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ehuss/Cargo.toml Secret

Created June 7, 2019 13:22
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Many dependencies.
name = "big"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2018"
serde = "*"
serde_derive = "*"
serde_json = "*"
log = "*"
libc = "*"
rand = "*"
clap = "*"
lazy_static = "*"
failure = "*"
futures = "*"
regex = "*"
byteorder = "*"
chrono = "*"
hyper = "*"
env_logger = "*"
url = "*"
winapi = "*"
syn = "*"
quote = "*"
reqwest = "*"
time = "*"
toml = "*"
bytes = "*"
error-chain = "*"
rustc-serialize = "*"
bitflags = "*"
proc-macro2 = "*"
hyper-rustls = "*"
tokio = "*"
num-traits = "*"
itertools = "*"
mime = "*"
structopt = "*"
base64 = "*"
tempdir = "*"
num = "*"
uuid = "*"
nom = "*"
quickcheck = "*"
yup-oauth2 = "*"
tempfile = "*"
tokio-core = "*"
bindgen = "*"
image = "*"
criterion = "*"
rayon = "*"
clippy = "*"
cc = "*"
pkg-config = "*"
bincode = "*"
walkdir = "*"
tokio-io = "*"
hex = "*"
nix = "*"
num_cpus = "*"
failure_derive = "*"
openssl = "*"
sha2 = "*"
parking_lot = "*"
docopt = "*"
glob = "*"
flate2 = "*"
getopts = "*"
dirs = "*"
embedded-hal = "*"
colored = "*"
rust-crypto = "*"
quick-error = "*"
http = "*"
serde_yaml = "*"
fnv = "*"
cortex-m = "*"
ansi_term = "*"
mio = "*"
strsim = "*"
gcc = "*"
yup-hyper-mock = "*"
smallvec = "*"
rusoto_core = "*"
slog = "*"
cfg-if = "*"
cortex-m-rt = "*"
csv = "*"
git2 = "*"
ring = "*"
semver = "*"
rusoto_mock = "*"
native-tls = "*"
pretty_assertions = "*"
digest = "*"
hyper-tls = "*"
nalgebra = "*"
crossbeam = "*"
protobuf = "*"
iron = "*"
void = "*"
term = "*"
ndarray = "*"
memmap = "*"
pretty_env_logger = "*"
bare-metal = "*"
wasm-bindgen = "*"
tokio-timer = "*"
xml-rs = "*"
either = "*"
maplit = "*"
proptest = "*"
proc-macro-hack = "*"
curl = "*"
cmake = "*"
kernel32-sys = "*"
crossbeam-channel = "*"
arrayvec = "*"
approx = "*"
atty = "*"
vcell = "*"
nb = "*"
hashbrown = "*"
dotenv = "*"
skeptic = "*"
indexmap = "*"
tar = "*"
generic-array = "*"
tokio-codec = "*"
actix-web = "*"
glib-sys = "*"
version-sync = "*"
termion = "*"
rocket = "*"
pest = "*"
futures-cpupool = "*"
matches = "*"
slog-term = "*"
rustc_version = "*"
num-bigint = "*"
diesel = "*"
cgmath = "*"
yaml-rust = "*"
serde_urlencoded = "*"
memchr = "*"
bencher = "*"
zip = "*"
slab = "*"
petgraph = "*"
glium = "*"
pest_derive = "*"
percent-encoding = "*"
handlebars = "*"
gobject-sys = "*"
serde_test = "*"
glutin = "*"
futures-preview = "*"
data-encoding = "*"
hmac = "*"
rusqlite = "*"
unicode-segmentation = "*"
typenum = "*"
json = "*"
compiletest_rs = "*"
serde_macros = "*"
prettytable-rs = "*"
fern = "*"
backtrace = "*"
unicode-width = "*"
serde_codegen = "*"
rustyline = "*"
notify = "*"
glib = "*"
r2d2 = "*"
encoding = "*"
threadpool = "*"
sdl2 = "*"
mime_guess = "*"
heck = "*"
net2 = "*"
cast = "*"
bit-vec = "*"
serde_bytes = "*"
derive_more = "*"
argparse = "*"
phf = "*"
linked-hash-map = "*"
errno = "*"
postgres = "*"
indicatif = "*"
termcolor = "*"
pulldown-cmark = "*"
ordered-float = "*"
tiny-keccak = "*"
sha3 = "*"
assert_matches = "*"
ctrlc = "*"
sha-1 = "*"
gtk = "*"
enum_primitive = "*"
crc = "*"
redis = "*"
hyper-native-tls = "*"
gl = "*"
web-sys = "*"
rpassword = "*"
num-complex = "*"
libloading = "*"
actix = "*"
structopt-derive = "*"
slog-async = "*"
libimagerror = "*"
untrusted = "*"
tokio-tls = "*"
tokio-tcp = "*"
sha1 = "*"
derive_builder = "*"
blake2 = "*"
trackable = "*"
syntex = "*"
md5 = "*"
winit = "*"
num-integer = "*"
httparse = "*"
gfx = "*"
simplelog = "*"
directories = "*"
console = "*"
tokio-service = "*"
config = "*"
rusttype = "*"
stdweb = "*"
rmp-serde = "*"
cookie = "*"
pbr = "*"
libimagstore = "*"
rustls = "*"
quick-xml = "*"
js-sys = "*"
unicase = "*"
tokio-executor = "*"
sodiumoxide = "*"
router = "*"
ignore = "*"
cargo = "*"
assert_cmd = "*"
tokio-proto = "*"
objc = "*"
hex-literal = "*"
libflate = "*"
lalrpop-util = "*"
tera = "*"
rand_core = "*"
num-derive = "*"
fs2 = "*"
difference = "*"
simple_logger = "*"
serde_cbor = "*"
humantime = "*"
derivative = "*"
url_serde = "*"
xdg = "*"
tokio-reactor = "*"
open = "*"
linux-embedded-hal = "*"
cortex-m-semihosting = "*"
log4rs = "*"
arrayref = "*"
toml-query = "*"
secp256k1 = "*"
rocket_contrib = "*"
piston_window = "*"
i2cdev = "*"
vec_map = "*"
tokio-uds = "*"
syntex_syntax = "*"
shell-words = "*"
png = "*"
panic-halt = "*"
hostname = "*"
filetime = "*"
x11 = "*"
webpki = "*"
unwrap = "*"
spin = "*"
phf_codegen = "*"
panic-semihosting = "*"
lalrpop = "*"
crossbeam-utils = "*"
cargo_metadata = "*"
bit-set = "*"
websocket = "*"
strum_macros = "*"
jsonrpc-core = "*"
gio-sys = "*"
strum = "*"
# solana-sdk = "*"
ron = "*"
mockito = "*"
core-foundation = "*"
combine = "*"
bufstream = "*"
assert_cli = "*"
Inflector = "*"
unicode-normalization = "*"
quickcheck_macros = "*"
libimagrt = "*"
users = "*"
try_from = "*"
synstructure = "*"
subtle = "*"
spectral = "*"
alga = "*"
tabwriter = "*"
serde-xml-rs = "*"
rand_xorshift = "*"
libimagutil = "*"
html5ever = "*"
encoding_rs = "*"
ws = "*"
euclid = "*"
ed25519-dalek = "*"
diff = "*"
blake2-rfc = "*"
winreg = "*"
version_check = "*"
unicode-xid = "*"
scoped_threadpool = "*"
rust-ini = "*"
piston2d-graphics = "*"
openssl-probe = "*"
itoa = "*"
dbus = "*"
cairo-rs = "*"
app_dirs = "*"
winapi-build = "*"
wasm-bindgen-test = "*"
tokio-threadpool = "*"
specs = "*"
regex-syntax = "*"
predicates = "*"
gstreamer-sys = "*"
gio = "*"
gdk = "*"
curve25519-dalek = "*"
typemap = "*"
stable_deref_trait = "*"
siphasher = "*"
piston = "*"
peg = "*"
bs58 = "*"
webpki-roots = "*"
vecmath = "*"
user32-sys = "*"
term_size = "*"
syntect = "*"
multipart = "*"
gfx_device_gl = "*"
fs_extra = "*"
derive-new = "*"
block-cipher-trait = "*"
widestring = "*"
which = "*"
typed-arena = "*"
select = "*"
scraper = "*"
mysql = "*"
lru-cache = "*"
heapsize = "*"
gtk-sys = "*"
gl_generator = "*"
fibers = "*"
bzip2 = "*"
solana-logger = "*"
slog-stdlog = "*"
scopeguard = "*"
md-5 = "*"
globset = "*"
cocoa = "*"
chan = "*"
assert_approx_eq = "*"
unix_socket = "*"
termios = "*"
stderrlog = "*"
rustc-hex = "*"
rmp = "*"
human-panic = "*"
fxhash = "*"
float-cmp = "*"
erased-serde = "*"
embedded-hal-mock = "*"
bytecodec = "*"
xz2 = "*"
tokio-rustls = "*"
signal-hook = "*"
rocket_codegen = "*"
reproto-core = "*"
quicli = "*"
pistoncore-input = "*"
openssl-sys = "*"
futures-core = "*"
chrono-tz = "*"
thread_profiler = "*"
rustc-demangle = "*"
parity-wasm = "*"
owning_ref = "*"
mount = "*"
likely = "*"
hound = "*"
find_folder = "*"
dialoguer = "*"
cursive = "*"
clear_on_drop = "*"
bitcoin = "*"
zeroize = "*"
unreachable = "*"
tokio-process = "*"
tokio-current-thread = "*"
terminal_size = "*"
protoc-rust = "*"
palette = "*"
notify-rust = "*"
mio-extras = "*"
gfx_window_glutin = "*"
gfx-hal = "*"
geo = "*"
derive-error = "*"
yansi = "*"
twox-hash = "*"
tiny_http = "*"
subprocess = "*"
shlex = "*"
seahash = "*"
rgb = "*"
num-rational = "*"
maidsafe_utilities = "*"
mach = "*"
gfx_core = "*"
fallible-iterator = "*"
exitfailure = "*"
ethereum-bigint = "*"
capnp = "*"
vergen = "*"
trust-dns-resolver = "*"
slog-scope = "*"
pnet = "*"
opaque-debug = "*"
isatty = "*"
futures-core-preview = "*"
foreign-types = "*"
custom_derive = "*"
assert = "*"
xcb = "*"
tokio-signal = "*"
static_assertions = "*"
serial = "*"
serde-value = "*"
pbkdf2 = "*"
pad = "*"
ndarray-rand = "*"
llvm-sys = "*"
juniper = "*"
indoc = "*"
idna = "*"
etcommon-bigint = "*"
core-graphics = "*"
console_error_panic_hook = "*"
clipboard = "*"
bit_field = "*"
wasm-bindgen-futures = "*"
unsigned-varint = "*"
tungstenite = "*"
tokio-fs = "*"
svg = "*"
string_cache = "*"
snap = "*"
shellexpand = "*"
serde_qs = "*"
rustc-hash = "*"
prometheus = "*"
pathdiff = "*"
packed_simd = "*"
libz-sys = "*"
libm = "*"
gstreamer = "*"
goblin = "*"
ethereum-types = "*"
conv = "*"
chan-signal = "*"
cairo-sys-rs = "*"
bigdecimal = "*"
beserial = "*"
zmq = "*"
textwrap = "*"
staticfile = "*"
shader_version = "*"
rand_chacha = "*"
newtype_derive = "*"
mint = "*"
lazycell = "*"
insta = "*"
hyper-openssl = "*"
geo-types = "*"
flexi_logger = "*"
expectest = "*"
elastic-array = "*"
doc-comment = "*"
cbindgen = "*"
bson = "*"
block-buffer = "*"
wayland-client = "*"
wabt = "*"
urlencoded = "*"
unic-ucd-version = "*"
unic-char-range = "*"
rocksdb = "*"
ripemd160 = "*"
pyo3 = "*"
pancurses = "*"
mktemp = "*"
libusb = "*"
libsecp256k1 = "*"
libp2p-core = "*"
jemallocator = "*"
imgui = "*"
hibitset = "*"
gif = "*"
geojson = "*"
err-derive = "*"
enum-primitive-derive = "*"
crypto-mac = "*"
crunchy = "*"
cortex-m-rtfm = "*"
abscissa = "*"
xmltree = "*"
webbrowser = "*"
vulkano = "*"
unindent = "*"
tower-service = "*"
text_io = "*"
# susyp2p-core = "*"
socket2 = "*"
shred = "*"
rustfft = "*"
rustdoc-stripper = "*"
redox_syscall = "*"
plugin = "*"
objc-foundation = "*"
lz4 = "*"
lru_time_cache = "*"
glfw = "*"
getset = "*"
gdk-sys = "*"
fixedbitset = "*"
dpdk-sys = "*"
downcast-rs = "*"
core-foundation-sys = "*"
cargo-husky = "*"
bytecount = "*"
base32 = "*"
aes = "*"
x11-dl = "*"
warp = "*"
wait-timeout = "*"
unic-char-property = "*"
tokio-tungstenite = "*"
tokio-sync = "*"
tls-api = "*"
term-painter = "*"
syntex_errors = "*"
sloggers = "*"
slog-json = "*"
simple-error = "*"
serialport = "*"
rust_sodium = "*"
rodio = "*"
prost = "*"
pistoncore-sdl2_window = "*"
nimiq-hash = "*"
metadeps = "*"
iovec = "*"
heapless = "*"
get_if_addrs = "*"
gdk-pixbuf = "*"
gdi32-sys = "*"
ethereum-hexutil = "*"
duct = "*"
daemonize = "*"
crc16 = "*"
cpal = "*"
bitcoin_hashes = "*"
bio = "*"
allegro_util = "*"
urlencoding = "*"
thread_local = "*"
tendril = "*"
sys-info = "*"
stream-cipher = "*"
simd = "*"
sgx_types = "*"
scoped-tls = "*"
rand_os = "*"
persistent = "*"
ordermap = "*"
nickel = "*"
mustache = "*"
leb128 = "*"
lark-debug-with = "*"
languageserver-types = "*"
kuchiki = "*"
iron-test = "*"
ipnetwork = "*"
htmlescape = "*"
genmesh = "*"
gdk-pixbuf-sys = "*"
futures-io = "*"
fixed-hash = "*"
dtoa = "*"
drone-core = "*"
diesel_migrations = "*"
cpython = "*"
chashmap = "*"
base58 = "*"
anymap = "*"
amethyst_core = "*"
wee_alloc = "*"
uint = "*"
trust-dns-proto = "*"
toml_edit = "*"
tokio-openssl = "*"
thread-id = "*"
sgx-isa = "*"
serde_ignored = "*"
runtime = "*"
rug = "*"
routing = "*"
reproto-manifest = "*"
plist = "*"
piston2d-opengl_graphics = "*"
pango = "*"
openblas-src = "*"
nimiq-keys = "*"
lodepng = "*"
lark-intern = "*"
jsonwebtoken = "*"
inotify = "*"
hidapi = "*"
futures-util-preview = "*"
fst = "*"
ethereum-rlp = "*"
darling = "*"
cty = "*"
conduit = "*"
bodyparser = "*"
actix-service = "*"
zstd = "*"
wayland-sys = "*"
vcpkg = "*"
trust-dns = "*"
syslog = "*"
strfmt = "*"
sputnikvm = "*"
signatory = "*"
shell-escape = "*"
shared_library = "*"
scroll = "*"
scoped-pool = "*"
sample = "*"
rustc-test = "*"
rust_decimal = "*"
rss = "*"
rlua = "*"
reproto-trans = "*"
random = "*"
r2d2_redis = "*"
r2d2_postgres = "*"
prometrics = "*"
procinfo = "*"
pistoncore-glutin_window = "*"
phf_macros = "*"
once_cell = "*"
objc_id = "*"
number_prefix = "*"
num-iter = "*"
nodrop = "*"
ndarray-linalg = "*"
multimap = "*"
mongodb = "*"
miow = "*"
minifb = "*"
linefeed = "*"
libimagentrylink = "*"
lark-string = "*"
keccak-hasher = "*"
integer-encoding = "*"
humansize = "*"
hkdf = "*"
hash-db = "*"
half = "*"
gstreamer-base-sys = "*"
gdnative_bindings_generator = "*"
fuse = "*"
fibers_global = "*"
etcommon-hexutil = "*"
embedded-graphics = "*"
crossterm = "*"
crossbeam-epoch = "*"
codespan = "*"
atsamd-hal = "*"
atomic = "*"
antidote = "*"
aho-corasick = "*"
x25519-dalek = "*"
ws2_32-sys = "*"
tokio-udp = "*"
tk-listen = "*"
tc_core = "*"
sysfs_gpio = "*"
sxd-document = "*"
statrs = "*"
spidev = "*"
rustfmt = "*"
rustbox = "*"
rprompt = "*"
rental = "*"
portaudio = "*"
pistoncore-window = "*"
paste = "*"
object = "*"
numtoa = "*"
macro-attr = "*"
loggerv = "*"
local-encoding = "*"
lettre = "*"
i3ipc = "*"
hyperx = "*"
gimli = "*"
gdnative-common = "*"
filters = "*"
eui48 = "*"
dimensioned = "*"
cranelift-codegen = "*"
constant_time_eq = "*"
conrod = "*"
aster = "*"
ascii = "*"
actix-rt = "*"
abstract-ns = "*"
twoway = "*"
temporary = "*"
take_mut = "*"
susydev-jsonrpc-core = "*"
stdweb-derive = "*"
slug = "*"
sled = "*"
shred-derive = "*"
ryu = "*"
rusoto_dynamodb = "*"
rouille = "*"
rlp = "*"
reproto-backend = "*"
rendy-util = "*"
primal = "*"
pretty-bytes = "*"
piston-texture = "*"
pem = "*"
pcap = "*"
pango-sys = "*"
ocl = "*"
nimiq-primitives = "*"
ncurses = "*"
mopa = "*"
mdbook = "*"
lock_api = "*"
liquid = "*"
libimagentryedit = "*"
libflo_module = "*"
lark-entity = "*"
jni = "*"
inflate = "*"
imgref = "*"
imageproc = "*"
if_chain = "*"
hashmap_core = "*"
grin_util = "*"
gnuplot = "*"
genco = "*"
futures-timer = "*"
futures-await = "*"
exitcode = "*"
evm = "*"
etcommon-rlp = "*"
enum_derive = "*"
cpp_utils = "*"
cookie-factory = "*"
comrak = "*"
collision = "*"
cognitive-qualia = "*"
clang-sys = "*"
capnpc = "*"
built = "*"
brotli = "*"
boolinator = "*"
block-modes = "*"
blas-src = "*"
async-ringbuffer = "*"
amethyst_assets = "*"
allegro-sys = "*"
aes-ctr = "*"
adler32 = "*"
actix-http = "*"
xmas-elf = "*"
vte = "*"
volatile-register = "*"
unsafe-any = "*"
uname = "*"
tui = "*"
tokio-mock-task = "*"
tk-http = "*"
testcontainers = "*"
target-lexicon = "*"
susy-multiaddr = "*"
susy-jsonrpc-core = "*"
stopwatch = "*"
solana-vote-api = "*"
# solana-runtime = "*"
solana-metrics = "*"
shrev = "*"
sgxs = "*"
servo-freetype-sys = "*"
separator = "*"
self_update = "*"
rust-lzma = "*"
rusoto_s3 = "*"
rulinalg = "*"
regex_macros = "*"
quasi = "*"
qt_core = "*"
qt_build_tools = "*"
qrcode = "*"
panic_rtt = "*"
noise = "*"
nimiq-utils = "*"
nimiq-transaction = "*"
nimiq-network-primitives = "*"
nimiq-block = "*"
mkdirp = "*"
mio-uds = "*"
make-cmd = "*"
lru = "*"
lmdb-zero = "*"
libp2p-tcp = "*"
lark-error = "*"
lark-collections = "*"
itertools-num = "*"
is-match = "*"
irc = "*"
interledger-service = "*"
interledger-packet = "*"
httpdate = "*"
gtk-rs-lgpl-docs = "*"
gleam = "*"
flatbuffers = "*"
ethabi = "*"
elf = "*"
dpdk-core = "*"
dot = "*"
cranelift-entity = "*"
cpp = "*"
commandext = "*"
byte-tools = "*"
beserial_derive = "*"
backoff = "*"
autocfg = "*"
atomicwrites = "*"
atomic_immut = "*"
assert_fs = "*"
askama = "*"
amethyst = "*"
RustyXML = "*"
wio = "*"
vulkano-win = "*"
utils = "*"
trybuild = "*"
treexml = "*"
tokio-retry = "*"
textnonce = "*"
sysconf = "*"
syscall = "*"
swagger = "*"
# susyp2p-tcp = "*"
structdoc = "*"
slog-stream = "*"
slice-deque = "*"
shell32-sys = "*"
shaderc = "*"
servo-fontconfig = "*"
security-framework = "*"
sdl2-sys = "*"
rusticata-macros = "*"
rust-base58 = "*"
rppal = "*"
route-recognizer = "*"
rotor = "*"
rlibc = "*"
reproto-naming = "*"
relevant = "*"
relative-path = "*"
ref_slice = "*"
rand_hc = "*"
r2d2-diesel = "*"
prototty_render = "*"
prost-derive = "*"
prost-build = "*"
pom = "*"
permutohedron = "*"
panic-abort = "*"
page_size = "*"
oxygengine-core = "*"
os_type = "*"
orbclient = "*"
ole32-sys = "*"
odds = "*"
nearly_eq = "*"
modifier = "*"
mio-named-pipes = "*"
mac = "*"
log-panics = "*"
loca = "*"
libsodium-sys = "*"
lark-span = "*"
language-tags = "*"
kiss3d = "*"
jsonrpc-http-server = "*"
im = "*"
horrorshow = "*"
grpcio = "*"
grin_core = "*"
gpgme = "*"
gluon = "*"
ggez = "*"
futures-channel-preview = "*"
flame = "*"
escargot = "*"
docmatic = "*"
daggy = "*"
crossbeam-deque = "*"
crc32fast = "*"
coord_2d = "*"
context = "*"
common_failures = "*"
collect-mac = "*"
clock_ticks = "*"
cli_test_dir = "*"
clang = "*"
chrono-humanize = "*"
camera_controllers = "*"
bus = "*"
block = "*"
blake2b_simd = "*"
bcrypt = "*"
argon2rs = "*"
arc-swap = "*"
amethyst_renderer = "*"
allegro = "*"
aesni = "*"
actix-codec = "*"
xkbcommon = "*"
xio_base_datatypes = "*"
wayland-server = "*"
wavefront_obj = "*"
wasmparser = "*"
vulkano-shaders = "*"
varisat-formula = "*"
validators = "*"
v_htmlescape = "*"
utf8-ranges = "*"
unidecode = "*"
tree_magic = "*"
tokio-stdin-stdout = "*"
tobj = "*"
timebomb = "*"
timber = "*"
serde_repr = "*"
semver-parser = "*"
scrypt = "*"
safe_core = "*"
rust-extra = "*"
rusoto_credential = "*"
riker = "*"
rendy-memory = "*"
remove_dir_all = "*"
raw-cpuid = "*"
range = "*"
r0 = "*"
quasi_macros = "*"
qt_gui = "*"
protoc = "*"
procedural-masquerade = "*"
pretty = "*"
parity-codec = "*"
params = "*"
p-macro = "*"
os_pipe = "*"
oauth2 = "*"
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