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Last active July 18, 2020 16:10
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* * Handle all exceptions and java bean validation errors
* for all endpoints income data that use the @Valid annotation
* @author Ehab Qadah
public class GeneralExceptionHandler extends ResponseEntityExceptionHandler {
public static final String ACCESS_DENIED = "Access denied!";
public static final String INVALID_REQUEST = "Invalid request";
public static final String ERROR_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE = "message: %s %n requested uri: %s";
public static final String LIST_JOIN_DELIMITER = ",";
public static final String FIELD_ERROR_SEPARATOR = ": ";
private static final Logger local_logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GeneralExceptionHandler.class);
private static final String ERRORS_FOR_PATH = "errors {} for path {}";
private static final String PATH = "path";
private static final String ERRORS = "error";
private static final String STATUS = "status";
private static final String MESSAGE = "message";
private static final String TIMESTAMP = "timestamp";
private static final String TYPE = "type";
protected ResponseEntity<Object> handleMethodArgumentNotValid(
MethodArgumentNotValidException exception,
HttpHeaders headers,
HttpStatus status, WebRequest request) {
List<String> validationErrors = exception.getBindingResult()
.map(error -> error.getField() + FIELD_ERROR_SEPARATOR + error.getDefaultMessage())
return getExceptionResponseEntity(exception, HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, request, validationErrors);
protected ResponseEntity<Object> handleHttpMessageNotReadable(
HttpMessageNotReadableException exception,
HttpHeaders headers, HttpStatus status,
WebRequest request) {
return getExceptionResponseEntity(exception, status, request,
public ResponseEntity<Object> handleConstraintViolation(
ConstraintViolationException exception, WebRequest request) {
final List<String> validationErrors = exception.getConstraintViolations().stream().
map(violation ->
violation.getPropertyPath() + FIELD_ERROR_SEPARATOR + violation.getMessage())
return getExceptionResponseEntity(exception, HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, request, validationErrors);
* A general handler for all uncaught exceptions
public ResponseEntity<Object> handleAllExceptions(Exception exception, WebRequest request) {
ResponseStatus responseStatus =
final HttpStatus status =
responseStatus!=null ? responseStatus.value():HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
final String localizedMessage = exception.getLocalizedMessage();
final String path = request.getDescription(false);
String message = (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(localizedMessage) ? localizedMessage:status.getReasonPhrase());
logger.error(String.format(ERROR_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE, message, path), exception);
return getExceptionResponseEntity(exception, status, request, Collections.singletonList(message));
* Build a detailed information about the exception in the response
private ResponseEntity<Object> getExceptionResponseEntity(final Exception exception,
final HttpStatus status,
final WebRequest request,
final List<String> errors) {
final Map<String, Object> body = new LinkedHashMap<>();
final String path = request.getDescription(false);
body.put(STATUS, status.value());
body.put(ERRORS, errors);
body.put(TYPE, exception.getClass().getSimpleName());
body.put(PATH, path);
body.put(MESSAGE, getMessageForStatus(status));
final String errorsMessage = CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(errors) ?
local_logger.error(ERRORS_FOR_PATH, errorsMessage, path);
return new ResponseEntity<>(body, status);
private String getMessageForStatus(HttpStatus status) {
switch (status) {
return status.getReasonPhrase();
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