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Created March 4, 2013 14:47
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Script for å hente album art til album basert på mappestrukturen ([artist]/[album])
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os, re, sys
from urllib import FancyURLopener
class _StealthOpener(FancyURLopener):
version = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:10.0.7) \
Gecko/20120827 Firefox/10.0.7'
def _last_fm(artist, album, opener, directory):
suffix = '+'.join(artist.split()) + '/' + '+'.join(album.split())
for line in'' + suffix):
m = re.findall(r'<img src="(http://userserve\-ak\.last\.fm/' +
'serve/.*\.((png)|(jpg)))" class="album\-cover"', line)
if m: break
if m:
print 'Fetching ' + m[0][0]
os.system('curl -s -A \'' + opener.version + '\' -o "' + directory
+ '/album.' + m[0][1] + '"' + ' ' + m[0][0])
return True
return False
def _seekacover(artist, album, opener, directory):
suffix = '+'.join(artist.split()) + '+' + '+'.join(album.split())
for line in'' + suffix):
m = re.findall(r'http://ecx\.images\-amazon\.com/images/.*L\.jpg', line)
if m: break
if m:
print 'Fetching ' + m[0]
os.system('curl -s -A \'' + opener.version + '\' -o "' + directory
+ '/album.jpg"' + ' ' + m[0])
return True
return False
def _get_art(args, directory, names):
if directory == None: return
elif directory == 0: directory = os.getcwd()
if not '.wav' in str(names): return
artist, album = directory.split(os.sep)[-2:]
print '\nProcessing \'' + artist + ' - ' + album + '\'...'
for ext in ['.jpg', '.png', '.JPG', '.PNG', '.gif', '.GIF']:
if ext in str(names):
print 'Album art already present.'
artist, album = artist.lower(), album.lower()
opener = _StealthOpener()
while True:
album = re.sub(r'\(.+\)|\[.+\]|\-|&|!|\?|\'|\.|:', '', album).strip()
artist = re.sub(r' &|\'|!|\?', r'', artist).strip()
if args['lfm']:
if _last_fm(artist, album, opener, directory): return
print 'Could not find a match for album \'' + album + '\'.'
print 'Trying'
if _seekacover(artist, album, opener, directory): return
print 'seekacover yielded no result.'
if _seekacover(artist, album, opener, directory): return
print 'Could not find a match for album \'' + album + '\'.'
print 'Trying'
if _last_fm(artist, album, opener, directory): return
print ' yielded no result.'
if not args['ask_input']: return
print 'Please specify artist and album to try again, ' + \
'or type \'s\' to skip or \'w\' to switch image provider.'
in1 = raw_input('artist [' + artist + ']: ')
if in1.lower() == 'w':
args['lfm'] = not args['lfm']
if args['lfm']: print 'Switched to'
else: print 'Switched to'
elif in1.lower() == 's':
in2 = raw_input('album [' + album + ']: ')
if in1 != '': artist = in1
if in2 != '': album = in2
if __name__ == '__main__':
inp, r = {'ask_input': True, 'lfm': False}, False
if '-r' in sys.argv: recursive = True
if '-s' in sys.argv: inp['ask_input'] = False
if '-l' in sys.argv: inp['lfm'] = True
if recursive: os.path.walk(os.getcwd(), _get_art, inp)
else: _get_art(True, 0, None)
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