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Last active July 26, 2019 11:32
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-- | Recover tree structure from linearized form
-- Suppose we have a list of strings
-- > A
-- > B
-- > C
-- > D
-- > E
-- > F
-- with identation indicating nesting. We want to recover the tree structure
-- from this linearized form.
recoverTree :: forall a.
(a -> a -> Bool) -- Comparing nesting depth
-> [a]
-> (Tree a, [a])
recoverTree nestedBelow = \case
[] -> error "recoverTree: empty list"
x:xs -> let (children, xs') = parseChildrenOf x xs
in (Tree.Node x children, xs')
tryParseChildOf :: a -> [a] -> Maybe (Tree a, [a])
tryParseChildOf _ [] = Nothing
tryParseChildOf parent (x:xs) =
if x `nestedBelow` parent
then let (grandchildren, xs') = parseChildrenOf x xs
in Just (Tree.Node x grandchildren, xs')
else Nothing
parseChildrenOf :: a -> [a] -> ([Tree a], [a])
parseChildrenOf parent xs =
case tryParseChildOf parent xs of
Nothing -> ([], xs)
Just (child, xs') -> first (child:) $ parseChildrenOf parent xs'
_exampleLinear :: [String]
_exampleLinear = [
, " B"
, " C"
, " D"
, " E"
, " F"
_exampleTree :: Tree String
_exampleTree = fst $ recoverTree ((>) `on` depth) _exampleLinear
depth :: String -> Int
depth = length . takeWhile (== ' ')
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