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [13]...
12:32:11.706 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [13]...
12:32:11.720 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [13]...
12:32:11.730 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [13]...
12:32:11.738 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [13]...
12:32:11.751 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [13]...
12:32:11.760 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [13]...
12:32:11.771 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [13]...
12:32:11.785 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [13]...
12:32:11.795 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [13]...
12:32:11.804 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [13]...
12:32:11.819 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [13]...
12:32:11.829 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [13]...
12:32:11.840 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [13]...
12:32:11.855 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [13]...
12:32:11.865 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [13]...
12:32:11.876 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [13]...
12:32:11.891 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [13]...
12:32:11.901 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [13]...
12:32:11.910 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [13]...
12:32:11.923 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [13]...
12:32:12.373 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [14]...
12:32:12.401 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [14]...
12:32:12.412 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [14]...
12:32:12.421 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [14]...
12:32:12.434 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [14]...
12:32:12.445 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [14]...
12:32:12.455 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [14]...
12:32:12.470 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [14]...
12:32:12.480 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [14]...
12:32:12.489 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [14]...
12:32:12.501 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [14]...
12:32:12.510 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [14]...
12:32:12.518 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [14]...
12:32:12.530 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [14]...
12:32:12.539 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [14]...
12:32:12.547 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [14]...
12:32:12.559 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [14]...
12:32:12.570 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [14]...
12:32:12.581 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [14]...
12:32:12.595 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [14]...
12:32:12.606 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [14]...
12:32:12.616 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [14]...
12:32:12.631 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [14]...
12:32:12.644 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [14]...
12:32:12.654 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [14]...
12:32:12.668 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [14]...
12:32:12.679 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [14]...
12:32:12.690 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [14]...
12:32:12.704 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [14]...
12:32:12.716 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [14]...
12:32:12.726 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [14]...
12:32:12.740 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [14]...
12:32:13.177 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [15]...
12:32:13.207 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [15]...
12:32:13.217 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [15]...
12:32:13.227 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [15]...
12:32:13.242 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [15]...
12:32:13.253 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [15]...
12:32:13.264 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [15]...
12:32:13.282 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [15]...
12:32:13.295 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [15]...
12:32:13.307 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [15]...
12:32:13.321 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [15]...
12:32:13.334 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [15]...
12:32:13.344 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [15]...
12:32:13.358 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [15]...
12:32:13.371 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [15]...
12:32:13.381 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [15]...
12:32:13.395 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [15]...
12:32:13.406 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [15]...
12:32:13.415 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [15]...
12:32:13.428 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [15]...
12:32:13.438 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [15]...
12:32:13.450 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [15]...
12:32:13.465 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [15]...
12:32:13.476 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [15]...
12:32:13.487 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [15]...
12:32:13.503 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [15]...
12:32:13.513 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [15]...
12:32:13.525 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [15]...
12:32:13.540 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [15]...
12:32:13.551 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [15]...
12:32:13.564 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [15]...
12:32:13.580 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.a.c.impl.BasicContextPool - Creating new stream for thread: [1], device: [15]...
12:32:13.597 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.c.CudaAffinityManager - Mapping thread [1] to device [0], out of [16] devices...
12:32:13.597 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.c.CudaAffinityManager - Manually mapping thread [31] to device [0], out of [16] devices...
12:32:13.598 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.c.CudaAffinityManager - Manually mapping thread [32] to device [0], out of [16] devices...
12:32:13.598 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.c.CudaAffinityManager - Manually mapping thread [33] to device [0], out of [16] devices...
12:32:13.598 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.c.CudaAffinityManager - Manually mapping thread [34] to device [0], out of [16] devices...
12:32:13.599 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.c.CudaAffinityManager - Manually mapping thread [35] to device [0], out of [16] devices...
12:32:13.599 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.c.CudaAffinityManager - Manually mapping thread [36] to device [0], out of [16] devices...
12:32:13.647 [main] DEBUG org.reflections.Reflections - going to scan these urls:
12:32:13.989 [main] INFO org.reflections.Reflections - Reflections took 338 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 30 keys and 213 values
12:32:14.164 [main] INFO o.n.l.a.o.e.DefaultOpExecutioner - Backend used: [CUDA]; OS: [Linux]
12:32:14.164 [main] INFO o.n.l.a.o.e.DefaultOpExecutioner - Cores: [64]; Memory: [53.3GB];
12:32:14.164 [main] INFO o.n.l.a.o.e.DefaultOpExecutioner - Blas vendor: [CUBLAS]
12:32:14.198 [main] INFO o.n.l.j.o.e.CudaExecutioner - Device name: [Tesla K80]; CC: [3.7]; Total/free memory: [11995578368]
12:32:14.198 [main] INFO o.n.l.j.o.e.CudaExecutioner - Device name: [Tesla K80]; CC: [3.7]; Total/free memory: [11995578368]
12:32:14.198 [main] INFO o.n.l.j.o.e.CudaExecutioner - Device name: [Tesla K80]; CC: [3.7]; Total/free memory: [11995578368]
12:32:14.198 [main] INFO o.n.l.j.o.e.CudaExecutioner - Device name: [Tesla K80]; CC: [3.7]; Total/free memory: [11995578368]
12:32:14.198 [main] INFO o.n.l.j.o.e.CudaExecutioner - Device name: [Tesla K80]; CC: [3.7]; Total/free memory: [11995578368]
12:32:14.198 [main] INFO o.n.l.j.o.e.CudaExecutioner - Device name: [Tesla K80]; CC: [3.7]; Total/free memory: [11995578368]
12:32:14.198 [main] INFO o.n.l.j.o.e.CudaExecutioner - Device name: [Tesla K80]; CC: [3.7]; Total/free memory: [11995578368]
12:32:14.199 [main] INFO o.n.l.j.o.e.CudaExecutioner - Device name: [Tesla K80]; CC: [3.7]; Total/free memory: [11995578368]
12:32:14.199 [main] INFO o.n.l.j.o.e.CudaExecutioner - Device name: [Tesla K80]; CC: [3.7]; Total/free memory: [11995578368]
12:32:14.199 [main] INFO o.n.l.j.o.e.CudaExecutioner - Device name: [Tesla K80]; CC: [3.7]; Total/free memory: [11995578368]
12:32:14.199 [main] INFO o.n.l.j.o.e.CudaExecutioner - Device name: [Tesla K80]; CC: [3.7]; Total/free memory: [11995578368]
12:32:14.199 [main] INFO o.n.l.j.o.e.CudaExecutioner - Device name: [Tesla K80]; CC: [3.7]; Total/free memory: [11995578368]
12:32:14.199 [main] INFO o.n.l.j.o.e.CudaExecutioner - Device name: [Tesla K80]; CC: [3.7]; Total/free memory: [11995578368]
12:32:14.199 [main] INFO o.n.l.j.o.e.CudaExecutioner - Device name: [Tesla K80]; CC: [3.7]; Total/free memory: [11995578368]
12:32:14.199 [main] INFO o.n.l.j.o.e.CudaExecutioner - Device name: [Tesla K80]; CC: [3.7]; Total/free memory: [11995578368]
12:32:14.199 [main] INFO o.n.l.j.o.e.CudaExecutioner - Device name: [Tesla K80]; CC: [3.7]; Total/free memory: [11995578368]
12:32:14.465 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.handler.impl.CudaZeroHandler - Creating bucketID: 4
12:32:14.776 [main] DEBUG org.reflections.Reflections - going to scan these urls:
12:32:18.193 [main] INFO org.reflections.Reflections - Reflections took 3417 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 3974 keys and 22831 values
12:32:18.259 [main] DEBUG o.d.nn.conf.NeuralNetConfiguration - Registering class for JSON serialization: org.deeplearning4j.nn.modelimport.keras.preprocessors.TensorFlowCnnToFeedForwardPreProcessor as subtype of org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.InputPreProcessor
12:32:18.259 [main] DEBUG o.d.nn.conf.NeuralNetConfiguration - Registering class for JSON serialization: org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.graph.PoolHelperVertex as subtype of org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.graph.GraphVertex
12:32:18.259 [main] DEBUG o.d.nn.conf.NeuralNetConfiguration - Registering class for JSON serialization: org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.graph.ReshapeVertex as subtype of org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.graph.GraphVertex
12:32:18.259 [main] DEBUG o.d.nn.conf.NeuralNetConfiguration - Registering class for JSON serialization: org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.layers.CenterLossOutputLayer as subtype of org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.layers.Layer
12:32:18.259 [main] DEBUG o.d.nn.conf.NeuralNetConfiguration - Registering class for JSON serialization: org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.graph.ShiftVertex as subtype of org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.graph.GraphVertex
12:32:18.267 [main] DEBUG o.d.nn.conf.NeuralNetConfiguration - Registering class for JSON serialization: org.deeplearning4j.nn.modelimport.keras.preprocessors.TensorFlowCnnToFeedForwardPreProcessor as subtype of org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.InputPreProcessor
12:32:18.267 [main] DEBUG o.d.nn.conf.NeuralNetConfiguration - Registering class for JSON serialization: org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.graph.PoolHelperVertex as subtype of org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.graph.GraphVertex
12:32:18.267 [main] DEBUG o.d.nn.conf.NeuralNetConfiguration - Registering class for JSON serialization: org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.graph.ReshapeVertex as subtype of org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.graph.GraphVertex
12:32:18.267 [main] DEBUG o.d.nn.conf.NeuralNetConfiguration - Registering class for JSON serialization: org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.layers.CenterLossOutputLayer as subtype of org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.layers.Layer
12:32:18.267 [main] DEBUG o.d.nn.conf.NeuralNetConfiguration - Registering class for JSON serialization: org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.graph.ShiftVertex as subtype of org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.graph.GraphVertex
12:32:18.312 [main] INFO o.d.nn.multilayer.MultiLayerNetwork - Starting MultiLayerNetwork with WorkspaceModes set to [training: NONE; inference: SEPARATE]
12:32:18.836 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.handler.impl.CudaZeroHandler - Creating bucketID: 2
12:32:18.920 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.handler.impl.CudaZeroHandler - Creating bucketID: 3
12:32:18.929 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.handler.impl.CudaZeroHandler - Creating bucketID: 5
12:32:18.930 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.handler.impl.CudaZeroHandler - Creating bucketID: 0
12:32:18.935 [main] DEBUG org.reflections.Reflections - going to scan these urls:
12:32:19.190 [main] INFO org.reflections.Reflections - Reflections took 255 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 412 keys and 1604 values
12:32:19.222 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.handler.impl.CudaZeroHandler - Creating bucketID: 1
12:32:22.971 [main] INFO o.n.l.j.compression.CudaThreshold - Setting threshold to [0.001]
Train model....
12:32:25.965 [main] INFO o.d.parallelism.ParallelWrapper - Using workspaceMode SINGLE for training
12:32:25.968 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.c.CudaAffinityManager - Manually mapping thread [39] to device [0], out of [16] devices...
12:32:25.969 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.c.CudaAffinityManager - Manually mapping thread [41] to device [1], out of [16] devices...
12:32:25.970 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.c.CudaAffinityManager - Manually mapping thread [43] to device [2], out of [16] devices...
12:32:25.971 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.c.CudaAffinityManager - Manually mapping thread [45] to device [3], out of [16] devices...
12:32:25.972 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.c.CudaAffinityManager - Manually mapping thread [47] to device [4], out of [16] devices...
12:32:25.973 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.c.CudaAffinityManager - Manually mapping thread [49] to device [5], out of [16] devices...
12:32:25.973 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.c.CudaAffinityManager - Manually mapping thread [51] to device [6], out of [16] devices...
12:32:25.974 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.c.CudaAffinityManager - Manually mapping thread [53] to device [7], out of [16] devices...
12:32:25.974 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.c.CudaAffinityManager - Manually mapping thread [55] to device [8], out of [16] devices...
12:32:25.974 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.c.CudaAffinityManager - Manually mapping thread [57] to device [9], out of [16] devices...
12:32:25.975 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.c.CudaAffinityManager - Manually mapping thread [59] to device [10], out of [16] devices...
12:32:25.976 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.c.CudaAffinityManager - Manually mapping thread [61] to device [11], out of [16] devices...
12:32:25.976 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.c.CudaAffinityManager - Manually mapping thread [63] to device [12], out of [16] devices...
12:32:25.977 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.c.CudaAffinityManager - Manually mapping thread [65] to device [13], out of [16] devices...
12:32:25.978 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.c.CudaAffinityManager - Manually mapping thread [67] to device [14], out of [16] devices...
12:32:25.978 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.c.CudaAffinityManager - Manually mapping thread [69] to device [15], out of [16] devices...
12:32:25.978 [main] INFO o.d.parallelism.ParallelWrapper - Creating asynchronous prefetcher...
12:32:25.986 [main] DEBUG o.n.j.c.CudaAffinityManager - Manually mapping thread [70] to device [0], out of [16] devices...
12:32:25.987 [main] INFO o.d.parallelism.ParallelWrapper - Starting ParallelWrapper training round...
12:32:25.988 [ADSI prefetch thread] DEBUG o.n.l.memory.abstracts.Nd4jWorkspace - Steps: 10
12:32:53.468 [ADSI prefetch thread] DEBUG o.n.l.memory.abstracts.Nd4jWorkspace - Steps: 17
12:32:53.481 [ADSI prefetch thread] DEBUG o.n.l.memory.abstracts.Nd4jWorkspace - Steps: 17
12:32:53.492 [ADSI prefetch thread] DEBUG o.n.l.memory.abstracts.Nd4jWorkspace - Steps: 17
12:32:53.504 [ADSI prefetch thread] DEBUG o.n.l.memory.abstracts.Nd4jWorkspace - Steps: 17
12:32:53.518 [ADSI prefetch thread] DEBUG o.n.l.memory.abstracts.Nd4jWorkspace - Steps: 17
12:32:53.519 [ADSI prefetch thread] DEBUG o.n.l.memory.abstracts.Nd4jWorkspace - Steps: 17
12:32:53.531 [ADSI prefetch thread] DEBUG o.n.l.memory.abstracts.Nd4jWorkspace - Steps: 17
12:32:53.531 [ADSI prefetch thread] DEBUG o.n.l.memory.abstracts.Nd4jWorkspace - Steps: 17
12:32:53.611 [ADSI prefetch thread] DEBUG o.n.l.memory.abstracts.Nd4jWorkspace - Steps: 17
12:32:53.612 [ADSI prefetch thread] DEBUG o.n.l.memory.abstracts.Nd4jWorkspace - Steps: 17
12:32:53.626 [ADSI prefetch thread] DEBUG o.n.l.memory.abstracts.Nd4jWorkspace - Steps: 17
12:32:53.639 [ADSI prefetch thread] DEBUG o.n.l.memory.abstracts.Nd4jWorkspace - Steps: 17
12:32:53.639 [ADSI prefetch thread] DEBUG o.n.l.memory.abstracts.Nd4jWorkspace - Steps: 17
12:32:53.651 [ADSI prefetch thread] DEBUG o.n.l.memory.abstracts.Nd4jWorkspace - Steps: 17
12:32:53.663 [ADSI prefetch thread] DEBUG o.n.l.memory.abstracts.Nd4jWorkspace - Steps: 17
12:32:53.675 [ADSI prefetch thread] DEBUG o.n.l.memory.abstracts.Nd4jWorkspace - Steps: 17
12:32:55.773 [ParallelWrapper training thread 0] INFO org.nd4j.nativeblas.Nd4jBlas - Number of threads used for BLAS: 0
12:33:38.010 [ADSI prefetch thread] INFO o.d.d.i.MultipleEpochsIterator - Epoch 1, number of batches completed 55
12:34:06.170 [ADSI prefetch thread] INFO o.d.d.i.MultipleEpochsIterator - Epoch 2, number of batches completed 55
12:34:31.802 [ParallelWrapper training thread 11] INFO o.d.o.l.ScoreIterationListener - Score at iteration 0 is 276.1445007324219
12:34:31.802 [ParallelWrapper training thread 0] INFO o.d.o.l.ScoreIterationListener - Score at iteration 0 is 259.873046875
12:34:31.802 [ParallelWrapper training thread 9] INFO o.d.o.l.ScoreIterationListener - Score at iteration 0 is 260.9132385253906
12:34:31.802 [ParallelWrapper training thread 10] INFO o.d.o.l.ScoreIterationListener - Score at iteration 0 is 254.8121795654297
12:34:31.802 [ParallelWrapper training thread 4] INFO o.d.o.l.ScoreIterationListener - Score at iteration 0 is 262.48101806640625
12:34:31.803 [ParallelWrapper training thread 6] INFO o.d.o.l.ScoreIterationListener - Score at iteration 0 is 255.06748962402344
12:34:31.802 [ParallelWrapper training thread 12] INFO o.d.o.l.ScoreIterationListener - Score at iteration 0 is 270.5597839355469
12:34:31.802 [ParallelWrapper training thread 15] INFO o.d.o.l.ScoreIterationListener - Score at iteration 0 is 261.98724365234375
12:34:31.802 [ParallelWrapper training thread 13] INFO o.d.o.l.ScoreIterationListener - Score at iteration 0 is 271.63311767578125
12:34:31.802 [ParallelWrapper training thread 2] INFO o.d.o.l.ScoreIterationListener - Score at iteration 0 is 260.34429931640625
12:34:31.802 [ParallelWrapper training thread 7] INFO o.d.o.l.ScoreIterationListener - Score at iteration 0 is 246.30361938476562
12:34:31.802 [ParallelWrapper training thread 5] INFO o.d.o.l.ScoreIterationListener - Score at iteration 0 is 271.5297546386719
12:34:31.802 [ParallelWrapper training thread 8] INFO o.d.o.l.ScoreIterationListener - Score at iteration 0 is 252.2249298095703
12:34:31.802 [ParallelWrapper training thread 14] INFO o.d.o.l.ScoreIterationListener - Score at iteration 0 is 256.3406677246094
12:34:31.802 [ParallelWrapper training thread 3] INFO o.d.o.l.ScoreIterationListener - Score at iteration 0 is 264.0745544433594
12:34:31.802 [ParallelWrapper training thread 1] INFO o.d.o.l.ScoreIterationListener - Score at iteration 0 is 265.5644836425781
12:34:31.949 [ParallelWrapper training thread 4] DEBUG o.d.optimize.solvers.BaseOptimizer - Hit termination condition on iteration 0: score=262.48101806640625, oldScore=0.0, condition=org.deeplearning4j.optimize.terminations.ZeroDirection@5164dacb
12:34:31.949 [ParallelWrapper training thread 12] DEBUG o.d.optimize.solvers.BaseOptimizer - Hit termination condition on iteration 0: score=270.5597839355469, oldScore=0.0, condition=org.deeplearning4j.optimize.terminations.ZeroDirection@35684035
12:34:31.949 [ParallelWrapper training thread 15] DEBUG o.d.optimize.solvers.BaseOptimizer - Hit termination condition on iteration 0: score=261.98724365234375, oldScore=0.0, condition=org.deeplearning4j.optimize.terminations.ZeroDirection@489c9411
12:34:31.949 [ParallelWrapper training thread 1] DEBUG o.d.optimize.solvers.BaseOptimizer - Hit termination condition on iteration 0: score=265.5644836425781, oldScore=0.0, condition=org.deeplearning4j.optimize.terminations.ZeroDirection@14a57d0f
12:34:31.949 [ParallelWrapper training thread 13] DEBUG o.d.optimize.solvers.BaseOptimizer - Hit termination condition on iteration 0: score=271.63311767578125, oldScore=0.0, condition=org.deeplearning4j.optimize.terminations.ZeroDirection@44c824c5
12:34:31.949 [ParallelWrapper training thread 9] DEBUG o.d.optimize.solvers.BaseOptimizer - Hit termination condition on iteration 0: score=260.9132385253906, oldScore=0.0, condition=org.deeplearning4j.optimize.terminations.ZeroDirection@6d51e98b
12:34:31.949 [ParallelWrapper training thread 5] DEBUG o.d.optimize.solvers.BaseOptimizer - Hit termination condition on iteration 0: score=271.5297546386719, oldScore=0.0, condition=org.deeplearning4j.optimize.terminations.ZeroDirection@519efd89
12:34:31.949 [ParallelWrapper training thread 2] DEBUG o.d.optimize.solvers.BaseOptimizer - Hit termination condition on iteration 0: score=260.34429931640625, oldScore=0.0, condition=org.deeplearning4j.optimize.terminations.ZeroDirection@4c093c1e
12:34:31.953 [ParallelWrapper training thread 3] DEBUG o.d.optimize.solvers.BaseOptimizer - Hit termination condition on iteration 0: score=264.0745544433594, oldScore=0.0, condition=org.deeplearning4j.optimize.terminations.ZeroDirection@7c25c2d6
12:34:31.955 [ParallelWrapper training thread 14] DEBUG o.d.optimize.solvers.BaseOptimizer - Hit termination condition on iteration 0: score=256.3406677246094, oldScore=0.0, condition=org.deeplearning4j.optimize.terminations.ZeroDirection@24ed0711
12:34:31.957 [ParallelWrapper training thread 8] DEBUG o.d.optimize.solvers.BaseOptimizer - Hit termination condition on iteration 0: score=252.2249298095703, oldScore=0.0, condition=org.deeplearning4j.optimize.terminations.ZeroDirection@33a13123
12:34:31.960 [ParallelWrapper training thread 7] DEBUG o.d.optimize.solvers.BaseOptimizer - Hit termination condition on iteration 0: score=246.30361938476562, oldScore=0.0, condition=org.deeplearning4j.optimize.terminations.ZeroDirection@78f61bdf
12:34:31.962 [ParallelWrapper training thread 0] DEBUG o.d.optimize.solvers.BaseOptimizer - Hit termination condition on iteration 0: score=259.873046875, oldScore=0.0, condition=org.deeplearning4j.optimize.terminations.ZeroDirection@7cf527e7
12:34:31.964 [ParallelWrapper training thread 11] DEBUG o.d.optimize.solvers.BaseOptimizer - Hit termination condition on iteration 0: score=276.1445007324219, oldScore=0.0, condition=org.deeplearning4j.optimize.terminations.ZeroDirection@4945b3bb
12:34:31.968 [ParallelWrapper training thread 6] DEBUG o.d.optimize.solvers.BaseOptimizer - Hit termination condition on iteration 0: score=255.06748962402344, oldScore=0.0, condition=org.deeplearning4j.optimize.terminations.ZeroDirection@3d39f2c3
12:34:31.971 [ParallelWrapper training thread 10] DEBUG o.d.optimize.solvers.BaseOptimizer - Hit termination condition on iteration 0: score=254.8121795654297, oldScore=0.0, condition=org.deeplearning4j.optimize.terminations.ZeroDirection@1eecca5e
12:34:46.212 [ParallelWrapper training thread 5] DEBUG o.d.p.trainer.DefaultTrainer - Terminating all workspaces for trainer_5
12:34:46.368 [ParallelWrapper training thread 5] DEBUG o.n.j.c.CudaAffinityManager - Manually mapping thread [71] to device [0], out of [16] devices...
12:34:46.368 [ParallelWrapper training thread 5] ERROR o.d.parallelism.ParallelWrapper - Uncaught exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Caused by: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
... 3 more
12:34:50.248 [ParallelWrapper training thread 0] DEBUG o.d.p.trainer.DefaultTrainer - Terminating all workspaces for trainer_0
12:34:50.375 [ParallelWrapper training thread 0] DEBUG o.n.j.c.CudaAffinityManager - Manually mapping thread [72] to device [1], out of [16] devices...
12:34:50.376 [ParallelWrapper training thread 0] ERROR o.d.parallelism.ParallelWrapper - Uncaught exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Caused by: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
... 3 more
12:34:52.834 [ParallelWrapper training thread 7] DEBUG o.d.p.trainer.DefaultTrainer - Terminating all workspaces for trainer_7
12:34:52.951 [ParallelWrapper training thread 7] DEBUG o.n.j.c.CudaAffinityManager - Manually mapping thread [73] to device [2], out of [16] devices...
12:34:52.951 [ParallelWrapper training thread 7] ERROR o.d.parallelism.ParallelWrapper - Uncaught exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Caused by: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
... 3 more
12:34:55.442 [ParallelWrapper training thread 11] DEBUG o.d.p.trainer.DefaultTrainer - Terminating all workspaces for trainer_11
12:34:55.570 [ParallelWrapper training thread 11] DEBUG o.n.j.c.CudaAffinityManager - Manually mapping thread [74] to device [3], out of [16] devices...
12:34:55.571 [ParallelWrapper training thread 11] ERROR o.d.parallelism.ParallelWrapper - Uncaught exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Caused by: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
... 3 more
12:34:57.889 [ParallelWrapper training thread 10] DEBUG o.d.p.trainer.DefaultTrainer - Terminating all workspaces for trainer_10
12:34:58.003 [ParallelWrapper training thread 10] DEBUG o.n.j.c.CudaAffinityManager - Manually mapping thread [75] to device [4], out of [16] devices...
12:34:58.004 [ParallelWrapper training thread 10] ERROR o.d.parallelism.ParallelWrapper - Uncaught exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Caused by: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
... 3 more
12:35:00.616 [ParallelWrapper training thread 3] DEBUG o.d.p.trainer.DefaultTrainer - Terminating all workspaces for trainer_3
12:35:00.707 [ParallelWrapper training thread 3] DEBUG o.n.j.c.CudaAffinityManager - Manually mapping thread [76] to device [5], out of [16] devices...
12:35:00.707 [ParallelWrapper training thread 3] ERROR o.d.parallelism.ParallelWrapper - Uncaught exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Caused by: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
... 3 more
12:35:08.729 [ParallelWrapper training thread 4] DEBUG o.d.p.trainer.DefaultTrainer - Terminating all workspaces for trainer_4
12:35:08.940 [ParallelWrapper training thread 4] DEBUG o.n.j.c.CudaAffinityManager - Manually mapping thread [77] to device [6], out of [16] devices...
12:35:08.941 [ParallelWrapper training thread 4] ERROR o.d.parallelism.ParallelWrapper - Uncaught exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Caused by: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
... 3 more
12:35:11.838 [ParallelWrapper training thread 15] DEBUG o.d.p.trainer.DefaultTrainer - Terminating all workspaces for trainer_15
12:35:11.967 [ParallelWrapper training thread 15] DEBUG o.n.j.c.CudaAffinityManager - Manually mapping thread [78] to device [7], out of [16] devices...
12:35:11.967 [ParallelWrapper training thread 9] DEBUG o.d.p.trainer.DefaultTrainer - Terminating all workspaces for trainer_9
12:35:11.967 [ParallelWrapper training thread 15] ERROR o.d.parallelism.ParallelWrapper - Uncaught exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero12:35:12.039 [ParallelWrapper training thread 9] DEBUG o.n.j.c.CudaAffinityManager - Manually mapping thread [79] to device [8], out of [16] devices...
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Caused by: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
... 3 more
12:35:12.039 [ParallelWrapper training thread 9] ERROR o.d.parallelism.ParallelWrapper - Uncaught exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Caused by: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
... 3 more
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