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lqg for an inverted pendulum
Inverted Pendulum LQG control
author: Edward Morgan
import casadi as cs
import math
import time
from numpy.linalg import inv, eig
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# Model parameters
l_bar = 2.0 # length of bar
M = 1.0 # [kg]
m = 0.3 # [kg]
g = 9.8 # [m/s^2]
nx = 4 # number of state
nu = 1 # number of input
Q = np.diag([.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0]) # state cost matrix
R = np.diag([0.01]) # input cost matrix
# agressive demo
# Q = np.diag([10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0]) # state cost matrix
# R = np.diag([0.01]) # input cost matrix
delta_t = 0.1 # time tick [s]
sim_time = 15.0 # simulation time [s]
show_animation = True
def main():
x0 = np.array([
]) # initial state of the robot
Pk0 = np.array([[10,0,0,0],[0,10,0,0],[0,0,10,0],[0,0,0,10]]) # initial Covariance matrix
Qk = np.diag([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) # process noise
Rk = np.diag([0.1, 0.1]) # measurement noise
N = 500
x = np.copy(x0)
x_est = np.copy(x0)
time = 0.0
kf_function, C = kalman_Filter()
xhat = np.zeros((4,N+1))
actual = np.zeros((4,N+1))
Phat = np.zeros((4,N+1))
kalman_err = np.zeros((2,N+1))
t = np.zeros((1,N+1))
u_ = np.zeros((2,N))
xhat[:,0] = np.copy(x0).reshape(4,)
Phat[:,0] = np.diag(Pk0)
actual[:,0] = np.copy(x0).reshape(4,)
Pk = Pk0
# while sim_time > time:
for k in range(N):
t[:,k] = time
# calc control input
u = lqr_control(x_est)
# simulate inverted pendulum cart
x = simulation(x_est, u)
noise = 0.01
# y measurement
x_measured = np.copy(x)
x_measured[0] = x[0] + noise*np.random.randn()
x_measured[2] = x[2] + noise*np.random.randn()
yt = (C@x_measured).reshape(-1)
# kalman filter
x_est, Pk, err_ = kf_function(x, Pk, Qk, Rk, yt)
# recording data for plotting
u_[:, k] = u
Phat[:, k+1] = np.diag(Pk)
xhat[:,k+1] = np.array(x_est).reshape(-1)
kalman_err[:,k] = np.array(err_).reshape(-1)
actual[:,k] = np.array(x_measured).reshape(-1)
time += delta_t
if show_animation:
px = float(x[0, 0])
theta = float(x[2, 0])
plot_cart(px, theta)
plt.xlim([-5.0, 2.0])
t[:,k+1] = time
print(f"x={float(x[0, 0]):.2f} [m] , theta={math.degrees(x[2, 0]):.2f} [deg]")
results_plots(t.T, xhat, actual, Phat, u_)
if show_animation:
def simulation(x, u):
A, B, C = get_model_matrix()
x = A @ x + B @ u
return x
def kalman_Filter():
A, B,C = get_model_matrix()
#kalman filter
Qk = cs.MX.sym('Qk', 4,4) #process noise
pka = cs.MX.sym('pka', 4,4) #aposterior state covariance
Rk = cs.MX.sym('Rk', 2,2) #measurements noise
yk = cs.MX.sym('yk', 2,1) #measurements
x = cs.MX.sym('xk', 4,1) #process
# xk_ = A@x + B@u
pk_ = A@pka@A.T + Qk
#compute gain matrix
L_k = Rk + C@pk_@C.T
L_k_inv = cs.inv(L_k)
K = pk_@C.T@L_k_inv
#compute correction
err_k = yk - C@x
#new state estimate
xk_p = x + K@err_k
#propagate the estimation error covariance
Pk_p = (cs.MX.eye(x.size1()) - K@C)@pk_@(cs.MX.eye(x.size1()) - K@C).T + K@Rk@K.T
xkhat_func = cs.Function('xkhat', [x, pka, Qk, Rk, yk], [xk_p, Pk_p, err_k]) #
return xkhat_func, C
def solve_DARE(A, B, Q, R, maxiter=150, eps=0.01):
Solve a discrete time_Algebraic Riccati equation (DARE)
P = Q
for i in range(maxiter):
Pn = A.T @ P @ A - A.T @ P @ B @ \
inv(R + B.T @ P @ B) @ B.T @ P @ A + Q
if (abs(Pn - P)).max() < eps:
P = Pn
return Pn
def dlqr(A, B, Q, R):
Solve the discrete time lqr controller.
x[k+1] = A x[k] + B u[k]
cost = sum x[k].T*Q*x[k] + u[k].T*R*u[k]
# ref Bertsekas, p.151
# first, try to solve the ricatti equation
P = solve_DARE(A, B, Q, R)
# compute the LQR gain
K = inv(B.T @ P @ B + R) @ (B.T @ P @ A)
eigVals, eigVecs = eig(A - B @ K)
return K, P, eigVals
def lqr_control(x):
A, B, C = get_model_matrix()
start = time.time()
K, _, _ = dlqr(A, B, Q, R)
u = -K @ x
elapsed_time = time.time() - start
print(f"calc time:{elapsed_time:.6f} [sec]")
return u
def get_numpy_array_from_matrix(x):
get build-in list from matrix
return np.array(x).flatten()
def get_model_matrix():
A = np.array([
[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, m * g / M, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
[0.0, 0.0, g * (M + m) / (l_bar * M), 0.0]
A = np.eye(nx) + delta_t * A
B = np.array([
[1.0 / M],
[1.0 / (l_bar * M)]
B = delta_t * B
C = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1 ,0]])
return A, B, C
def flatten(a):
return np.array(a).flatten()
def plot_cart(xt, theta):
cart_w = 1.0
cart_h = 0.5
radius = 0.1
cx = np.array([-cart_w / 2.0, cart_w / 2.0, cart_w /
2.0, -cart_w / 2.0, -cart_w / 2.0])
cy = np.array([0.0, 0.0, cart_h, cart_h, 0.0])
cy += radius * 2.0
cx = cx + xt
bx = np.array([0.0, l_bar * math.sin(-theta)])
bx += xt
by = np.array([cart_h, l_bar * math.cos(-theta) + cart_h])
by += radius * 2.0
angles = np.arange(0.0, math.pi * 2.0, math.radians(3.0))
ox = np.array([radius * math.cos(a) for a in angles])
oy = np.array([radius * math.sin(a) for a in angles])
rwx = np.copy(ox) + cart_w / 4.0 + xt
rwy = np.copy(oy) + radius
lwx = np.copy(ox) - cart_w / 4.0 + xt
lwy = np.copy(oy) + radius
wx = np.copy(ox) + bx[-1]
wy = np.copy(oy) + by[-1]
plt.plot(flatten(cx), flatten(cy), "-b")
plt.plot(flatten(bx), flatten(by), "-k")
plt.plot(flatten(rwx), flatten(rwy), "-k")
plt.plot(flatten(lwx), flatten(lwy), "-k")
plt.plot(flatten(wx), flatten(wy), "-k")
plt.title(f"x: {xt:.2f} , theta: {math.degrees(theta):.2f}")
# for stopping simulation with the esc key.
lambda event: [exit(0) if event.key == 'escape' else None])
def results_plots(t, xhat_lqr, xreal_lqr, Phat_lqr, actions):
t = t.reshape(-1)
plt.plot(t[:w],actions[0,:][:w], label="input at mobile base")
plt.plot(t[:w],xhat_lqr[0,:][:w], label="estimated x[m]")
plt.plot(t[:w],xreal_lqr[0,:][:w], label="real x[m]")
# Adding uncertainty interval around the estimated values
sigma_x = np.sqrt(Phat_lqr[0, :]) # Standard deviation is the sqrt of variance
lower = xhat_lqr[0,:] - sigma_x
upper = xhat_lqr[0,:] + sigma_x
plt.fill_between(t[:w], lower[:w], upper[:w], color='gray', alpha=0.3, label="Uncertainty Interval")
# plt.ylim(-0.1, 0.5)
plt.plot(t[:w],xhat_lqr[1,:][:w], label="estimated dx[m/s]")
plt.plot(t[:w],xreal_lqr[1,:][:w], label="real dx[m/s]")
# Adding uncertainty interval around the estimated values
sigma_xd = np.sqrt(Phat_lqr[1, :]) # Standard deviation is the sqrt of variance
lower = xhat_lqr[1,:] - sigma_xd
upper = xhat_lqr[1,:] + sigma_xd
plt.fill_between(t[:w], lower[:w], upper[:w], color='gray', alpha=0.3, label="Uncertainty Interval")
# plt.ylim(-0.2, 0.1)
plt.plot(t[:w],xhat_lqr[2,:][:w], label="estimated thet[rad]")
plt.plot(t[:w],xreal_lqr[2,:][:w], label="real thet[rad]")
# Adding uncertainty interval around the estimated values
sigma_thet = np.sqrt(Phat_lqr[2, :])
lower = xhat_lqr[2,:] - sigma_thet
upper = xhat_lqr[2,:] + sigma_thet
plt.fill_between(t[:w], lower[:w], upper[:w], color='gray', alpha=0.3, label="Uncertainty Interval")
# plt.ylim(-1, 3)
plt.plot(t[:w],xhat_lqr[3,:][:w], label="estimated dthet[rad/s]")
plt.plot(t[:w],xreal_lqr[3,:][:w], label="real dthet[rad/s]")
# Adding uncertainty interval around the estimated values
sigma_thetd = np.sqrt(Phat_lqr[3, :]) # Assuming Phat[3, 3, :] contains the variance for thet
lower = xhat_lqr[3,:] - sigma_thetd
upper = xhat_lqr[3,:] + sigma_thetd
plt.fill_between(t[:w], lower[:w], upper[:w], color='gray', alpha=0.3, label="Uncertainty Interval")
# plt.ylim(-2, 2)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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