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Created February 28, 2013 08:40
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BoxTypeFactory class.
class BoxTypeFactory
private readonly Type _type;
private readonly TypeBuilder _boxBuilder;
private readonly FieldInfo _field;
private readonly Dictionary<string, MethodBuilder> _specials = new Dictionary<string, MethodBuilder>();
public BoxTypeFactory(Type type, TypeBuilder boxBuilder, FieldInfo field)
_type = type;
_boxBuilder = boxBuilder;
_field = field;
public Type Create()
foreach (MethodInfo m in _type.GetMethods())
if (!IsGetType(m)) CreateProxyMethod(m);
foreach (PropertyInfo p in _type.GetProperties())
return _boxBuilder.CreateType();
private static bool IsGetType(MethodInfo m)
return m.Name == "GetType" && m.GetParameters().Length == 0;
private void CreateProxyMethod(MethodInfo m)
var parameters = m.GetParameters();
// Create a builder for the current method.
var methodBuilder = _boxBuilder.DefineMethod(m.Name,
MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Virtual,
parameters.Select(p => p.ParameterType).ToArray());
var gen = methodBuilder.GetILGenerator();
// Emit opcodes for the method implementation.
// The method should just delegate to the T instance held by the _ field.
gen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); // Load 'this' reference onto the stack.
gen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, _field); // Load 'T' reference onto the stack (popping 'this').
for (int i = 1; i < parameters.Length + 1; i++)
gen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, i); // Load any method parameters onto the stack.
gen.Emit(m.IsVirtual ? OpCodes.Callvirt : OpCodes.Call, m); // Call the method.
gen.Emit(OpCodes.Ret); // Return from method.
// Keep reference to "special" methods (for wiring up properties later).
if (m.IsSpecialName)
_specials[m.Name] = methodBuilder;
private void ConnectPropertyToAccessors(PropertyInfo p)
var paramTypes = p.GetIndexParameters().Select(ip => ip.ParameterType).ToArray();
var pb = _boxBuilder.DefineProperty(p.Name, p.Attributes, p.PropertyType, paramTypes);
WireUpIfExists("get_" + p.Name, pb.SetGetMethod);
WireUpIfExists("set_" + p.Name, pb.SetSetMethod);
private void WireUpIfExists(string accessor, Action<MethodBuilder> wireUp)
if (_specials.ContainsKey(accessor))
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