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Martin Ehrnst ehrnst

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ehrnst / migrate-devops-repo.ps1
Created February 16, 2024 10:57
PowerShell script using GH CLI to migrate Azure DevOps repositories to GitHub
[Parameter(HelpMessage="The Azure DevOps organization.")]
[string]$adoOrg = "Adatum",
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="The Azure DevOps team project.")]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="The Azure DevOps repository.")]
ehrnst / appRegistrationSignIns.ps1
Last active February 7, 2024 12:37
Get sign in information for app registrations and service principals through EntraID/Log Analytics
This script retrieves Azure Active Directory (AD) applications with expired secrets and checks their sign-in logs.
The script first retrieves all Azure AD applications using the Get-AzADApplication cmdlet. It then filters these applications to only include those where the password credential has expired more than 30 days ago and where there is only one password credential.
For each of these applications, the script retrieves the AppId and constructs three queries to check the sign-in logs for the last 30 days. The queries are for service principal sign-ins, non-interactive user sign-ins, and interactive sign-ins.
The script then executes these queries using the Invoke-AzOperationalInsightsQuery cmdlet and stores the results in three separate variables: $servicePrincipalSignins, $nonInteractiveSignins, and $interactiveSignins.
Finally, the script outputs the results of these queries.
ehrnst / Azure-graph-partnerCenter-examples.ps1
Last active November 9, 2023 14:11
CSP Secure app model with Powershell
# Connect to partner center via refresh token
# Considering the refresh token is stored securely. We will have to get a new access token.
$clientId = {multi tenant app id}
$secret = {multi tnant app secret}
$partnerAccessTokenUri = "$partnerTenant/oauth2/token"
$params = @{
resource = "";
grant_type = "refresh_token";
ehrnst / start-policyRemediation.ps1
Created June 11, 2020 13:10
Create Azure policy set remediation task with powershell
# in case you have multiple subscriptions...
select-azsubscription -SubscriptionName "SubscriptionName"
# get all non-compliant policies that can be remediated
$nonCompliantPolicies = Get-AzPolicyState | Where-Object { $_.ComplianceState -eq "NonCompliant" -and $_.PolicyDefinitionAction -eq "deployIfNotExists" }
# loop through ans start individual tasks per policy
foreach ($policy in $nonCompliantPolicies) {
$remediationName = "rem." + $policy.PolicyDefinitionName
ehrnst / reqCertFromTemplate.ps1
Last active July 12, 2023 13:55
Request and install a certificate from template using powershell
# Request the certificate throuh template called "WebServer"
Get-Certificate -Template "WebServer" -DnsName "computername.fqdn" -CertStoreLocation cert:\LocalMachine\My -SubjectName "CN=computerName.fqdn, C=CountryCode, L=MyCity, O=Organization OU=Department, S=State"
# After approval. Use request to download and install cert
$cert = (get-childItem -path cert:\LocalMachine\Request)
get-certificate -Request cert:\LocalMachine\Request\$cert
ehrnst / azopenai-slack.ps1
Last active April 24, 2023 12:36
Azure OpenAI Slack summary using PowerShell
# slack test
$slackKey = Get-AzKeyVaultsecret -VaultName "" -Name "" -AsPlainText
$azOpenAiKey = Get-AzKeyVaultsecret -VaultName "" -Name "" -AsPlainText
$slackChannelId = ""
$slackThreadId = ""
$openAiUrl = ""
$slackUrl = "$slackChannelId&ts=$slackThreadId&pretty=1"
$slackHeaders= @{
"Authorization" = "Bearer $slackKey"
ehrnst / containertest.bicep
Created June 16, 2022 07:02
bicep alter params to sub modules
param storageAccountName string
resource container 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers@2021-09-01' = {
name: '${storageAccountName}/default/mycontainer'
ehrnst / Get-PCAAppUserAuthenticationBearer.ps1
Last active December 23, 2022 01:12
Create a token to authenticate against microsoft partner center API as App + User
function Get-PCAppUserAuthenticationBearer {
Function to retrieve App+User bearer token from Microsoft CSP API
This function connects to Azure AD to generate an oAuth token.
Aquired token is then used against the partner center REST API to generate a App+User jwt token.
You can read more about the authentication method here:
ehrnst / create-adappgithub.ps1
Created August 24, 2022 11:58
Adding Azure AD and github federated credentials
# creates an appregistration in Azure AD and connects it with a github repo
# use as an example only
param (
ehrnst / get-resource-changes-from-rg-with-tag.kql
Created March 14, 2022 14:19
Azure resource graph resource changes
// get latest resource changes based on resource group tag
| join kind= inner (
| where type =~ 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups'
| where isnotempty(tags)
| where tags['key'] =~ 'value'
| project subscriptionId, resourceGroup)
on subscriptionId, resourceGroup
| extend changeTime = todatetime(properties.changeAttributes.timestamp),