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Last active August 4, 2021 18:27
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a pragmatic mix of de bruijn indices and levels
{-# language PolyKinds #-}
{-# language BlockArguments #-}
{-# language AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# language StrictData #-}
{-# language DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# language GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# language TypeApplications #-}
{-# language BangPatterns #-}
{-# language NPlusKPatterns #-}
{-# language TypeFamilies #-}
{-# language RoleAnnotations #-}
{-# language ViewPatterns #-}
{-# language StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
{-# language OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# language RankNTypes #-}
{-# language DataKinds #-}
{-# language GADTs #-}
{-# language TypeOperators #-}
{-# language PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# language TypeApplications #-}
{-# language TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# language LambdaCase #-}
{-# language ImportQualifiedPost #-}
module Simple where
import Control.Category
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Bits
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Functor
import Data.IORef
import Data.Kind
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Proxy
import Text.Show.Deriving
import Unsafe.Coerce
import Numeric.Natural
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
-- see types, mostly used because I can't be bothered to strip it out, not important
import Data.Type hiding (SNil, SCons)
import Data.Type.Unsafe
import Data.Type.Equality hiding (apply)
data Icit = I | E
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read,Enum,Bounded)
makeSing ''Icit
-- * De Bruijn Indices
type Ix :: Int -> Type
newtype Ix i = Ix Int
deriving newtype Show
type Ix' :: Int -> Type
data Ix' i where
IZ' :: Ix' (S n)
IS' :: Ix n -> Ix' (S n)
ix' :: Ix i -> Ix' i
ix' (Ix 0) = unsafeCoerce IZ'
ix' (Ix n) = unsafeCoerce (IS' (Ix (n-1)))
pattern IZ :: () => n ~ (S n') => Ix n
pattern IZ <- (ix' -> IZ') where
IZ = Ix 0
pattern IS :: () => n ~ S n' => Ix n' -> Ix n
pattern IS n <- (ix' -> IS' n) where
IS (Ix n) = Ix (n+1)
-- * De Bruijn Levels
type Lvl :: Type
newtype Lvl = Lvl Int
deriving newtype (Eq,Ord,Show,Read,Num,Enum,Real,Integral)
lvlIx :: forall i. Sing i => Lvl -> Ix i
lvlIx (Lvl l) = Ix (reflect @_ @i - l - 1)
ixLvl :: forall i. Sing i => Ix i -> Lvl
ixLvl (Ix l) = Lvl (reflect @_ @i - l - 1)
-- * Environments
type Tree :: Int -> Int -> Type -> Type
type role Tree nominal nominal representational
data Tree i j a where
TTip :: ~a -> Tree (S j) j a
TBin :: ~a -> Tree j k a -> Tree k l a -> Tree (S j) l a
instance Functor (Tree i j) where
fmap f (TTip a) = TTip (f a)
fmap f (TBin a l r) = TBin (f a) (fmap f l) (fmap f r)
instance Foldable (Tree i j) where
foldMap f (TTip a) = f a
foldMap f (TBin a l r) = f a <> foldMap f l <> foldMap f r
instance Traversable (Tree i j) where
traverse f (TTip a) = TTip <$> f a
traverse f (TBin a l r) = TBin <$> f a <*> traverse f l <*> traverse f r
-- TODO: functor, foldable, traversable, applicative, monad
type Vec :: Int -> Type -> Type
type role Vec nominal representational
data Vec n a where
TCons :: Int -> Int -> Tree n m a -> Vec m a -> Vec n a
Nil :: Vec Z a
instance Functor (Vec n) where
fmap _ Nil = Nil
fmap f (TCons s n t xs) = TCons s n (fmap f t) (fmap f xs)
instance Foldable (Vec n) where
foldMap _ Nil = mempty
foldMap f (TCons s n t xs) = foldMap f t <> foldMap f xs
null Nil = True
null _ = False
length Nil = 0
length (TCons s _ _ _) = s
-- TODO: functor, foldable, traversable, applicative, monad
type Vec' :: Int -> Type -> Type
type role Vec' nominal representational
data Vec' n a where
Nil' :: Vec' Z i
Cons' :: ~a -> Vec n a -> Vec' (S n) a
vcons :: a -> Vec j a -> Vec (S j) a
vcons a (TCons s n l (TCons _ m r xs))
| n == m = TCons (s+1) (2*n+1) (TBin a l r) xs
vcons a xs = TCons (1 + length xs) 1 (TTip a) xs
upVec :: Vec i a -> Vec' i a
upVec Nil = Nil'
upVec (TCons _ _ (TTip a) xs) = Cons' a xs
upVec (TCons s n (TBin a l r) xs) = Cons' a $ TCons (s-1) n' l $ TCons (s-1-n') n' r xs
where n' = unsafeShiftR n 1
pattern (:*) :: () => n ~ S m => a -> Vec m a -> Vec n a
pattern v :* e <- (upVec -> Cons' v e) where
v :* e = vcons v e
infixr 5 :*
{-# complete Nil, (:*) #-}
index :: Vec i a -> Ix i -> a
index = go where
go :: Vec i a -> Ix i -> a
go (TCons _ n t xs) !m@(Ix im)
| n <= im = go xs (Ix (im-n))
| otherwise = goTree n t m
go Nil _ = panic
goTree :: Int -> Tree j k a -> Ix j -> a
goTree _ (TTip a) IZ = a
goTree _ (TTip _) _ = panic
goTree _ (TBin a _ _) IZ = a
goTree n (TBin _ l r) m@(Ix im)
| im <= n' = goTree n' l $ Ix (im - 1)
| otherwise = goTree n' r $ Ix (im - n' - 1)
where n' = unsafeShiftR n 1
-- * Expressions
type Name = String
type Ty = Tm
data Tm i where
Var :: Ix i -> Tm i
App :: Icit -> Tm i -> Tm i -> Tm i
Lam :: Name -> Icit -> Ty i -> Tm (S i) -> Tm i
Let :: Name -> Ty i -> Tm i -> Tm (S i) -> Tm i
Pi :: Name -> Icit -> Ty i -> Ty (S i) -> Tm i
U :: Tm i
-- * Semantic Domain
type Val :: Type
data Val where
VLam :: Name -> Icit -> ~VTy -> EVal -> Val -- type is lazy
VPi :: Name -> Icit -> ~VTy -> EVTy -> Val -- type is lazy
VVar :: Lvl -> Sp -> Val
VU :: Val
type VTy = Val
type EVal = Val -> IO Val
type EVTy = EVal
lvlVar :: Sing i => Lvl -> Tm i
lvlVar h = Var (lvlIx h)
topLvl :: forall (i::Int). SingI i => Lvl
topLvl = Lvl (reflect @Int @i)
topVal :: forall (i::Int). SingI i => Val
topVal = VVar (topLvl @i) SNil
data Sp where
SNil :: Sp
SApp :: Icit -> Sp -> ~Val -> Sp -- arg is lazy
{-# complete SNil, SApp #-}
panic :: a
panic = error "panic"
-- * Utilities
lazily :: IO a -> IO a
lazily = unsafeInterleaveIO
type Vals :: Int -> Type
type Vals i = Vec i Val
vskip :: Vals i -> Vals (S i)
vskip vs = VVar (Lvl $ length vs) SNil :* vs
-- * Evaluation
lazilyEval :: Vals i -> Tm i -> IO Val
lazilyEval e t = lazily (eval e t)
eval :: Vals i -> Tm i -> IO Val
eval e (Var n) = pure $ index e n
eval e (App i f x) = do
fv <- eval e f
xv <- lazilyEval e x
apply i fv xv
eval e (Lam n i t b) = do
tv <- lazilyEval e t
pure $ VLam n i tv \v -> eval (v :* e) b
eval e (Let _ _ d b) = do
v <- lazilyEval e d
eval (v :* e) b
eval e (Pi n i t b) = do
tv <- lazilyEval e t
pure $ VPi n i tv \v -> eval (v :* e) b
eval _ U = pure VU
apply :: Icit -> Val -> Val -> IO Val
apply _ (VLam _ _ _ f) v = f v
apply i (VVar h s) v = pure $ VVar h (SApp i s v)
apply _ _ _ = panic
applySp :: Val -> Sp -> IO Val
applySp h SNil = pure h
applySp h (SApp i sp u) = do
sp' <- applySp h sp
apply i sp' u
quote :: forall n. Sing n => Val -> IO (Tm n)
quote (VLam n i t b) = do
t' <- quote t
Lam n i t' <$> do
v' <- b (topVal @n)
quote v'
quote (VPi n i t b) = do
t' <- quote t
Pi n i t' <$> do
v' <- b (topVal @n)
quote v'
quote (VVar h s) = quoteSp s (lvlVar h)
quote VU = pure U
quoteSp :: Sing i => Sp -> Tm i -> IO (Tm i)
quoteSp SNil e = pure e
quoteSp (SApp i s x) e = App i <$> quoteSp s e <*> quote x
nf :: Sing j => Vals i -> Tm i -> IO (Tm j)
nf e t = eval e t >>= quote
deriveShow ''Tm
-- * Tests
ki :: IO Val
ki = do
i <- lazilyEval Nil $ Lam "x" E U $ Var IZ
k <- lazilyEval Nil $ Lam "x" E U $ Lam "y" E U $ Var (IS IZ)
eval (i :* k :* Nil) $ App E (Var (IS IZ)) (Var IZ)
main :: IO ()
main = do
test <- ki
test' <- quote @Z test
print test'
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