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Last active July 16, 2021 13:33
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
This script counts how many Swiss base network hiking routes run between
named guideposts. Should be run on a .osm.pbf file covering Switzerland.
It takes into account all yellow, red, and blue base network routes for which a
start and end location are tagged (with from/to, osmc:symbol, note or name
tags). Routes with a fixme tag or "fixme" start/end points are ignored.
For the start and end location of a route, it finds the minimum distance of any
guidepost with that name to any start and end node of a way in the route (i.e. it
doesn't assume routes are sorted or the guidepost is located exactly at the start/end).
Guidepost name matching is case-insensitive, but could be further improved by
using the Levenshtein distance to account for small spelling differences."""
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
import osmium as o
import shapely.wkt as wkt
from shapely.geometry import LineString
from shapely.geometry import Point
from geopy.distance import great_circle
WKTFAB = o.geom.WKTFactory()
MAX_DISTANCE = 10000000
NEARBY_DISTANCE = 50 # meters
SYMBOLS = ["yellow::yellow_diamond", "red:white:red_bar", "blue:white:blue_bar"]
FIXME_VALUES = ("fixme", "?")
class GuidepostHandler(o.SimpleHandler):
"""Finds all named guideposts."""
def __init__(self):
self.guideposts = defaultdict(list)
def node(self, n):
if (
n.tags.get("tourism") == "information"
and n.tags.get("information") == "guidepost"
and "name" in n.tags
# List of locations because multiple guideposts can share a name
class RouteHandler(o.SimpleHandler):
"""Filters base network hiking routes."""
def __init__(self):
self.routes = []
self.routeways = defaultdict(list)
self.ways = set() = 0
self.fixme = 0
def get_start_end(self, tags):
"""Return start/end locations of a route."""
if "from" in tags and "to" in tags:
return tags["from"], tags["to"]
for key in ("osmc:name", "note", "name"):
if key in tags and tags[key].count(" - ") == 1:
return tags[key].split(" - ", 1)
for key in ("osmc:name", "note", "name"):
if key in tags and tags[key].count("-") == 1:
return tags[key].split("-")
return None, None
def relation(self, r):
if (
r.tags.get("route") == "hiking"
and r.tags.get("network") == "lwn"
and r.tags.get("osmc:symbol") in SYMBOLS
): += 1
start, end = self.get_start_end(r.tags)
# Exclude routes without tagged start/end or with fixme
if (
"fixme" in r.tags
or start is not None
and start.lower() in FIXME_VALUES
or end is not None
and end.lower() in FIXME_VALUES
self.fixme += 1
elif start is not None and end is not None:
start = start.lower()
end = end.lower()
self.routes.append((, start, end))
for member in r.members:
if member.type == "w":
class RouteWayHandler(o.SimpleHandler):
"""Finds way geometries of the hiking routes."""
def __init__(self, ways):
self.ways = ways
self.linestrings = {}
def way(self, w):
if in self.ways:
self.linestrings[] = WKTFAB.create_linestring(w)
print("Could not get geometry of way:",
def main(osmfile):
guideposts = GuidepostHandler()
guideposts.apply_file(osmfile, locations=True, idx="flex_mem")
print("Number of named guideposts:", len(guideposts.guideposts))
routes = RouteHandler()
route_ways = RouteWayHandler(routes.ways)
route_ways.apply_file(osmfile, locations=True, idx="flex_mem")
def get_min_distance(rid, location_name):
"""Return shortest distance of a point on the route to a guidepost of the given name."""
min_distance = MAX_DISTANCE
if location_name not in guideposts.guideposts:
return min_distance
for guidepost in guideposts.guideposts[location_name]:
guidepost = Point(wkt.loads(guidepost))
# Compute distance to start and end node of each way in the route
for wid in routes.routeways[rid]:
linestring = LineString(wkt.loads(route_ways.linestrings[wid]))
first = linestring.coords[0]
last = linestring.coords[-1]
min_distance = min(
great_circle(guidepost.coords, first).meters,
great_circle(guidepost.coords, last).meters,
except KeyError:
return min_distance
matching = 0
nearby = 0
for rid, start, end in routes.routes:
min_dist_start = get_min_distance(rid, start.lower())
min_dist_end = get_min_distance(rid, end.lower())
for dist in (min_dist_start, min_dist_end):
if dist < MAX_DISTANCE:
matching += 1
nearby += 1
start_dist = "?" if min_dist_start == MAX_DISTANCE else f"{min_dist_start:.0f}m"
end_dist = "?" if min_dist_end == MAX_DISTANCE else f"{min_dist_end:.0f}m"
# print(f"{rid}: {start} ({start_dist}) -> {end} ({end_dist})")
f"{len(routes.routes)}/{} routes have tagged start and end"
f"points and no fixme tag ({routes.fixme} have a fixme)."
f"Matching guidepost exists for {matching}/{2*len(routes.routes)} route start/end points."
print(f"{nearby}/{matching} guideposts are within {NEARBY_DISTANCE}m of a route.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print("Usage: python %s <osmfile>" % sys.argv[0])
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