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Last active April 30, 2017 15:30
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# Your init script
# Atom will evaluate this file each time a new window is opened. It is run
# after packages are loaded/activated and after the previous editor state
# has been restored.
# An example hack to log to the console when each text editor is saved.
# atom.workspace.observeTextEditors (editor) ->
# editor.onDidSave ->
# console.log "Saved! #{editor.getPath()}"
atom.workspace.observeTextEditors (editor) ->
editor.onDidSave ->
if editor.getPath().slice(-3) is '.os'
if editor.getEncoding() is 'utf8' and editor.getText().charCodeAt(0) isnt 65279
editor.setText String.fromCharCode(65279) + editor.getText()
# Your keymap
# Atom keymaps work similarly to style sheets. Just as style sheets use
# selectors to apply styles to elements, Atom keymaps use selectors to associate
# keystrokes with events in specific contexts. Unlike style sheets however,
# each selector can only be declared once.
# You can create a new keybinding in this file by typing "key" and then hitting
# tab.
# Here's an example taken from Atom's built-in keymap:
'cmd-shift-k': 'hey-pane:toggle-focus-of-active-pane'
'tab': 'emmet:expand-abbreviation-with-tab'
# 'atom-workspace':
# 'ctrl-shift-p': 'core:move-up'
# 'ctrl-p': 'core:move-down'
# You can find more information about keymaps in these guides:
# *
# *
# If you're having trouble with your keybindings not working, try the
# Keybinding Resolver: `Cmd+.` on OS X and `Ctrl+.` on other platforms. See the
# Debugging Guide for more information:
# *
# This file uses CoffeeScript Object Notation (CSON).
# If you are unfamiliar with CSON, you can read more about it in the
# Atom Flight Manual:
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"version": "1.1.2",
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"extendAutocompleteToVariables": true,
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"seti-ui": {
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"font": "Default Atom Font"
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"welcome": {
"showOnStartup": false
# Your snippets
# Atom snippets allow you to enter a simple prefix in the editor and hit tab to
# expand the prefix into a larger code block with templated values.
# You can create a new snippet in this file by typing "snip" and then hitting
# tab.
# An example CoffeeScript snippet to expand log to console.log:
# '':
# 'Console log':
# 'prefix': 'log'
# 'body': 'console.log $1'
# Each scope (e.g. '' above) can only be declared once.
# This file uses CoffeeScript Object Notation (CSON).
# If you are unfamiliar with CSON, you can read more about it in the
# Atom Flight Manual:
#### CSS / SCSS ####
'.source.css, .source.scss, .source.css.scss':
'media-query mixin':
'prefix': 'mqm'
'body': '@include media-query(\'${1:medium}\') {\n}'
'prefix': 'wid'
'body': 'width: ${1:${2:1}${3:px}};'
'width: auto':
'prefix': 'wida'
'body': 'width: auto;'
# display
'display: flex':
'prefix': 'df'
'body': 'display: flex;'
'display: inline-flex':
'prefix': 'dif'
'body': 'display: inline-flex;'
'display: block':
'prefix': 'db'
'body': 'display: block;'
'display: inline-block':
'prefix': 'dib'
'body': 'display: inline-block;'
'display: inline':
'prefix': 'di'
'body': 'display: inline;'
'display: none':
'prefix': 'dn'
'body': 'display: none;'
# Flexbox: flex-direction
'prefix': 'fd'
'body': 'flex-direction: ${1:column};'
'flex-direction: row':
'prefix': 'fdr'
'body': 'flex-direction: row;'
'flex-direction: column':
'prefix': 'fdc'
'body': 'flex-direction: column;'
# Flexbox: align-items
'prefix': 'ai'
'body': 'align-items: ${1:center};'
'align-items: baseline':
'prefix': 'aib'
'body': 'align-items: baseline;'
'align-items: center':
'prefix': 'aic'
'body': 'align-items: center;'
'align-items: flex-start':
'prefix': 'aifs'
'body': 'align-items: flex-start;'
'align-items flex-end':
'prefix': 'aife'
'body': 'align-items: flex-end;'
'align-items stretch':
'prefix': 'ais'
'body': 'align-items: stretch;'
# Flexbox: Justify-Content
'prefix': 'jc'
'body': 'justify-content: ${1:center};'
'justify-content: flex-end':
'prefix': 'jcfe'
'body': 'justify-content: flex-end;'
'justify-content: flex-start':
'prefix': 'jcfs'
'body': 'justify-content: flex-start;'
'justify-content: center':
'prefix': 'jcc'
'body': 'justify-content: center;'
'justify-content: space-around':
'prefix': 'jca'
'body': 'justify-content: space-around;'
'justify-content: space-between':
'prefix': 'jcb'
'body': 'justify-content: space-between;'
# Text-Alignment
'prefix': 'ta'
'body': 'text-align: ${1:center};'
'text-align: center':
'prefix': 'tac'
'body': 'text-align: center;'
'text-align: left':
'prefix': 'tal'
'body': 'text-align: left;'
'text-align: right':
'prefix': 'tar'
'body': 'text-align: right;'
# Links
'prefix': 'td'
'body': 'text-decoration: ${1:underline};'
'text-decoration: underline':
'prefix': 'tdu'
'body': 'text-decoration: underline;'
'text-decoration: none':
'prefix': 'tdn'
'body': 'text-decoration: none;'
'.source.js, .source.jsx, .source.ts':
'prefix': 'dqs'
'body': 'document.querySelector()'
'prefix': 'dqsa'
'body': 'document.querySelectorAll()'
'prefix': 'qs'
'body': 'querySelector()'
'prefix': 'qsa'
'body': 'querySelectorAll()'
'prefix': 'dael'
'body': 'document.addEventListener(\'\', callback)'
'prefix': 'ael'
'body': 'addEventListener(\'\', callback)'
'prefix': 'pd'
'body': 'preventDefault()'
'prefix': 'jscom'
'body': '
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\n
* Comment block\n
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */\n'
#### REACT
'React Component Skeleton':
'prefix': 'rcc'
'body': 'import React, { Component } from \'react\'\n\n\nexport default class ${1} extends Component {\n\n\trender() {\n\t\treturn (\n\t\t\t${0:<div />}\n\t\t)\n\t}\n\n}'
'React: import ReactDOM from react-dom':
'prefix': "imrd"
'body': "import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'"
'React: import React from react':
'prefix': 'imr'
'body': "import React from 'react'"
'React: componentDidMount: fn() { ... }':
'prefix': 'cdm'
'body': "componentDidMount: function() {\n\t${1}\n},"
'React: componentDidUpdate: fn(pp, ps) { ... }':
'prefix': 'cdup'
'body': "componentDidUpdate: function(prevProps, prevState) {\n\t${1}\n},"
'React: componentWillMount: fn() { ... }':
'prefix': 'cwm'
'body': "componentWillMount: function() {\n\t${1}\n},"
'React: componentWillReceiveProps: fn(np) { ... }':
'prefix': 'cwr'
'body': "componentWillReceiveProps: function(nextProps) {\n\t${1}\n},"
'React: componentWillUnmount: fn() { ... }':
'prefix': 'cwun'
'body': "componentWillUnmount: function() {\n\t${1}\n},"
'React: componentWillUpdate: fn(np, ns) { ... }':
'prefix': 'cwu'
'body': "componentWillUpdate: function(nextProps, nextState) {\n\t${1}\n},"
'React: getInitialState: fn() { return {...} } ':
'prefix': 'gis'
'body': "getInitialState: () => {\n\treturn {\n\t\t${1}: ${2}\n\t}\n},"
'React: propTypes { ... }':
'prefix': 'pt'
'body': "propTypes: {\n\t${1}: React.PropTypes.${2:string}\n},"
'React: setState({ ... })':
'prefix': 'sst'
'body': "setState({\n\t${1}: ${2}\n})"
'prefix': 'ptf'
'body': "PropTypes.func.isRequired"
'prefix': 'pts'
'body': "PropTypes.string.isRequired"
'prefix': 'pto'
'body': "PropTypes.object.isRequired"
'prefix': 'pta'
'body': "PropTypes.array.isRequired"
'prefix': 'ptb'
'body': "PropTypes.bool.isRequired"
'prefix': 'ptn'
'body': "PropTypes.number.isRequired"
'prefix': 'ptnode'
'body': "PropTypes.node.isRequired"
'prefix': 'pte'
'body': "PropTypes.element.isRequired"
'prefix': 'ptany'
'body': "PropTypes.any.isRequired"
// //Style the find results
atom-text-editor::shadow .highlight.find-result .region {
background: red;
border-color: red;
border: 1px solid red;
transition: background-color 0.2s, border-color 0.2s;
box-shadow: 0px 0px 7px 0px red;
opacity: .2;
atom-text-editor::shadow .highlight.current-result .region,
atom-text-editor::shadow .highlight.current-result ~ .highlight.selection .region {
background: lime;
box-shadow: 0px 0px 7px 0px lime;
border: 1px solid lime;
opacity: .2;
.tree-view-scroller > ol > li > ol > li {
padding-left: 0 !important;
.tree-view-resizer {
width: 100% !important;
min-width: 0;
&:hover {
transition: all 0ms linear 100ms;
&:not(:hover) {
opacity: 0.2;
width: 13px !important;
position: relative;
&:after {
content: '';
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
height: 100%;
width: 20px;
background-image: linear-gradient(
rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
z-index: 1;
.nuclide-file-tree {
.project-root-header {
display: none;
.indent-guide {
opacity: 0.2;
// for ramda syntax theme to fix comments
:root:root:root .syntax--comment.syntax--js {
color: #6272a4 !important;
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